#!/bin/sh # Calculation of the spin-flip excitation energies of the open shell molecule SiH2 $ADFBIN/adf < MO transitions part for the excitations of the output file, the # spin of each molecular orbitals are also specified to help assign the spin # state of the excited states. Note that in these spin-flip calculations the # transitions are always from alpha spin-orbital to beta or from beta spin- # orbital to alpha spin-orbital. # For open-shell molecules, spin-flip transition can result in transition to the # ground state with a different Sz value, while the symmetry of the transition # density is A1. The excitation energy of this transition should be zero and # this can be used to test the reliability of spin-flip TDDFT. Indeed the # calculation of the spin-flip excitation energies of SiH2 shows one value which # is close to zero and has a transition density of A1 symmetry. # The 1A1 state with electron configuration (a1)^2 can also be used in the # calculation of the excitation energies. This is a closed shell configuration, # in which case we do not need the spin-flip method. $ADFBIN/adf <