#! /bin/sh # Calculation of the excitation energies of AuH including spin-orbit coupling. # ADF can not handle ATOM and linear symmetries in excitation calculations. # Therefore a subsymmetry is used, in this case symmetry C(7v). # A relatively small TZ2P basis set is used, which is not sufficient for # excitations to Rydberg-like orbitals, one needs more diffuse functions. # The key STCONTRIB is used, which will give a composition of the spin-orbit # coupled excitation in terms of singlet-singlet and singlet-triplet scalar # relativistic excitations. In order to use the key STCONTRIB the scalar # relativistic fragment should be the complete molecule. # For precision reasons the Beckegrid quality is set to good. One might also # increase the ZlmFit quality for better accuracy # One needs to include the subkey SFO of the key EPRINT with arguments eig and # ovl in order to get the SFO MO coefficients and SFO overlap matrix printed on # standard output. $ADFBIN/adf <