
Bug-fixes and improvements to the Amsterdam Modeling Suite 2024.1, with the latest changes listed first. The revision number corresponds to that of the bug-fixed binaries.

  • GUI: do not use updatevtk in exported version

  • MacOS: improve the machine ID used for license checking

  • e-Reaxff: Fixed a bug that could lead to MPI errors for large systems with relatively few explicit electrons/holes.

  • PLAMS: fix packmol interface if molecule charges were read in from file

  • Params GUI: when trying to use suggested weights after a sensitivity run without selecting training entries to update, give some informative dialog.

  • AMSinput: fix the ACE reaction network panel in the Model menu (did only show the first molecule for reactants etc).

  • AMSinput: fix importing / opening of files with .poscar or .contcar extension.

  • Documentation(BAND): Added missing 1s frozen core for for Al-Ar.


AMSinput: fix importing multiple molecules at once.

  • AMSinput: do not use fragoccupations key for repeated fragments, and if the total charge check in that case.

  • AMSinput: items were not properly enabled for MLPotential.


COSMO-RS manual: Fix in documenting how Henry’s law dimensionless constant is calculated.

  • AMS MD: Fix checking of Deformation input options TargetLength and LengthVelocity. Negative values of TargetLength were silently ignored instead of causing an error, and using LengthVelocity could potentially make AMS crash on start-up.

  • Fix issue with symlinks to a missing lstopo executable.

  • Changed development versioning scheme to rYYMMDD


PLAMS: Apply fix to AMSRedoxScreeningJob disable rerun prevention for ADFCOSMORSCompoundJob.


ADF: fix memory leak in ADF engine that could cause out-of-memory issues for jobs that called the ADF engine many times (e.g. MD). Also improved performance of input reading for the ADF engine.


ParAMS GUI: Fix potential issue with the unit preferences used for importing results.

r122055: AMS2024.102 released (Jun 10th, 2024)


QE: Fix a bug in the startqe script which made QuantumESPRESSO property calculations fail to start when running across several nodes under SLURM. Non-SLURM systems are still affected by a related issue, causing QE to use too many OpenMP threads for the property programs in multi-node runs, slowing them down. This can be worked around by setting the OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable appropriately.


ParAMS GUI: do not modify the ParAMS engine when one is defined but no parameters are used.


PLAMS: Fix a crash in the AMSRedoxScreeningJob recipe.

  • QE: Fixed an issue with the QuantumESPRESSO engine giving wrong results if the symmetry of a system broke during the lifetime of a worker. The underlying issue was that the QE engine did not redetermine the k-points upon symmetry breaking. The actual bug has been fixed in the 7.1-115 version of the QuantumESPRESSO package installable via AMSpackages, so updating the package will fix the issue also in AMS2024.101. This revision only updates the reference output of the LatticeOptimization example, which has changed slightly due to the changes in QE.

  • AMSdriver: Fixed an issue with the EngineDebugging%ForceContinous PES not working anymore.


AMSinput: QE DOS panel was only reachable via the More button, the menu entry was missing.


APPLE&P: fixed a bug that would make assignment of atom sub-type incorrect in some rare cases.

  • Engine ASE: PerformanceClass is no longer initialised randomly when not present in the input.

  • Engine ASE: The File keyword in the Engine ASE block now works with any filename, while previously an error was reported if the extension was not .py.

  • ParAMS: Fitting with NequIP now works also for jobs with different numbers of atoms.


ADF and Band: Show printed atomic coordinates in input order in case of QTAIM.


AMSview: Show QTAIM CP and BP coordinates in balloon text in Angstrom (instead of Bohr).


AMSinput: Fix the “Builder” that fills a periodic box with molecules, which would give an integer overflow error.


PLAMS: Allow small deviations from orthorhombic cells in the packmol_on_slab function.


AMSmovie: Fix the Filter Categories menu option for Reaction Discovery results on Windows.


AMSdriver: CopyRestartTrajectory was broken in combination with molecular gun.


AMSinput: DFTB NEGF remove potential button was broken.


AMSinput: make molecule gun work with simple active learning.


Active Learning: Decreased default value of MinR2 gradient checker to 0.2. This helps to prevent the AL loop from getting stuck when starting from geometry-optimized structures.


Active Learning: Prevent TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'NoneType' and 'float' crash for failed reference calculations when evaluating gradient accuracy.


AMSkinetics: fix help balloon for temperature runs.


AMSmovie: For EON results with an energy profile, for fragmented states, show the correct amount of molecules in the molecule formula label.


AMSspectra: Fix opening multiple files that are similarly named.


AMSinput: options called _Space where showing that should be blank lines.


GUI: Save with the correct extension on Linux when more options are possible (e.g. when exporting images).


AMSinput: Fix flickering issue when using the new Show Info Axes and Planes info panel.


AMSinput: Fix keybindings, such as the delete and element hotkeys, after changing certain visualization options (e.g. the 3D view options).


ADF and BAND: fix for OPBE Grimme3 zero-damping.


Params gui: make sure copy of molecule structure works when using Copy with focus on the molecule window.


Params gui: fix display of datapoint markers in plots on Windows.


BAND: Reduce non shared memory usage for BAND MetaGGA gradients. Band could crash during xc part of the energy gradients for systems with many atoms.


AMSview: fix picking up atomic vectors automatically.


AMSinput: allow spinflip spin-orbit calculations with BAND.


BAND: For non collinear calculation print the atomic magnetization (using Hirshfeld weights) in the text output.


AMSmovie: Fixed plotting the MD Property -> Step curve.


FlexMD: Fixed some bugs. Can now compute RDF for big systems.


Analysis: Fixed an overflow bug in the RDF

r121099: AMS2024.101 released (Apr 25th, 2024)