#! /bin/sh # This example calculates the ESR A-tensor and g-tensor of PdH, using the X2C # and RA-X2C relativistic methods. Four calculations are performed: # - Scalar relativistic X2C open shell spin-restricted # - Scalar relativistic RA-X2C open shell spin-restricted # - Spin-Orbit relativistic X2C spin-unrestricted collinear # - Spin-Orbit relativistic RA-X2C spin-unrestricted collinear # The spin-orbit coupled spin-unrestricted calculation is performed using the # collinear approximation, symmetry NOSYM is required in that case. A finite # nucleaus is used, which will be important for the calculated A-tensor, # especially for heavy nuclei. # == Scalar relativistic X2C open shell spin-restricted == $ADFBIN/adf <