3.1. Settings

The Settings class provides a general purpose data container for various kinds of information that need to be stored and processed by PLAMS environment. Other PLAMS objects (like for example Job, JobManager or GridRunner) have their own Settings instances that store data defining and adjusting their behavior. The global scope Settings instance (config) is used for global settings.

It should be stressed here that there are no different types of Settings in the sense that there are no special subclasses of Settings for job settings, global settings etc. Everything is stored in the same type of object and the possible role of particular Settings instance is determined only by its content.

3.1.1. Tree-like structure

The Settings class is based on the regular Python dictionary (built-in class dict, tutorial can be found here) and in many aspects works just like it:

>>> s = Settings()
>>> s['abc'] = 283
>>> s[147147] = 'some string'
>>> print(s['abc'])
>>> del s[147147]

The main difference is that data in Settings can be stored in multilevel fashion, whereas an ordinary dictionary is just a flat structure of key-value pairs. That means a sequence of keys can be used to store a value. In the example below s['a'] is itself a Settings instance with two key-value pairs inside:

>>> s = Settings()
>>> s['a']['b'] = 'AB'
>>> s['a']['c'] = 'AC'
>>> s['x']['y'] = 10
>>> s['x']['z'] = 13
>>> s['x']['foo'][123] = 'even deeper'
>>> s['x']['foo']['bar'] = 183
>>> print(s)
  b:    AB
  c:    AC
      123:  even deeper
      bar:  183
  y:    10
  z:    13
>>> print(s['x'])
    123:    even deeper
    bar:    183
y:  10
z:  13

So now a value stored for each key can be either a “proper value” (string, number, list etc.) or another Settings instance that creates one more level in the data hierarchy. That way similar information can be arranged in subgroups that can be copied, moved and updated separately. It is convenient to think of a Settings object as a tree. The root of the tree is the top instance (s in the above example), “proper values” are stored in leaves (a leaf is a childless node) and internal nodes correspond to nested Settings instances (we will call them branches). Tree representation of s from the example above is illustrated on the following picture:


Tree-like structure could be also achieved with regular dictionaries, but in a rather cumbersome way:

>>> d = dict()
>>> d['a'] = dict()
>>> d['a']['b'] = dict()
>>> d['a']['b']['c'] = dict()
>>> d['a']['b']['c']['d'] = 'ABCD'
>>> s = Settings()
>>> s['a']['b']['c']['d'] = 'ABCD'

In the last line of the above example all intermediate Settings instances are created and inserted automatically. Such a behavior, however, has some downsides – every time you request a key that is not present in a particular Settings instance (for example as a result of a typo), a new empty instance is created and inserted as a value of this key. This is different from dictionaries where exception is raised in such a case:

>>> d = dict()
>>> d['foo'] = 'bar'
>>> x = d['fo']
KeyError: 'fo'
>>> s = Settings()
>>> s['foo'] = 'bar'
>>> x = s['fo']

>>> print s
foo:    bar

3.1.2. Dot notation

To avoid inconvenient punctuation, keys stored in Settings can be accessed using the dot notation in addition to the usual bracket notation. In other words s.abc works as a shortcut for s['abc']. Both notations can be used interchangeably:

>>> s.a.b = 'AB'
>>> s['a'].c = 'AC'
>>> s.x['y'] = 10
>>> s['x']['z'] = 13
>>> s['x'].foo[123] = 'even deeper'
>>> s.x.foo.bar = 183
>>> print(s)
  b:    AB
  c:    AC
      123:  even deeper
      bar:  183
  y:    10
  z:    13

Due to internal limitation of the Python syntax parser, keys other than single word strings won’t work with that shortcut, for example:

>>> s.123.b.c = 12
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> s.q we.r.t.y = 'aaa'
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> s.5fr = True
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

In those cases one has to use the regular bracket notation:

>>> s[123].b.c = 12
>>> s['q we'].r.t.y = 'aaa'
>>> s['5fr'] = True

The dot shortcut does not work for keys which begin and end with two (or more) underscores (like '__key__'). This is done on purpose to ensure that Python magic methods work properly.

3.1.3. Global settings

Global settings (variables adjusting general behavior of PLAMS as well as default settings for various objects) are stored in a public Settings instance named config. This instance is created during initialization of PLAMS environment (see init()) and populated by executing plams_defaults.py. It is publicly visible from everywhere without a need of import so every time you wish to adjust some settings you can simply type in your script, for example:

config.job.pickle = False
config.sleepstep = 10

These changes are going to affect only the script they are called from. If you wish to permanently change some setting for all PLAMS executions, you can do it by editing plams_defaults.py. This file is located in utils subfolder and contains definitions of all config entries together with short explanations of their roles.


config is made visible from everywhere by being added to built-ins namespace in __builtin__ module.

3.1.4. API

class Settings(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Automatic multi-level dictionary. Subclass of built-in dict.

The shortcut dot notation (s.basis instead of s['basis']) can be used for keys that:
  • are strings
  • don’t contain whitespaces
  • begin with a letter or underscore
  • don’t both begin and end with two or more underscores.

Strings used as keys always get lowercased, so s.basis, s.BASIS and s.Basis all refer to the same value.

Iteration follows lexicographical order (via sorted() function)

Methods for displaying content (__str__() and __repr__()) are overridden to recursively show nested instances in easy-readable format.

Regular dictionaries (also multi-level ones) used as values (or passed to the constructor) are automatically transformed to Settings instances:

>>> s = Settings({'a': {1: 'a1', 2: 'a2'}, 'b': {1: 'b1', 2: 'b2'}})
>>> s.a[3] = {'x': {12: 'q', 34: 'w'}, 'y': 7}
>>> print(s)
  1:    a1
  2:    a2
      12:   q
      34:   w
    y:  7
  1:    b1
  2:    b2

When requested key is not present, add it with an empty Settings instance as a value.

This method is essential for automatic insertions in deeper levels. Without it things like:

>>> s = Settings()
>>> s.a.b.c = 12

will not work.


Like regular __getitem__, but if name is a string, lowercase it.

__setitem__(name, value)[source]

Like regular __setitem__, but if name is a string, lowercase it.


Like regular __delitem__, but if name is a string, lowercase it.


If name is not a magic method, redirect it to __getitem__.

__setattr__(name, value)[source]

If name is not a magic method, redirect it to __setitem__.


If name is not a magic method, redirect it to __delitem__.


Print contents with indent spaces of indentation. Recursively used for printing nested Settings instances with proper indentation.


Iteration through keys follows lexicographical order.


Magic method used when an instance of Settings is pickled.

All stored values that have _settings_reduce method defined are reduced according to that method. _settings_reduce should take no arguments (other than self) and return picklable object (preferably a string).

Settings instances are present in many different places of PLAMS environment. Usually values stored in them are simple numbers, strings or booleans. However, in some contexts other type of objects are stored and it sometimes causes problems with pickling. Problematic objects can then define _settings_reduce method to avoid failure on pickle attempt.


Return a new instance that is a copy of this one. Nested Settings instances are copied recursively, not linked.

In practice this method usually works as a complete deep copy – all keys and values in returned copy are distinct from originals unless one of the original “proper values” (i.e. not nested Settings) is of the mutable type. In that case both original and copy will point to the same mutable object. This behavior is illustrated by the following example:

>>> s = Settings()
>>> s.a = 'string'
>>> s.b = ['l','i','s','t']
>>> s.x.y = 12
>>> s.x.z = {'s','e','t'}
>>> c = s.copy()
>>> s.a += 'word'
>>> s.b += [3]
>>> s.x.u = 'new'
>>> s.x.y += 10
>>> s.x.z.add(1)
>>> print(c)
a:  string
b:  ['l', 'i', 's', 't', 3]
  y:    12
  z:    set([1, 's', 'e', 't'])
>>> print(s)
a:  stringword
b:  ['l', 'i', 's', 't', 3]
  u:    new
  y:    22
  z:    set([1, 's', 'e', 't'])

This method is also used when copy.copy() is called.


Update this instance with data from other, but do not overwrite existing keys. Nested Settings instances are soft-updated recursively.

In the following example s and o are previously prepared Settings instances:

>>> print(s)
a:  AA
b:  BB
  y1:   XY1
  y2:   XY2
>>> print(o)
a:  O_AA
c:  O_CC
  y1:   O_XY1
  y3:   O_XY3
>>> s.soft_update(o)
>>> print(s)
a:  AA        #original value s.a not overwritten by o.a
b:  BB
c:  O_CC
  y1:   XY1   #original value s.x.y1 not overwritten by o.x.y1
  y2:   XY2
  y3:   O_XY3

Other can also be a regular dictionary. Of course in that case only top level keys are updated.

Shortcut A += B can be used instead of A.soft_update(B).


Update this instance with data from other, overwriting existing keys. Nested Settings instances are updated recursively.

In the following example s and o are previously prepared Settings instances:

>>> print(s)
a:  AA
b:  BB
  y1:   XY1
  y2:   XY2
>>> print(o)
a:  O_AA
c:  O_CC
  y1:   O_XY1
  y3:   O_XY3
>>> s.update(o)
>>> print(s)
a:  O_AA        #original value s.a overwritten by o.a
b:  BB
c:  O_CC
  y1:   O_XY1   #original value s.x.y1 overwritten by o.x.y1
  y2:   XY2
  y3:   O_XY3

Other can also be a regular dictionary. Of course in that case only top level keys are updated.


Return new instance of Settings that is a copy of this instance soft-updated with other.

Shortcut A + B can be used instead of A.merge(B).

Methods update() and soft_update() are complementary. Given two Settings instances A and B, the command A.update(B) would result in A being exactly the same as B would be after B.soft_update(A).