#! /bin/sh # This example illustrates advanced usage of the bond energy decomposition # scheme used in ADF. # This example shows the energy decomposition analysis of NaCl with # neutral fragments: Na and Cl, both open shell atoms # See also the example with ionic fragments: Na+ and Cl-. # A proper decomposition of an electron-pair bond energy requires specifying # opposite spins for the unpaired electrons of the respective radical fragments, # which can be done with the input key FragOccupations. The specified alpha- and # beta-spin configurations of the radical fragments are shown in the output # section B U I L D. # Please note that if one neglects explicitly specifying opposite spins for the # unpaired electrons of the fragments, each of them is treated as being half an # alpha and half a beta electron and consequently, they enter into a spurious # Pauli repulsive interaction. This results, among others, into the Pauli # repulsion term being too repulsive and the orbital interaction term being too # much stabilizing. # The example consists of an analysis of the Na-Cl single bond between two # open shell atoms. For technical reasons these atoms must be calculated spin-restricted. # The proper spins are then specified in the calculation of the overall molecule using the # FragOccupations key. Note that this implies a slight # approximation because the bond energy computed in this way refers to the # energy difference between closed-shell NaCl and two open shell atoms that are # described by orbitals from a spin-restricted SCF calculation, which have been # given an unrestricted occupation. In other words, the set of alpha- and beta- # spin orbitals are identical and the effect of spin polarization is missing. In # practice, this leads to minor energy differences with respect to the correct # bond energy, that is, the energy difference between closed-shell NaCl and the two # open shell atoms treated in the unrestricted mode, i.e., for which the set of # alpha- and beta-spin orbitals are allowed to relax toward different solutions # in the SCF procedure. This correction term can be computed directly by # carrying out an unrestricted computation of the Na and Cl atom using the spin # restricted atoms as a fragment. # Note that the spin-restricted Cl atom that is used as fragment is given an electron # configuration that is so called # 'prepared for bonding' in order to minimize # the Pauli repulsion in the electron pair bond. # In this case it means that there is a hole in the valence Cl p_z orbital, # that will later form an electron pair bond with the valence s orbital of Na. # The pure orbital interaction effect of forming the electron bonding combination # of the two radicals can be isolated from the full orbital interaction by carrying out a # separate calculation. In this calculation the bond energy analysis is performed in # the absence of any virtual fragment orbitals, using the key REMOVEALLFRAGVIRTUALS. $ADFBIN/adf<