ADFprep: generate (multiple) ADF jobs¶
ADFprep allows one to generate input files for the different programs of the ADF modeling suite by means of console commands. As such ADFprep can be used to run the same type of calculation on a series of different chemical systems. Another important example are automatic checks of the convergence of the results with respect to the computational parameters e.g. by varying input settings such as basis set choice or numerical integration accuracy while recomputing the same system.
ADFprepare ($ADFBIN/adfprep) generates a job script from a template .adf file. Such a template file can either be produced by ADFinput or simply be found among the default templates included. These default templates are identical to those present in ADFinput.
Two examples are presented here to demonstrate the capabilities of ADFprep:
- In BakersetSP you will see how to use adfprep to run a particular job for a test set of molecules. The individual molecular structures are provided as xyz-files which contain no ADF specific information. ADFreport is used to collect the values of the bonding energies resulting from these calculations.
- In ConvergenceTestCH4 you will see how to use ADFprep to test convergence of the bonding energy with respect to the basis set and the numerical integration grid.
The options of ADFprep are listed when running the module without further command line arguments, or with the -h flag:
% adfprep -h
ADFprepare (adfprep) generates a job script from a .adf file (the template),
with user specified changes to input options / method / system.
Usage: adfprep -t template.adf [-m molecule.(adf|xyz|mol|t21)] [-z charge] [-s spin]
[-runtype SinglePoint|GeometryOptimization|Frequencies]
[-q quality] [-zlmfit quality] [-kspace quality]
[-lattice v1.x v1.y v1.z ...]
[-i integration] [-b basis] [-c core] [-r relativity]
[-basiscacheid id]
[-x xcpotential] [-e xcenergy] [-bondsonly]
[-dftbmodel DFTB|SCC-DFTB|DFTB3] [-dftbparameters dir]
[-dftbdispersion None|Default|D3-BJ|D2|ULG|UFF]
[-logfile logfile] [-j jobname] [-a adffile]
[-dist "atom1 atom2 distance ..."]
[-angle "atom1 atom2 atom3 angle ..."]
[-dihed "atom1 atom2 atom3 atom4 angle ..."]
[-atomtype "atom type ..."]
[-structure "atom structure ..."]
[-pointcharges file]
[-efield "Ex Ey Ez"]
[-rxforcefield fname] [-rxniter n] [-rxnrstep n] [-rxtstep T]
[-rxmethod method] [-rxmdtemp T] [-rxmdpres p]
[-region "name at1 at2... "]
[-fragments prefix] [-onejob]
[-g "key value"]
Start with a job template, adjust it for this particular job, and write the resulting job
to standard output. Values specified should match exactly the values as you would specify
using ADFinput, also for menu choices.
-t: the .adf file (saved by ADFinput) to be used as template, defining the whole job
All other options override values from this job
Instead of a .adf file, you may also specify the name of one of the standard templates
as defined in ADFinput: "Single Point", Frequencies, "Geometry Optimization", etc
A special option for energy and gradients
for the current geometry: EG (see also -gradientsonly)
Some shortcuts: SP, EG, GO, FREQ, optionally prefixed by (ADF|BAND|DFTB|UFF|MOPAC)-
Some ReaxFF shortcuts: REAXFF-EG for a single ReaxFF iteration
-m: the molecule to use, element types and coordinates
This can be taken from anything that ADFinput can import,
for example .adf, .mol, xyz or .t21 files
The -m flag may be repeated, each molecule added will be in its own region
This may be used for fragment calculations, but it does not work with .adf files
If you specify an .sdf file, you can select which frames to import:
conformers.sdf#1-10 loop over the first 10 frames
conformers.sdf#e2.0 loop over all frames with energy below 2.0
(units as in the file, wrt the lowest energy of all frames in the file,
energies from comment lines)
conformers.sdf#1-10e2.0 loop over the first 10 frames,
and use only those with energy below 2.0
conformers.sdf use the first frame of the sdf file
If you specify a .t21 file, you can select which frames or range of frames to import:
ajob.t21#ircf3 3rd frame in the IRC forward path
ajob.t21#ircb2 2nd frame in the IRC backward path
ajob.t21#h7 7th frame in the history
ajob.t21#lt8 8th frame in the LT path
ajob.t21#ircf3-10 IRCForward frame 3, 4, ... 10
ajob.t21#ircf IRCForward all frames, starting at 1
ajob.t21#ircf0- IRCForward all frames, starting at 0
(original geometry, before first step)
If you specify a .cry file, the compound to import may be specified:
When looping, all resulting jobs will be joined together, the jobname and adf files
get the frame sequence number appended after an _
When looping only one -m flag may be specified
-xyz: use xyz coordinates from specified file, not touching anything else
it is applied after -t and -m
the elements and number of atoms should match
currently works with KF and xyz files
-smiles: use smiles to describe the molecule
-irc: when using IRC frames in the -m flag, revert the backwards order
-dist: change the distance between atom1 and atom2 to the specified distance
the arguments must be enclosed in quotes, and may be repeated for multiple distances
-angle: change the angle (atom1, atom2, atom3) to the specified angle
the arguments must be enclosed in quotes, and may be repeated for multiple angles
-dihed: change the dihedral (atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4) to the specified angle
the arguments must be enclosed in quotes, and may be repeated for multiple angles
-atomtype: set the type (element) of atom to type
the arguments must be enclosed in quotes, and may be repeated for multiple types
-structure: add a structure just as if using the structure tool in ADFinput
atom is the selected atom, structure is the name of the structure file
the arguments must be enclosed in quotes, and may be repeated for multiple changes
-liststructures: list available structure files for use with -structure, and exit
-runtype: run type (SinglePoint,GeometryOptimization,Frequencies)
-gradientsonly: after calculating the gradients, stop
works also for excited state gradients if requested in your template
-z: charge (real number)
-s: spin (integer), if not zero this implies an unrestricted calculation
-q: quality (Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood or Excellent), default for Becke/ZlmFit
-i: integration (integer)
-i: Becke integration (Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood or Excellent)
-i: teVelde integration (integer)
-zlmfit: ZlmFit quality (Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood or Excellent)
-kspace: KSpace quality (GammaOnly, Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood or Excellent)
-lattice: lattice vectors first three numbers for the first vector, next for the second etc
The dimension follows from the number of vectors
-b: basis type (SZ, DZ, DZP, TZ, TCP, TZ2P, QZ4P)
-c: core type (None, Small, Medium, Large)
-basiscacheid id: refer to t21 files from previous runs prefixed with this id
-r: relativistic level (None, Scalar, Spin-Orbit), using ZORA
-x: XC potential during SCF, one from the options available in ADFinput:
Model:SAOP, Model:LB94,
Hybrid:B3LYP, Hybrid:B3LYP*, Hybrid:B1LYP, Hybrid:KMLYP, Hybrid:O3LYP, Hybrid:X3LYP,
Hybrid:BHandH, Hybrid:BHandHLYP, Hybrid:B1PW91, Hybrid:MPW1PW, Hybrid:MPW1K,
Hybrid:PBE0, Hybrid:OPBE0
-pointcharges: file, file with point charges, one point charge per line (ADF only)
x y z charge, xyz in Angstrom, charge in elementary units (+1 for a proton)
-efield: Ex Ey Ez the electric field vector (in Hartree/(e Bohr))
-k: replace any key, the single argument will be broken into:
the key, the replacement value, and END for a block key
all separated by spaces. To insert a return, add a |
When the key is not found, it is added just before the ATOMS key
The -k key may be repeated, and is applied at the end, replacing even earlier changes
-dftbmodel DFTB|SCC-DFTB|DFTB3: select the DFTB model
-dftbparameters dir: select the directory with DFTB parameters
-dftbdispersion [None|Default|D3-BJ|D2|ULG|UFF]: dispersion option to use, default is None
-rxforcefield fname: the ReaxFF force field file
-rxniter n: number of ReaxFF iterations
-rxnrstep n: number of non-reactive iterations (out of the total number of iterations)
-rxtstep T: the time step used in the MD simulation
-rxmethod string: the simulation type: Velocity Verlet + Berendsen|NPT|NVE
-rxmdtemp T: the thermostat temperature
-rxmdpres p: the required pressure
-region name at1 at2 ...: make a region with specified name and atoms, may be repeated
The atom numbers at1 at2 refer to input order, after geometry modifications, start at 1
Use at1-at2 to refer to all atoms between at1 and including at2
If the region key is present all regions already present are deleted
-fragments prefix: set up a fragment calculation, prefix fragment run/job scripts with prefix
if this key is present fragment run/job scripts will be saved (unless -onejob)
if a job script is requested, the fragment job names will be prefix.fragname.job
-onejob: for fragment jobs, concatenate the fragment jobs and final job into one on stdout
-g "key value": set any key to the specified value (note key value within quotes)
key: internal name in ADFinput for some option, see bin/adfinput.tcl/tpl/Defaults.tpl
value: set gin(key) to the specified value
-nochain: unset chain option (used internally by chain jobs)
-bondsonly: only the bonds as generated by the GUI will be exported (the GUIBONDS block)
-logfile: force the specified logfile to be used in the run script
-j: produce a fully runnable job (as the .job files from ADFjobs),
using the specified jobname.
The job script produces files like jobname.out, jobname.t21 etc. Several job scripts can simply
be concatenated, the results will be stored in different files using th jobname parameter
the default is a simple run script (the .run file from ADFinput, files are left as they are)
-a: save a .adf file that matches the run script, except for the -k arguments
(they are listed in the user input field)
adffile is the name of the adffile, including the .adf extension (required)
Example: calculate gradients for a molecule in file
adfprep -t GO -m -k "stopafter ggrads"
Example: calculate gradients for a molecule in file, using good quality integration and fit:
adfprep -t GO -q Good -m -k "stopafter ggrads"
Example: calculate DFTB frequencies for a molecule in file
adfprep -t DFTB-FREQ -m
Additional Notes¶
CRSprep represents a scripting solution which is exclusively oriented towards generating input files for the COSMO-RS program.