#!/bin/sh # As an example of a Franck-Condon calculation, lets look at the transition of # NO2 to NO2 - . NO2 is a small molecule with only three vibrational modes. # Putting an extra electron on the molecule will cause a big displacement, # resulting in large electron-phonon couplings. # In general, the larger the molecule, the smaller the displacement and hence # the electron-phonon couplings and Franck-Condon factors. Moreover, larger # molecules have more vibrational modes, meaning that the already smaller # displacement will generally be smeared out over more modes, resulting in an # additional decrease in electron-phonon couplings. This is fortunate, since the # number of Franck-Condon factors increases factorially with the number of # vibrational modes, making it prohibitively expensive to take more than a few # vibrational quanta into account for most molecules. # In order to calculate the Franck-Condon factors for Nitrite and Nitrogen # dioxide, the equilibrium positions of the nuclei and the vibrational modes # have to be obtained: $ADFBIN/adf <