DFTB has been extended by the recent GFN1-xTB method from Grimme, allowing for highly efficient quantum tight-binding calculations of all elements up to Z = 86.
MOPAC has been fully integrated as an engine in the Amsterdam Modeling Suite, significantly speeding up AMS runs using MOPAC, including pre-optimiziation in the GUI.
Our ReaxFF now includes OpenMP parallelization, which can considerably speed up calculations on relatively small scale simulations on a single node.
We have made considerable efforts to help the user in making new and reparameterizing existing ReaxFF force fields. The command line utility rxffutil can help with reformatting external force fields and setting parameter space options for training new ones. See also the new ADFtrain GUI module for handling training sets and ReaxFF force field files, and the tutorial on ReaxFF force field reparametrization.
The useful PLAMS Python scripting environment now includes AMS-MOPAC support. PLAMS has also been expanded with improved restart and molecule manipulation options as well as worked out Python recipes & examples.