Appendix A. Environment Variables¶
As of the 2016.102 version, if you start the MacOSX ADF-GUI application the environment defined by your shell startup scripts is ignored. Instead the bundled ADF is used, and environment variables may be defined in a file $HOME/.scmenv.
The following environment varables must always be set for all ADF versions.
ADFHOME: full path of the ADF installation directory, for example, $HOME/adf2016.01.
ADFBIN: full path ADF directory with binaries, typically set to $ADFHOME/bin.
ADFRESOURCES: full path of the directory with the ADF database (basis sets and so on), typically set to $ADFHOME/atomicdata
SCMLICENSE: full path-name of the license file, for example $ADFHOME/license.txt.
SCM_DOMAINCHECK: set to yes if you have a license based on your domain info (DNS). If it is defined but no proper DNS sever is available, delays will often occur.
SCM_TMPDIR: full path of the directory where all processes will create their temporary files. See also Section 2.5 and the special section on SCM_TMPDIR below.
The following environment variable may be required at run-time by a parallel version.
NSCM: The number of processes to be used in a particular calculation. This variable should only be set per job. Do not add any NSCM definitions to your shell resource files. Please note that the NSCM value is typically ignored in job submitted through a batch system because then the number of processors is determined by the batch job’s properties.
SCM_MACHINEFILE full path-name of the file containing a list nodes to use for a job; Important: this variable should only be set if multiple computers are used without any batch system and then it should be set on the per-job basis. The file pointed to by the variable must already exist and it must contain a list of nodes on which a particular job is about to be executed, possibly with their processor count.
SCM_USE_LOCAL_IMPI this applies only to IntelMPI distributions. Setting this environment variable to not be empty will disable the IntelMPI runtime environment shipped with the adf distribution, allowing the use of a local IntelMPI installation. The environment must be properly set up on the machine, meaning I_MPI_ROOT must be set, and mpirun should be in the PATH, and the libraries must be in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
The following environment variables are relevant for the GUI modules.
SCM_ERROR_MAIL: e-mail address for error reports
SCM_GUIRC: location of the preferences file, by default $HOME/.scm_guirc
SCM_GUIPREFSDIR: location of the preferences folder, by default $HOME/.scm_gui/ (available since ADF2013.01b)
SCM_TPLDIR: location of the templates directory, by default no extra templates are loaded
SCM_STRUCTURES: location of the structures directory, by default no extra structures are loaded
SCM_RESULTDIR: location of the results directory, by default the current directory used
DISPLAY: specifies the X-window display to use and is required for all X11 programs on Linux/Unix and Mac OS X. On MaC OS X you should typically not set it as it will be set automatically. Setting it will break this.
SCM_MOPAC: command to start MOPAC, by default the $ADFBIN/mopac.scm shell script will be used
SCM_QUEUES: path to the dynamic queues directory, by default ADFjobs will search the remote $HOME/.scmgui file The following environment variables are relevant for source distributions only, and only at the configure time.
MPIDIR and MATHDIR: see Section 3.2 The following environment variables may be set to modify other aspects of ADF execution. All of them are optional and some are used for debugging only.
SCM_GPUENABLED Envrionment flag to turn GPU acceleration on or off. Only works for the CUDA-enabled binaries. Setting this variable to TRUE turns GPU acceleration on, setting it to FALSE turns it off. If the input contains the keyblock GPUENABLED, a FALSE in the environment variable will be ignored.
SCM_IOBUFFERSIZE Most programs within the ADF package use the KF I/O library. This library has a built-in caching mechanism that keeps parts of the files in memory. This allows to reduce the amount of the disk I/O significantly. The default buffer size depends on the platform and is typically set to 64 megabytes, which should be sufficient for running small jobs without much disk I/O. In some cases you can have a major performance improvement by making this buffer much larger, for example 512MB. You can do this by setting the SCM_IOBUFFERSIZE environment variable to a number corresponding to the buffer size in megabytes. Please try for yourself, with your typical calculation on your production machine to find out the optimal value for your situation.
SCM_VECTORLENGTH Almost all programs within the ADF package use numerical integration, and this is normally the most time-consuming part of the code. Numerical integration involves summing together results for each ‘integration point’. The best performance is achieved when handling a number of points at the same time. The number of integration points handled together is called the block length or the vector length. If the block length is too small, you will have a significant overhead and the programs may become very slow. If the block length is too large, lots of data will not fit in the processor cache and again the program will not run at the maximum speed. The optimal block length is somewhere in between, ranging from 32 to 4096 depending on your hardware. Sometimes it pays off to set the block length explicitly NOT to a power of 2 to avoid memory bank conflicts. Again, try it yourself with your typical calculation on your production machine to find out the optimal value for your situation. On most machines, the default 128 is a good value.
SCM_SHAR_EXCEPTIONS: setting this variable to “*” disables the use of shared arrays.
SCM_DEBUG: setting this to a non-empty string will cause each MPI rank to print values of relevant environment variables and some messages about copying files to/from SCM_TMPDIR.
SCM_NOMEMCHECK: setting this to a non-empty string disables checks on memory allocation failures. The usefulness of this variable is questionable.**SCM_NODOMAINCHECK**: setting this to a non-empty string disables DNS requests when verifying the license. Use this variable if you experience long delays at the start of each calculation.
SCM_TRACETIMER: setting this to a non-empty string will produce additional output on entry/exit to/from internal timers.
SCM_DEBUG_ALL: setting this to yes is equivalent to specifying DEBUG $ALL in the input
More on the SCM_TMPDIR variable¶
Below we will explain in more detail how does the SCM_TMPDIR environment work. Every parallel job consists of one master and one or more slave tasks. Master and slaves behave a bit differently with respect to their scratch directories.
Slave processes
Slave processes will always create a directory for their scratch files in $SCM_TMPDIR and chdir to it to avoid any risk that shared files are updated by more that one process at the same time. For efficiency reasons, that directory should reside on a local disk unless you are using very, very fast shared file system for large files. You need write access to that directory, and the file system should have enough free space. Please note that the SCM_TMPDIR environment variable will be passed from the master to slaves. After the job is finished, slave processes will delete their scratch directories. This can disabled by setting the SCM_DEBUG environment variable to any text, for example, to “yes”. In this case the scratch directory and all its contects will be left intact. This directory will also be left behind when a job has crashed or has been killed. Each slave writes its text output to a file called KidOutput located in its scratch directory. In case of an error this file will likely contain some sensible error message. If an error occurs and a slave process exits in a cotrollable way then in order to avoid losing the file ADF will copy the file to the directory, from which the job was started, as KidOutput__#, where # is the process’ rank.
Master process or serial runs
The master process (which is the only process in a serial run) will also create its temporary files in its own sub-directory of $SCM_TMPDIR. There are some exceptions. Some files, such as logfile and TAPE13, will be created in the directory where ADF was started because they are not performance-critical but are convenient to have in the current directory for different reasons. For example, logfile is nice to have in the current directory in order to follow the calculation progress and the TAPE13 is an emergency restart file that can be used if ADF crashes or is killed. At the end of a calculation, the master will copy all result files from its scratch directory to the directory where it was started.