ADF at DFT2007 in Amsterdam
Meet SCM staff members and learn more about the most recent ADF developments at our booth or during the ADF overview presentation at the DFT2007 conference. SCM also organizes an ADF workshop. The DFT2007 conference will take place in our home town: Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from August 26-30, 2007. DFT2007 is the 12th edition of the International Conference on the Applications of Density Functional Theory in Chemistry and Physics. The DFT2007 conference as well as the ADF booth, the ADF overview presentation, and the ADF workshop are held in the Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam.
ADF overview presentation
The ADF overview presentation will be held from 18.00-19.00 on Tuesday August 28, 2007.
ADF workshop
The ADF workshop takes place on Thursday afternoon (around 13.30-15.30), August 30, 2007, after the official scientific program of the DFT2007 conference has ended. If you are interested in attending this workshop, plan your return flight accordingly and please fill in the ADF workshop registration form. Note that you need to submit this form in order to participate, however, filling in this form does not guarantee participation.