#! /bin/sh # If the TOTALENERGY is included the total energy will be calculated. # This example performs single point runs for H2 O with PBE/DZP with frozen # cores and all-electron and B3LYP/DZP with all-electron and HARTREEFOCK/DZP # with all-electron The tests run in C(2v) symmetry. Integration quality is good # which should give total energies accurate at least up to 10^-4 atomic units. # The key EXACTDENSITY is used for higher accuracy of the results. # Note that only energy difference comparisons are meaningful. These are the # only energies that play a role in chemistry of course, and for this one does # not need total energies. # ---------------------------- # H2O PBE/DZP with frozen core # ---------------------------- "$ADFBIN/adf" <