GUI Environment Variables

As of the 2016.102 version, if you start the MacOSX ADF-GUI application the environment defined by your shell startup scripts is ignored. Instead the bundled ADF is used, and environment variables may be defined in a file $HOME/.scmenv and/or /Libary/Application Support/SCM/scmenv.

In the following list the environment variables that are specific for the ADF-GUI are listed (the normal environment variables like ADFHOME, ADFBIN and SCMLICENSE are also used by the ADF-GUI):

DISPLAY: X-window display to use, when using ssh normally you should NOT set it manually. It is required (for all X11 programs) except on Windows.

PSEUDO_DIR: Path to the folder containing Quantum ESPRESSO pseudo potential files. If not set, a standard search path is used.

SCM_ADFREPORT_PLAIN: No labels or units in adfreport output. Not set by default.

SCM_BROWSER: The HTML browser used for both local and remote documents (not for Windows or Mac). Default value: none (the PATH will be searched).

SCM_DEBUG: Turn on many debug items in ADF and avoid clean-up by GUI. Not set by default.

SCM_DEBUG_SSH: Set to yes to debug communication issues: all non-multiplexed ssh commands will be printed to stderr. Set to all to see all SSH commands, even if multiplexed. Not set by default.

SCM_ERROR_MAIL: E-mail address for error reports. Default value:

SCM_DOCINDEXDIR: Location of the directory in which the index for the documentation will be stored. Setting it makes it possible to share this index and save some space. Default value: $HOME/.scm_gui/doc.index.

SCM_FFMPEG: The ffmpeg program to use to generate movies. Default value: none (the PATH will be searched).

SCM_FFMPEG_ARGS: The arguments to pass to ffmpeg. Default value: none. The -i and -t (for looping movies) will always be added automatically.

SCM_GEOMODSBYSIZE: The geometry slider will always move the smallest group of atoms. Default value: none (the last selected atoms will move).

SCM_GUIRC: Location of the preferences file. Default value: $HOME/.scm_guirc.

SCM_GUIPREFSDIR: Location of the preferences directory. Default value: $HOME/.scm_gui.

SCM_SCMJOBD_RESTART: Force a restart of the scmjobd job monitors every this many milliseconds. Not set by default (600000 which is every 10 minutes).

SCM_KFBROWSER_EXPERT: Define it to make the expert mode in the KFbrowser the default. The non-expert mode will be the default mode.

SCM_LOG: Set to the full path of a file to log some stuff the GUI does (mainly invocation of other modules/programs). Not set by default.

SCM_LOG_SCMJOBD: Set to the full path of a file to log some what scmjobd is doing. Not set by default.

SCM_MOPAC: full path to the MOPAC executable. Not set by default (the MOPAC included with the ADF distribution will be used via the ADFBIN/mopac.scm script).

SCM_NO_SSH_MULTIPLEXING: If set SSH multiplexing (bundle multiple ssh connections in one) will be avoided. Not set by default.

SCM_OFFSCREEN: Set it to some value to force the GUI modules to run offscreen. Used for testing.

SCM_OLD_TRANSFERS: If set files are transferred one by one instead of in a tar archive (turn on when you run into tar compatibility issues). Not set by default.

SCM_PACKMOL: The packmol program to used by the Builder. Default value: none (the PATH will be searched).

SCM_RESULTDIR: Location of the results directory. Default value: none (directory where the .adf files etc live is used).

SCM_SSH_MULTIPLEXING: Set to yes to use SSH multiplexing (bundle multiple ssh connections in one if possible), only has effect when using OpenSSH (thus NOT on windows). Not set by default (no multiplexing).

SCM_STRUCTURES: Location of the structures directory. Default value: none.

SCM_TITLEVERSION: Show SVN revision number in title. Not set by default (show only version number).

SCM_TMPDIR: Temporary files will be made in this directory (should exists if set). Default value, if not set $TMPDIR $TMP /tmp $HOME or the current directory is used (in that order).

SCM_TPLDIR: Location of the presets directory. Default value: none.

SCM_STATUSINTERVAL: The time in seconds between the job status commands used to detect killed jobs (like qstat). Default value: 600.

SCM_QUEUES: Path to the dynamic queues directory. Default value: none (ADFjobs will search the remote $HOME/.scmgui).

SCM_QEDIR: Path to the folder containing Quantum ESPRESSO installation (binaries and pseudo potentials). Set it to force the installation of QE somewhere outside your $ADFHOME. If not set, a standard search path is used.