#!/bin/sh # Example for a finite nucleus calculation and the calculation of NMR spin-spin # coupling constants. # One of the quality-determining factors for the calculation of NMR coupling # constants is the chosen basis set, especially one needs enough tight s # functions. If one has a large enough basis set in the core region one can see # an effect of using a finite size of the nucleus instead of a point nucleus, # especially for heavy nuclei. Such large basis sets can be found for some # elements in $AMSRESOURCES/ADF/ZORA/jcpl, which are basis sets especially designed # for NMR spin-spin coupling calculations. In this example first a basis set for # Pb is made which has many tight s functions. The file can be found in the # example directory # The large basis set for Pb is used in ADF calculations on PbH4 and the # calculation of the NMR spin-spin coupling constants. AMS_JOBNAME=PbH4 $AMSBIN/ams <