Summary of all keywords¶
Type: Float Default value: 10.0 Unit: Angstrom GUI name: Symmetric fit for distance > Description: STO-Fit keyword: distance between atoms, in Angstrom. The symmetric fit approximation is applied only for atoms farther apart.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Print the nuclear gradients with more digits than usual.
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Add diffuse functions in fit: Yes Description: STO-Fit keyword: One can get more diffuse fit functions by setting this to True.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Print all dipole matrix elements between occupied and virtual Kohn-Sham orbitals.
Type: String Recurring: True Description: Controlled aborts can in some cases be overruled. Of course, the checks have been inserted for good reasons and one should realize that ignoring them probably produces incorrect results or may lead to a program-crash.
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Force use of all points Description: ADF makes use of symmetry in the numerical integrations. Points are generated for the irreducible wedge, a symmetry unique sub region of space. Optionally the symmetry equivalent points are also used. This is achieved by setting this key to True.
Type: Block Description: Define options for analytical frequencies. B1Size
Type: Float Description: Sparse grid max memory size B1Thresh
Type: Float Default value: 1e-10 Description: MMGF_DENB1 and MMGF_GRADB1 cutoff values Check_CPKS_From_Iteration
Type: Integer Default value: 1 Description: Solution of the CPKS equations is an iterative process, and convergence is achieved if the difference between U1 matrix of successive iterations falls below a certain threshold. This key can be used to determine at which iteration the checking should start taking place. Debug
Type: String Description: For debugging purposes. Options: fit, hessian, b1, densities, numbers, symmetry, all. Hessian
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: reflect Options: [reflect, average] Description: Whether the final Hessian is obtained by reflecting or averaging? Max_CPKS_Iterations
Type: Integer Default value: 20 Description: Calculating the analytical frequencies requires the solution of the Coupled Perturbed Kohn-Sham (CPKS) equations, which is an iterative process. If convergence is not achieved (a warning will be printed in the output if this is the case) then this subkey can be used to increase the number of iterations, although convergence is not guaranteed. The user required accuracy of the U1 matrix, as well as the ADF integration accuracy, can effect the rates of convergence. Print
Type: String Description: Primarily for debugging purposes. Options: eigs, u1, parts. Choosing EIGS results in the print out of the MO eigenvectors, while U1 results in the print out of the U1 matrices. Except for small molecules this will result in a lot of data being output, and so they are not recommended. Choosing PARTS results in the print out of various sub-hessians that add up to give the final analytical hessian. PrintNormalModeAnalysis
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Request ADF to print analysis of the normal modes independently of AMS. U1_Accuracy
Type: Float Default value: 5.0 Description: Solution of the CPKS equations is an iterative process, and convergence is achieved if the difference between U1 matrix of successive iterations falls below a certain threshold. This subkey can be used to set the threshold. The accuracy of the U1 will be 10**(-x). So, the higher the number the more accurate the U1 will be. While this parameter effects the accuracy of the frequencies, other factors also effect the accuracy of the frequencies, especially the ADF integration accuracy.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Write PMatrix, Fock matrix, and overlap matrix on AO basis to file for future analysis purposes
Type: Block Description: If the block key AORESPONSE is used, by default, the polarizability is calculated. Note that if the molecule has symmetry the key ALLPOINTS should be included ALDA
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Use ALDA only Alpha
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Calculate linear response Beta
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Will use 2n+1 rule to calculate beta. CALCTRANSFORMPROP
Type: String Description: Transformation Properties of Polarizabilities Components
Type: String Description: Limit the tensor components to the specified ones. Using this option may save the computation time. Options: XX, XY, XZ, YX, YY, YZ, ZX, ZY, ZZ Cubic
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Calculate cubic response Damp
Type: Float Default value: 0.4 Description: Specify damping for non-acceleration iteration Debug
Type: Integer Default value: 0 Description: Debug level for AOResponse. DoNothing
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Do nothing. EFG
Type: Block Description: Perform a Mulliken type analysis of the EFG principal components, and an analysis in terms of canonical MOs. Atom
Type: Integer Default value: 1 Description: The number of the nucleus at which the EFG is to be analyzed (ADF input ordering). NBO
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Perform an NBO/NLMO analysis of the EFG. Requires a series of calculations. See documentation. Nuc
Type: Integer Default value: 1 Description: The number of the nucleus at which the EFG is to be analyzed (ADF internal atom ordering). Thresh
Type: Float Default value: 0.05 Description: The threshold for printing the EFG-NBO contributions. The default is 0.05, which means that only orbitals with absolute value contribution larger than 5% of the total EFG are printed. To increase the number of contributions printed, specify a smaller threshold.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: EFISHG
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: EFPLOT
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: EL_DIPOLE_EL_DIPOLE
Type: String Description: EL_DIPOLE_EL_OCTUPOLE
Type: String Description: EL_DIPOLE_EL_QUADRUPOLE
Type: String Description: EL_DIPOLE_MAG_DIPOLE
Type: String Description: EL_DIPOLE_MAG_QUADRUPOLE
Type: String Description: EL_QUADRUPOLE_MAG_DIPOLE
Type: String Description: EOPE
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: FitAODeriv
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Use FITAODERIV for Coulomb potential Frequencies
Type: Float List Default value: [0.0] Unit: eV Description: List of frequencies of incident light, the perturbing field, at which the time-dependent properties will be calculated. GIAO
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Use gauge-included atomic orbitals Gamma
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Will use 2n+1 rule to calculate gamma. HirshPol
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Hirshfeld Polarizability of fragments IDRI
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: LifeTime
Type: Float Unit: Hartree Description: Specify the resonance peak width (damping) in Hartree units. Typically the lifetime of the excited states is approximated with a common phenomenological damping parameter. Values are best obtained by fitting absorption data for the molecule, however, the values do not vary a lot between similar molecules, so it is not hard to estimate values. A value of 0.004 Hartree was used in Ref. [266]. MAG_DIPOLE_MAG_DIPOLE
Type: String Description: MagOptRot
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Calculate magneto-optical rotation MagneticPert
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Use magnetic field as a perturbation NBO
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Perform NBO analysis NoCore
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: if NOCORE is set we skip the core potential in diamagnetic term and/or in the unperturbed density of the CPKS solvers OKE
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: OPTICALR
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: OpticalRotation
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Calculate optical rotation QuadBeta
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Quadrupole operators with beta tensor QuadPert
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Calculate quadrupole-quadrupole polarizability Quadratic
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Calculate quadratic response Quadrupole
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Calculate dipole-quadrupole polarizability Raman
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: SCF
Type: String Description: Specify CPKS parameters such as the degree of convergence and the maximum number of iterations: NOCYC - disable self-consistence altogetherNOACCEL - disable convergence accelerationCONV - convergence criterion for CPKS. The default value is 10-6 . The value is relative to the uncoupled result (i.e. to the value without self-consistence).ITER - maximum number of CPKS iterations, 50 by default.Specifying ITER=0 has the same effect as specifying NOCYC. SHG
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: STATIC
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: THG
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: TPA
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Traceless
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Traceless quadrupole tensors VROA
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Calculate Vibrational Raman Optical Activity. VelocityOrd
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Use VelocityOrd without GIAOs XAlpha
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Xalpha potential
Type: Non-standard block Description: Calculate aromaticity indicators, i.e. the matrix of localisation/delocalisation indices (LI-DI), Iring (ring index) and MCI (multi center index) aromaticity indices.
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Mulliken Options: [Mulliken, Hirshfeld, CM5, Voronoi, MDC-M, MDC-D, MDC-Q, QTAIM] GUI name: Atomic charges for AMS Description: Type of atomic charges to be used by AMS. Note that some of these atomic charges are computed and printed by default in ADF. Hirshfeld charges are available only for default atomic fragments.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Measure the actual speed of the nodes in the parallel machine
Type: Block Description: Definition of the basis set Core
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Large Options: [None, Small, Large] GUI name: Frozen core Description: Select the size of the frozen core you want to use. Small and Large will be interpreted within the basis sets available (of the selected quality), and might refer to the same core in some cases. If you specify ‘None’ you are guaranteed to have an all-electron basis set. CreateOutput
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: If true, the output of the atomic create runs will be printed to standard output. If false, it will be saved to the file CreateAtoms.out in the AMS results folder. FitType
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Auto Options: [Auto, SZ, DZ, DZP, TZP, TZ2P, QZ4P, TZ2P-J, QZ4P-J, AUG/ASZ, AUG/ADZ, AUG/ADZP, AUG/ATZP, AUG/ATZ2P, ET/ET-pVQZ, ET/ET-QZ3P, ET/ET-QZ3P-1DIFFUSE, ET/ET-QZ3P-2DIFFUSE, ET/ET-QZ3P-3DIFFUSE] GUI name: STO fit set Description: Expert option. Select the auxiliary fit to be used for STOfit or old Hartree-Fock RI scheme. The fit set for a given atom is taken from the all-electron basis set file for the specified choice, for the same element as the atom. By default (Auto) the fit set is taken from the original basis set file. Path
Type: String Description: The name of an alternative directory with basis sets to use. ADF looks for appropriate basis sets only within this directory. Default $AMSRESOURCES/ADF. PerAtomType
Type: Block Recurring: True Description: Defines the basis set for all atoms of a particular type. Core
Type: Multiple Choice Options: [None, Small, Large] Description: Size of the frozen core. File
Type: String Description: The path of the basis set file (the path can either absolute or relative to $AMSRESOURCES/ADF). Note that one should include ZORA in the path for relativistic calculations, for example ‘ZORA/QZ4P/Au’. Specifying the path to the basis file explicitly overrides the automatic basis file selection via the Type and Core subkeys. Symbol
Type: String Description: The symbol for which to define the basis set. Type
Type: Block Recurring: True Description: Defines the basis set for all atoms in a region. If specified, this overwrites the values set with the Basis%Type and Basis%PerAtomType keywords for atoms in that region. Note that if this keyword is used multiple times, the chosen regions may not overlap. Core
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Large Options: [None, Small, Large] Description: Size of the frozen core. Region
Type: String Description: The identifier of the region for which to define the basis set. Note that this may also be a region expression, e.g. ‘myregion+myotherregion’ (the union of two regions). Type
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: DZ Options: [SZ, DZ, DZP, TZP, TZ2P, QZ4P, TZ2P-J, QZ4P-J, AUG/ASZ, AUG/ADZ, AUG/ADZP, AUG/ATZP, AUG/ATZ2P, ET/ET-pVQZ, ET/ET-QZ3P, ET/ET-QZ3P-1DIFFUSE, ET/ET-QZ3P-2DIFFUSE, ET/ET-QZ3P-3DIFFUSE, POLTDDFT/DZ, POLTDDFT/DZP, POLTDDFT/TZP, POLTDDFT/TZ2P] GUI name: Basis set Description: Select the basis set to use. SZ: Single Z DZ: Double Z DZP: Double Z, 1 polarization function TZP: Triple Z, 1 polarization function TZ2P: Triple Z, 2 polarization functions QZ4P: Quad Z, 4 pol functions, all-electron AUG: Augmented (extra diffuse functions) ET: Even tempered all electron basis sets J: Extra tight functions These descriptions are meant to give an indication of the quality, but remember that ADF uses Slater type functions. For standard calculations (energies, geometries, etc.) the relative quality is: SZ < DZ < DZP < TZP < TZ2P < ET-pVQZ < QZ4P The basis set chosen will apply to all atom types in your molecule. If no matching basis set is found, ADF will try to use a basis set of better quality. For TDDFT applications and small negatively charged atoms or molecules, use basis sets with extra diffuse functions. J: TZ2P-J, QZ4P-J: for use in ESR hyperfine or NMR spin-spin couplings. Use the Basis panel to select a basis set per atom type, and to see what basis set actually will be used.
Type: Block Description: Options for the numerical integration grid. AllowAngularBoost
Type: Bool Default value: Yes Description: Allow automatic augmentation of the Lebedev spherical grid for highly coordinated atoms. InnerShellsPruning
Type: Bool Default value: Yes Description: Allow automatic pruning of the Lebedev spherical grid for shells close to the nuclei. PartitionFunPruning
Type: Bool Default value: Yes Description: Allow pruning of integration points based on the value of the partition function. QPNear
Type: Float Unit: Angstrom Description: Only relevant if you have specified point charges in the input file. ADF generates grids only about those point charges that are close to any real atoms. The criterion, input with the qpnear subkey, is the closest distance between the point charge at hand and any real atom. Quality
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Auto Options: [Auto, Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood, Excellent] Description: Quality of the integration grid. For a description of the various qualities and the associated numerical accuracy see reference. If ‘Auto’, the quality defined in the ‘NumericalQuality’ will be used. QualityPerRegion
Type: Block Recurring: True Description: Sets the grid quality for all atoms in a region. If specified, this overwrites the globally set quality. Quality
Type: Multiple Choice Options: [Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood, Excellent] Description: The region’s integration grid quality. Region
Type: String Description: The identifier of the region for which to set the quality.
Type: Float Description: The number of radial grid points will be boosted by this factor. Some XC functionals require very accurate radial integration grids, so ADF will automatically boost the radial grid by a factor 3 for the following numerically sensitive functionals: LibXC M05, LibXC M05-2X, LibXC M06-2X, LibXC M06-HF, LibXC M06-L, LibXC M08-HX, LibXC M08-SO, LibXC M11-L, LibXC MS0, LibXC MS1, LibXC MS2, LibXC MS2H, LibXC MVS, LibXC MVSH, LibXC N12, LibXC N12-SX, LibXC SOGGA11, LibXC SOGGA11-X, LibXC TH1, LibXC TH2, LibXC WB97, LibXC WB97X, MetaGGA M06L, MetaHybrid M06-2X, MetaHybrid M06-HF, MetaGGA MVS.
Type: Block Description: Options for the calculation of bond orders. Note: the calculation of bond orders should be requested via the Properties%BondOrders input option in the AMS driver input. PrintAll
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: If ‘Yes’, all five types of bond orders (i.e. Nalewajski-Mrozek-1,2 & 3, Mayer and Gopinathan-Jug) will be printed to the output. Otherwise only the Nalewajski-Mrozek-3 and the type requested in BondOrders%TypeForAMS will be printed. PrintTolerance
Type: Float Default value: 0.2 Description: Only bond orders larger than this threshold will be printed in the output (this treshold applies only to the printing in the ‘BOND-ORDER ANALYSIS’ section of the ADF output. TypeForAMS
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Nalewajski-Mrozek-3 Options: [Nalewajski-Mrozek-1, Nalewajski-Mrozek-2, Nalewajski-Mrozek-3, Mayer, Gopinathan-Jug] GUI name: Bond order type for AMS Description: The type of bond order that will be saved, printed and used by AMS. Nalewajski-Mrozek-1,2: bond orders calculated from two-electron valence indices based on partitioning of tr(Delta_P^2) using 3-index set or 4-index set respectively. Nalewajski-Mrozek-3: bond-orders calculated from valence indices based on partitioning of tr(P*Delta_P). Inter-atomic bond orders are not defined with non-atomic fragments.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Calculate overlaps of primitive basis and stops after computing them.
Type: Block Description: CDFT is a tool for carrying out DFT calculations in the presence of a constraint. AllAtoms
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: If AllAtoms is true, then TheAtoms is overridden and all the atoms in the active fragment are included in the set. AnalyticalHessian
Type: Integer Default value: 0 Description: This will calculate the analytical derivative of the energy w.r.t. the Lagrange multiplier up to the specified SCF iteration. This key is not recommended due to the high computational cost that comes with it. The calculation is equivalent to a ground state Hessian, and it is carried out with the full sum-over-states formula. ChargeAndSpin
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: will constrain both the charge and the spin Constraints
Type: Float List Description: The values of the constraints. If CHARGEANDSPIN, constraints to the alpha and beta electrons need to be specified sequentially. One more electron => CONSTRAINTS -1.0. One less electron => CONSTRAINTS 1.0. If the CDFT type is EXCITEDCDFT, CONSTRAINTS=1.0 is recommended. Other values are technically possible but have not been tested yet. DoNotOptimize
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: If true, the multipliers chosen in INITIALMULTIPLIERS will not be optimized and will be constant throughout the entire SCF procedure. ExcitedCDFT
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: will generate an excited state with CONSTRAINTS number of ALPHA electrons constrained to occupy the virtual space of a ground state reference calculation. This is the essence of the eXcited Constrained DFT (XCDFT) method(P. Ramos, M. Pavanello, Low-lying excited states by constrained DFT, Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 144103 (2018) for the calculation of low-lying single excitations. XCDFT is found to correctly reproduce the energy surface topology at conical intersections between the ground state and the first singly excited state and can also accounts for the condensed phase effects in solvated chromophores where typical Delta SCF methods variationally collapse. InitialMultipliers
Type: Float List Description: If available, a guess for the Lagrange multipliers can be entered. MaxIter
Type: Integer Default value: 200 Description: Maximum number of CDFT iterations. CDFT carries out a loop nested inside the SCF cycle. Metric
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Relevant for XCDFT. In the XCDFT method orthogonality is not imposed between the KS-orbitals of ground and excited states. If METRIC is specified, the degree of mixing of the single excited state with the ground state or high-order excitations is calculated. Three parameters are calculated: p, m and d. The parameters p and m will give information about the amount of mixing with the ground state, while parameter d will determine the mixing with high order excitations. Additional information about the origin of these parameters can be found in the literature (P. Ramos, M. Pavanello, Low-lying excited states by constrained DFT, Journal of Chemical Physics 148, 144103 (2018) NAtomsPerSet
Type: Integer List Description: The number of atoms in each moiety (set). NConstraints
Type: Integer Default value: 1 Description: This specifies the number of sets of atoms to be considered. For example, if the user wishes to constrain a positive charge on one part of the system, and a negative charge on another part, NCONSTRAINTS should be set to two. There is no limit on the number of constraints. However, SCF convergence becomes an issue with more than 2 constraints. Note: NCONSTRAINTS>1 is untested. OnlyCharge
Type: Bool Default value: Yes Description: Will constrain only the charge, letting spin relax (and potentially delocalize) OnlySpin
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Will constrain only the spin PopType
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: yukawalike Options: [yukawalike, fuzzyvoronoibecke, fuzzyvoronoifermi] Description: The population analysis chosen for determining the constraint. Print
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: low Options: [low, medium, high] Description: Print level and debugging. SelfConsistent
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Self-Consistent CDFT StepSize
Type: Float Default value: 0.5 Description: The amount of the Lagrange multipliers step taken in each CDFT iteration TheAtoms
Type: Integer List Description: The atom numbers of the moieties in the input geometry order. If NCONSTRAINTS is larger than 1, the sets of atoms are entered as a single list. Threshold
Type: Float Default value: 1e-10 Description: The threshold for convergence of the CDFT constraints. The tighter the SCF convergence criteria, the tighter the THRESHOLD should be.
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: : CM5 charges Description: Calculate the charge model 5 (CM5) analysis.
Type: Non-standard block Description: The content of this block will be copied to the output header as a comment to the calculation.
Type: Block Description: Conceptual DFT Properties AnalysisLevel
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Normal Options: [Normal, Extended, Full] Description: Set the level of the ConceptualDFT analysis: Normal - global descriptors only, Extended - both global and condensed (QTAIM) local descriptors, Full - all descriptors including non local ones. AtomsToDo
Type: Integer List GUI name: Include atoms Description: Define a subset of atoms for which properties are calculated. If the [Domains] block is present then this list specifies which atoms are used to define the domains bounding box. Domains
Type: Block Description: Calculate integrated properties for the domains (same sign) of the dual descriptor. Border
Type: Float Default value: 7.0 Unit: Bohr Description: Set the extent of the Cartesian grid. Extent is the distance between a face of the grid’s bounding box and the most outlying atom in the corresponding direction. If the [AtomsToDo] key is present, the bounding box is created around the specified atoms. Display
Type: Float Default value: 0.005 Description: Domains for which the integrated DD value is smaller (in magnitude) than the specified value are omitted from the printed output. Enabled
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Properties of reactivity domains Description: Calculate properties of reactivity domains. Ensemble
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Canonical Options: [Canonical, GrandCanonical] Description: Statistical ensemble for DD domains. Canonical: DD values are calculated using the statistical canonical ensemble. GrandCanonical: DD values are calculated using the statistical grand canonical ensemble. The grand canonical DD corresponds to (S^2 f(2) - (gamma/eta^3) f^0), where f(2) is the canonical DD, gamma and eta - the hyper-hardness and hardness of the chemical system, respectively, and f^0 is the mean Fukui function. This statistical ensemble is a natural choice when comparing two chemical systems with a different number of electrons. Radius
Type: Float Default value: 0.0 Description: This option adds a sphere around each nucleus, excluding all points inside it. This can help to separate domains around an atom or to exclude core electrons. Be careful when using this option. In particular, the radius of the sphere should exceed two or three times the [Spacing] value to be effective. By default, no spheres are added. Spacing
Type: Float Default value: 0.1 Unit: Bohr Description: Specifies spacing (distance between neighboring points) of the rectangular Cartesian grid used when searching for DD domains. It may be useful to specify a smaller value (or increase the size of the grid, see [Border] key) if a substantial part of the electronic density is accounted for. Threshold
Type: Float Default value: 0.001 Description: Arbitrary value of dual descriptor used to separate DD domains (values below this threshold are ignored).
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Atomic electronegativities Description: Calculate atomic electronegativities. Requires an all-electron calculation (no frozen core), triggers the TotalEnergy and increases the [AnalysisLevel] to at least Extended. Enabled
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Conceptual DFT (FMO): Calculate Description: Calculate Conceptual DFT properties.
Type: Block Description: Reads a density from a TAPE41 file and constructs numerically the corresponding potential to it CPBasis
Type: Bool Default value: Yes Description: CPGrid
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Converge
Type: Float Default value: 1e-06 Description: CutNegativeDens
Type: Float Default value: 0.0001 Description: Damp
Type: Float Default value: 1.0 Description: DensConv
Type: Float Description: EigenShift
Type: Float Default value: 0.01 Description: FitBas
Type: Bool Default value: Yes Description: FixedLambda
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: ImportDens
Type: String Description: Filename of density… Lambda
Type: Float Default value: 0.01 Description: PotBas
Type: String Description: Filename… PotProj
Type: String Description: ProjChange
Type: Float Default value: -1.0 Description: ProjSmallDens
Type: Float Default value: 1e-50 Description: QPiterations
Type: Integer Default value: 1000 Description: SVD
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: SmallEigThresh
Type: Float Default value: 0.0001 Description: StartPot
Type: String Description: Filename of potential… StepSize
Type: Float Default value: 1.0 Description: TIKH
Type: Float Default value: 0.0 Description:
Type: Non-standard block Description: With the key COREPOTENTIALS you specify the core file and (optionally) which sections pertain to the distinct atom types in the molecule.
Type: String Description: Keywords for create run. {Atomtype Datafile}
Type: Block Description: CDSpec
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Damping
Type: Float Default value: 0.0 Description: GTensor
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Magnet
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: NCT
Type: Float Default value: 0.0 Description: NMRShielding
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: NoVK
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: PARTVK
Type: Float Default value: 1.0 Description: Parabolic
Type: Float Default value: 0.0 Description: QIANVignale
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Static
Type: Bool Default value: No Description:
Type: Block Description: The CVNDFT block key regulates the execution of the CV(n)-DFT code, which calculates the singlet or triplet electronic excitations for the closed shell molecules. CV_DFT
Type: Block Description: The simplest case: the TDDFT transition density U-vector is substituted into the infinite order CV(infinity)-DFT excitation energy InitGuess
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: TDDFT Options: [TDDFT, SOR] Description: Initial guess
Type: Block Description: The simplest case: the TDDFT transition density U-vector is substituted into the infinite order CV(infinity)-DFT excitation energy DampOrbRelax
Type: Float Default value: 0.2 Description: The mix_relax parameter defines the relative weight of the new relaxation vector that is added to the one from the previous iteration. DampVariable
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Damping condition Damping
Type: Float Default value: 0.2 Description: Damping InitGuess
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: SOR Options: [TDDFT, SOR] Description: Initial guess Optimize
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: SVD Options: [SVD, SOR, COL] Description: Gradient optimization method RelaxAlpha
Type: Integer Default value: 1 Description: The SCF cycle number at which the relaxation of alpha orbitals starts. RelaxBeta
Type: Integer Default value: 1 Description: The SCF cycle number at which the relaxation of beta orbitals starts.
Type: Integer Default value: 50 Description: The maximum number of iterations RSCF_CV_DFT
Type: Block Description: The simplest case: the TDDFT transition density U-vector is substituted into the infinite order CV(infinity)-DFT excitation energy DampOrbRelax
Type: Float Default value: 0.2 Description: The mix_relax parameter defines the relative weight of the new relaxation vector that is added to the one from the previous iteration. DampVariable
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Damping condition Damping
Type: Float Default value: 0.2 Description: Damping InitGuess
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: TDDFT Options: [TDDFT, SOR] Description: Initial guess RelaxAlpha
Type: Integer Default value: 1 Description: The SCF cycle number at which the relaxation of alpha orbitals starts. RelaxBeta
Type: Integer Default value: 1 Description: The SCF cycle number at which the relaxation of beta orbitals starts.
Type: Block Description: The simplest case: the TDDFT transition density U-vector is substituted into the infinite order CV(infinity)-DFT excitation energy DampOrbRelax
Type: Float Default value: 0.2 Description: The mix_relax parameter defines the relative weight of the new relaxation vector that is added to the one from the previous iteration. DampVariable
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Damping condition InitGuess
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: TDDFT Options: [TDDFT, SOR] Description: Initial guess RelaxAlpha
Type: Integer Default value: 1 Description: The SCF cycle number at which the relaxation of alpha orbitals starts. RelaxBeta
Type: Integer Default value: 1 Description: The SCF cycle number at which the relaxation of beta orbitals starts.
Type: Block Description: The simplest case: the TDDFT transition density U-vector is substituted into the infinite order CV(infinity)-DFT excitation energy DampVariable
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Damping condition Damping
Type: Float Default value: 0.2 Description: Damping InitGuess
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: TDDFT Options: [TDDFT, SOR] Description: Initial guess
Type: Float Default value: 0.0001 Description: The convergence criterion, i.e. the SCF-CV(infinity)-DFT procedure stops when the given accuracy is achieved.
Type: String Recurring: True Description: The amount of printed output is regulated with the keys Print, NoPrint, EPrint and Debug.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Undocumented option for FDE for sum-of-fragments density in SCF.
Type: Block Description: bas
Type: Float Default value: 0.0001 Description: A criterion applied to the overlap matrix of unoccupied normalized SFOs. Eigenvectors corresponding to smaller eigenvalues are eliminated from the valence space. Note: if you choose a very coarse value, you will remove too many degrees of freedom in the basis set, while if you choose it too strict, the numerical problems may not be countered adequately. eig
Type: Float Default value: 100000000.0 Description: Merely a technical parameter. When the DEPENDENCY key is activated, any rejected basis functions (i.e.: linear combinations that correspond with small eigenvalues in the virtual SFOs overlap matrix) are normally processed until diagonalization of the Fock matrix takes place. At that point, all matrix elements corresponding to rejected functions are set to zero (off-diagonal) and BigEig (diagonal). fit
Type: Float Default value: 1e-10 Description: Similar to Dependency%bas. The criterion is now applied to the overlap matrix of fit functions. The fit coefficients, which give the approximate expansion of the charge density in terms of the fit functions (for the evaluation of the coulomb potential) are set to zero for fit functions (i.e.: combinations of) corresponding to small-eigenvalue eigenvectors of the fit overlap matrix.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Adding diffuse integration points in case of the old Voronoi numerical integartion grid.
Type: Non-standard block Description: In this block, the parameters for the DIM atoms are defined in DIM/QM calculations.
Type: Non-standard block Description: Input for DIM/QM
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Use dipole-length elements for perturbing (external) integrals in CURRENT response
Type: Bool Default value: No Description:
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Dump basis and fit set files use for each atom.
Type: Block Description: Block key for charge transfer integrals with FDE. CDFT
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Debug
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Disjoint
Type: Bool Description: FDE
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: InvThr
Type: Float Default value: 0.001 Description: Joint
Type: Bool Description: KNADD
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: NonCT
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: NumFrag
Type: Integer Description: Print
Type: String Description:
Type: Non-standard block Description:
Type: Block Description: Print switches that require more specification than just off or on AtomPop
Type: String Description: Mulliken population analysis on a per-atom basis BASPop
Type: String Description: Mulliken population analysis on a per-bas-function basis Eigval
Type: String Description: One-electron orbital energies Fit
Type: String Description: Fit functions and fit coefficients Frag
Type: String Description: Building of the molecule from fragments FragPop
Type: String Description: Mulliken population analysis on a per fragment basis Freq
Type: String Description: Intermediate results in the computation of frequencies (see debug: freq). GeoStep
Type: String Description: Geometry updates (Optimization, Transition State, …) NumInt
Type: String Description: Numerical Integration OrbPop
Type: Non-standard block Description: (Mulliken type) population analysis for individual MOs OrbPopEr
Type: String Description: Energy Range (ER) in hartree units for the OrbPop subkey Repeat
Type: String Description: Repetition of output in Geometry iterations (SCF, optimization, …) SCF
Type: String Description: Self Consistent Field procedure SFO
Type: String Description: Information related to the Symmetrized Fragment Orbitals and the analysis TF
Type: String Description: Transition Field method
Type: Block Description: Enabled
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Calculate ESR (g- and/or A tensors)
Type: Block Description: Perform ETS-NOCV analysis. EKMin
Type: Float Default value: 2.0 Unit: kcal/mol GUI name: Energy threshold Description: The threshold for orbital interaction energy contributions corresponding to deformation density components originating from each NOCV-pairs ENOCV
Type: Float Default value: 0.05 GUI name: NOCVs with ev larger than Description: The threshold for NOCV-eigenvalues Enabled
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Perform ETS-NOCV analysis. RhoKMin
Type: Float Default value: 0.01 GUI name: Population threshold Description: The threshold for population analysis of each deformation density contribution in terms of individual SFOs.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Use the exact density (as opposed to the fitted density) for the computation of the exchange-correlation potential
Type: Block Description: Excitation energies: UV/Vis ALLXASMOMENTS
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: To be used in combination with XAS. This will print out all the individual transition moments used within the calculation of the total oscillator strength ALLXASQUADRUPOLE
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: To be used in combination with XAS.This will print out the individual oscillator strength components to the total oscillator strength. Allowed
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Treat only those irreducible representations for which the oscillator strengths will be nonzero (as opposed to all) AlsoRestricted
Type: Bool Description: Include also excitation energies in which a spin-restricted exchange-correlation kernel is used Analytical
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: The required integrals for the CD spectrum are calculated analytically, instead of numerically. Only used in case of CD spectrum AsympCor
Type: Float Default value: 500.0 Description: CDSpectrum
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Compute the rotatory strengths for the calculated excitations, in order to simulate Circular Dichroism (CD) spectra DTensor
Type: String Description: MCD gtensor Davidson
Type: Non-standard block Description: Use the Davidson procedure Descriptors
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Compute charge-transfer descriptors and SFO analysis Descriptors_CT_AT_Rab
Type: Float Default value: 2.0 Description: Atomic distance criterion used for the calculation of CT_AT descriptors Exact
Type: Non-standard block Description: The most straightforward procedure is a direct diagonalization of the matrix from which the excitation energies and oscillator strengths are obtained. Since the matrix may become very large, this option is possible only for very small molecules FullKernel
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Use the non-ALDA kernel (with XCFUN) GTensor
Type: String Description: MCD gtensor HDA
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Hybrid diagonal approximation Description: Activate the diagonal HF exchange approximation. This is only relevant if a (meta-)hybrid is used in the SCF. HDA_CutOff
Type: Float Default value: 10000000.0 Unit: eV GUI name: HDA cutoff Description: This is cutoff based on differences in energy between eps_virt-eps_occ, to reduce number of diagonal HF exchange integrals. Iterations
Type: Integer Default value: 200 Description: The maximum number of attempts within which the Davidson algorithm has to converge KFWrite
Type: Integer Default value: 3 Description: If kfwrite is 0 then do not write contributions, transition densities, and restart vectors to TAPE21, since this can lead to a huge TAPE21, especially if many excitations are calculated. 3 means that contributions, transition densities, and restart vectors are written to TAPE21. Lowest
Type: Integer List Default value: [10, 10] Description: Number of lowest excitations to compute MCD
Type: String Description: TODO: Magnetic Circular Dichroism NTO
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Compute the Natural Transition Orbitals N_SFO
Type: Integer Default value: 40 Description: Number of SFO analyzed and printed OnlySing
Type: Bool Description: Compute only singlet-singlet excitations OnlyTrip
Type: Bool Description: Compute only singlet-triplet excitations Orthonormality
Type: Float Default value: 1e-06 Description: The Davidson algorithm orthonormalizes its trial vectors. Increasing the default orthonormality criterion increases the CPU time somewhat, but is another useful check on the reliability of the results. Residu
Type: Float Default value: 1e-06 Unit: Hartree Description: SFOAnalysis
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Do SFO analysis SOSFreq
Type: Float Description: STDA
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Simplified Tamm-Dancoff approach STDDFT
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Simplified time-dependent DFT ScaleCoul
Type: Float Default value: 1.0 Description: Scaling of Coulomb kernel with scale parameter ScaleHF
Type: Float Default value: 1.0 Description: Scaling of the HF part of the kernel with scale parameter ScaleXC
Type: Float Default value: 1.0 Description: Scaling of the XC-kernel (excluding a possible HF-part) with scale parameter Select
Type: String Description: Rather than selecting the first nmcdterm transitions for consideration individual transitions can be selected through the SELECT keyword SingleOrbTrans
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: keyword to use only orbital energy differences TD-DFTB
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Use the molecular orbitals from a DFT ground state calculation as input to an excited state calculation with TD-DFTB coupling matrices Tolerance
Type: Float Default value: 1e-06 Unit: Hartree Description: Vectors
Type: Integer Description: The maximum number of trial vectors in the Davidson algorithm for which space is allocated. If this number is small less memory will be needed, but the trial vector space is smaller and has to be collapsed more often, at the expense of CPU time. The default if usually adequate. Velocity
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: calculates the dipole-velocity representation of the oscillator strength. If applicable, the dipole-velocity representation of the rotatory strength is calculated. Default the dipole-length representation of the oscillator strength and rotatory strength is calculated XAS
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: calculation of the higher oder multipole moment integrals and the calculation of the quadrupole oscillator strengths. This will only print the total oscillator strength and the excitation energy.
Type: Block Description: Excited state geometry optimization ALLGRADIENTS
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: CPKS
Type: Block Description: Some control parameters for the CPKS(Z-vector) part of the TDDFT gradients calculation Eps
Type: Float Default value: 0.0001 Description: Convergence requirement of the CPKS IterOut
Type: Integer Default value: 5 Description: Details of the CPKS calculation are printed every iter iterations NoPreConiter
Type: Integer Default value: 200 Description: maximum number of iterations allowed for the unpreconditioned solver. PreConiter
Type: Integer Default value: 30 Description: maximum number of iterations allowed for the preconditioned solver
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: This key tries to follow the eigenvector in excited state geometry optimizations Output
Type: Integer Default value: 0 Description: The amount of output printed. A higher value requests more detailed output SING_GRADS
Type: Non-standard block Description: Singlet
Type: Bool Default value: Yes Description: Singlet-singlet excitation is considered State
Type: String Description: Choose the excitation for which the gradient is to be evaluated: ‘State Irreplab nstate’. ‘Irreplab’ is the label from the TDDFT calculation. NOTE: the TDDFT module uses a different notation for some representation names, for example, A’ is used instead of AA. ‘nstate’: this value indicates that the nstate-th transition of symmetry Irreplab is to be evaluated. Default is the first fully symmetric transition. TRIP_GRADS
Type: Non-standard block Description: Triplet
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Singlet-triplet excitation is considered
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: : Extended population analysis Description: Calculate the Mayer bond orders and Mulliken atom-atom populations per l-value
Type: Non-standard block Description: Legacy support of the older DRF code.
Type: Block Description: Frozen Density Embedding options AMOLFDE
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: placeholder CAPDENSCONV
Type: Float Default value: 0.0001 Description: placeholder CAPPOTBASIS
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: placeholder CAPPOTDIIS
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: placeholder CAPPOTLINESEARCH
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: placeholder CAPRADIUS
Type: Float Default value: 3.0 Description: placeholder CJCORR
Type: Float Default value: 0.1 Description: Option to switch on a long-distance correction Coulomb
Type: Bool Description: Neglecting completely vt[rhoA,rhoB] (vt[rhoA,rhoB] equals zero) together with the exchange-correlation component of the embedding potential introduced by Wesolowski and Warshel. Dipole
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: placeholder E00
Type: Bool Description: placeholder EIGENSHIFT
Type: Float Default value: 0.01 Description: placeholder ENERGY
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: placeholder EXTERNALORTHO
Type: Float Default value: 1000000.0 Description: Used to specify the use of external orthogonality (EO) in the FDE block EXTPRINTENERGY
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: placeholder FULLGRID
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: placeholder FreezeAndThawCycles
Type: Integer Description: This keyword duplicates RelaxCycles FreezeAndThawDensType
Type: String Description: placeholder FreezeAndThawPostSCF
Type: Bool Description: This keyword duplicates RelaxPostSCF GGA97
Type: Bool Description: placeholder GGAPotCFD
Type: String Description: The correlation approximant is used in the construction of the embedding potential. The same correlation approximants as in the XC key are available. GGAPotXFD
Type: String Description: The exchange approximant is used in the construction of the embedding potential. The same exchange approximants as in the XC key are available. LAMBDATIKH
Type: Float Default value: 0.1 Description: placeholder LBDAMP
Type: Float Default value: 0.25 Description: placeholder LBMAXSTEP
Type: Float Default value: 0.05 Description: placeholder LLP91
Type: Bool Description: placeholder LLP91S
Type: Bool Description: placeholder NDSD
Type: String Description: placeholder NOCAPSEPCONV
Type: Bool Description: placeholder NOFDKERN
Type: Bool Default value: Yes Description: placeholder OL91A
Type: Bool Description: placeholder OL91B
Type: Bool Description: placeholder ONEGRID
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: placeholder P92
Type: Bool Description: placeholder PBE2
Type: Bool Description: placeholder PBE3
Type: Bool Description: placeholder PBE4
Type: Bool Description: placeholder PDFT
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: placeholder PRINTEACHCYCLE
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: placeholder PRINTRHO2
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: placeholder PW86K
Type: Bool Description: placeholder PW91K
Type: Bool Description: placeholder PW91Kscaled
Type: Bool Description: placeholder RHO1FITTED
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: placeholder RelaxCycles
Type: Integer Default value: 5 Description: This gives the maximum number of freeze-and-thaw cycles that are performed for this fragment. If the maximum number given in the FDE block is smaller, or if convergence is reached earlier, then fewer cycles are performed. RelaxDensType
Type: String Default value: Description: placeholder RelaxPostSCF
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: this option is included, several post-SCF properties will be calculated after each freeze-and-thaw cycle. These are otherwise only calculated in the last cycle. SCFCONVTHRESH
Type: Float Default value: 0.001 Description: placeholder SDFTEnergy
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: placeholder SHORTPRINTENERGY
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: placeholder SMALLEIGTHRESH
Type: Float Default value: 0.0001 Description: placeholder TF9W
Type: Bool Description: placeholder THAKKAR92
Type: Bool Description: placeholder THOMASFERMI
Type: Bool Description: Local-density-approximation form of vt[rhoA,rhoB] derived from Thomas-Fermi expression for Ts[rho] TW02
Type: Bool Description: placeholder WEIZ
Type: Bool Description: placeholder XCFun
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Use XCFUN for nonadditive functionals XCNAdd
Type: String Description:
Type: Bool Default value: No Description:
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: In spin-flip TDDFT, the XC kernel can be calculated directly from the XC potential. To use the LDA potential for the XC kernel, which roughly corresponds to the ALDA in ordinary TDDFT, one must specify the key
Type: Non-standard block Description: Definitions of the fragment type/files: {FragmentName FragmentFile}. In the block header one can specify the directory where the fragment files are located
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: XC energy difference (for meta XCs): Use molecular grid Description: By setting this to true the difference in the metahybrid or metagga exchange-correlation energies between the molecule and its fragments will be calculated using the molecular integration grid, which is more accurate than the default, but is much more time consuming.
Type: Non-standard block Description: Simulation of unrestricted fragments with the key FRAGOCCUPATIONS. Fragments need to be calculated spin-restricted. One can specify occupation numbers as if these fragments are calculated spin-unrestricted. The sum of spin-alpha and spin-beta occupations must, for each fragment orbital in each irrep separately, be equal to the total spin-restricted occupation of that orbital in the fragment.
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Full Fock matrix: Always Description: Calculate the full Fock matrix each SCF iteration (instead of the difference with the previous cycle).
Type: Bool Default value: No Description:
Type: Bool Default value: No Description:
Type: Block Description: Set GPU options Enabled
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Use GPU Description: Use a CUDA-compatible GPU. UseDevices
Type: Integer List GUI name: Only use devices Description: Use only specified devices for this calculation. Multiple devices will be distributed evenly among MPI ranks.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: The singlet ground state is included, which means that spin-orbit coupling can also have some effect on energy of the ground state. The spin-orbit matrix in this case is on basis of the ground state and the singlet and triplet excited states.
Type: Non-standard block Description: The bonds used by the GUI (this does not affect the ADF calculation in any way)
Type: Block Description: Instruct ADF to perform a G0W0 calculation. Enabled
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Calculate G₀W₀ quasi-particle energies Description: Enable the calculation of the G₀W₀ quasi-particle energies. nStates
Type: Integer Default value: 5 GUI name: N states Description: Number of Quasiparticle States to be printed to output. The default is 5 states which in this case means that min(5, Number of particle states) occupied and min(5, Number of hole states) hole states are printed’
Type: String Description: GZip the corresponding tape (possibly working only for TAPE21)
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Compute hybrid meta-GGA energy functionals (if METAGGA key is True)
Type: Integer Description: Memory usage option for old HF scheme
Type: Integer Description: Memory usage option for old HF scheme
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Option for SFO population analysys to print small numbers.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Expert option. Ignore that atoms are close.
Type: String Description: File containing an external embedding potential (FDE calculations only)
Type: String Description: FDE option for importing numerical integration grid.
Type: Non-standard block Description: Options for the obsolete Voronoi numerical integration scheme
Type: Block Description: Bond energy decomposition based on the interacting quantum atoms (IQA) approach and using QTAIM real-space partition. AtomsToDo
Type: Integer List GUI name: Include atoms Description: Define a subset of atoms for which the IQA atom-atom interactions are calculated. If left empty, all atoms will be included. Enabled
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Calculate: Interacting Quantum Atoms (IQA) Description: Calculate the bond energy decomposition using the interacting quantum atoms (IQA) approach and the QTAIM real-space partitioning. Print
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Normal Options: [Normal, Verbose] Description: For each atom pair, print energy terms: Normal: total, covalent and ionic terms, Verbose: all terms.
Type: Non-standard block Description: Explicit occupation numbers per irrep
Type: String Description: Untested
Type: Block Description: Cutoff_Coulomb
Type: Float Description: determines the radii for the fit functions in the evaluation of the (short-range part of) the Coulomb potential. Cutoff_Fit
Type: Float Description: determines how many atom pairs are taken into account in the calculation of the fit integrals and the density fit procedure. If the value is too low, charge will not be conserved and the density fitting procedure will become unreliable. This parameter is relevant for the timings of the FITINT and RHOFIH routines of ADF. Cutoff_Multipoles
Type: Float Description: determines the cut-offs in the multipole (long-range) part of the Coulomb potential HF_Fit
Type: Float Description: Parameter for HF exchange Overlap_Int
Type: Float Description: determines the overlap criterion for pairs of AOs in the calculation of the Fock-matrix in a block of points. Indirectly it determines what the cut-off radii for AO’s should be. The value of ovint has a strong influence on the timing for the evaluation of the Fock matrix, which is very important for the overall timings ProgConv
Type: Float Description: determines how the overall accuracy changes during the SCF procedure
Type: Non-standard block Description: The computation of localized orbitals is controlled with this block-type key
Type: Block Description: Technical aspects of the MP2 algorithm. FitSetQuality
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Auto Options: [Auto, VeryBasic, Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood] Description: Specifies the fit set to be used in the MP2 calculation. ‘Normal’ quality is generally sufficient for basis sets up to and including TZ2P. For larger basis sets (or for benchmarking purposes) a ‘VeryGood’ fit set is recommended. Note that the FitSetQuality heavily influences the computational cost of the calculation. If not specified or ‘Auto’, the RIHartreeFock%FitSetQuality is used. Formalism
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Auto Options: [Auto, RI, LT, All] Description: Specifies the formalism for the calculation of the MP2 correlation energy. ‘LT’ means Laplace Transformed MP2 (also referred to as AO-PARI-MP2), ‘RI’ means that a conventional RI-MP2 is carried out. If ‘Auto’, LT will be used in case of DOD double hybrids and SOS MP2, and RI will be used in all other cases. ‘All’ means that both RI and LT formalisms are used in the calculation. For a RPA or GW calculation, the formalism is always LT, irrespective of the formalism specified with this key. IntegrationQuality
Type: Multiple Choice Options: [VeryBasic, Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood] Description: Specifies the integration quality to be used in the MP2 calculation. If not specified, the RIHartreeFock%IntegrationQuality is used. ThresholdQuality
Type: Multiple Choice Options: [VeryBasic, Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood] Description: Controls the distances between atomic centers for which the product of two basis functions is not fitted any more. Especially for spatially extended, large systems, ‘VERYBASIC’ and ‘BASIC’ can lead to large computational savings, but the fit is also more approximate. This keyword is only meaningful when the LT formalism is used. If not specified, the RIHartreeFock%ThresholdQuality is used. nFrequency
Type: Integer Default value: 12 Description: Number of imaginary frequency points. This key is only relevant for RPA and GW and will be ignored if used in an AO-PARI-MP2 calculation. As for the imaginary time grids, the default is 12 points. It is technically possible to use a different number of imaginary frequency points than for imaginary time. The maximum number of points which can be used for imaginary frequency integration is 19. Important note: The compuation time and memory requirements roughyl scale linearly with the number of imaginary frequency points. However, memory can be an issue for RPA and GW when the number of imaginary frequency points is high. In case a job crashes, it is advised to increase the number of nodes since the necessary memory distributes over all nodes. nTime
Type: Integer GUI name: Number of time points Description: Number of imaginary time points (only relevant in case the Laplace Transformed (LT) formalism is used). In the many-body-perturbation theory module in ADF, the polarizability (or Kohn-Sham density response function) is evaluated in imaginary time to exploit sparsity in the AO basis. For MP2, this is often referred to as a Laplace transform. For MP2, 9 points are the default. This is a safe choice, guaranteeing accuracies higher than 1 Kj/mol for most systems (For many simple organic systems, 6 points are sufficient for good accuracy). Only for systems with a very small HOMO-LUMO gap or low-lying core states (heavy elements starting from the 4th row of the periodic table) more points might be necessary. In principle, the same considerations apply for RPA and GW as well, however, the accuracy requirements are somewhat higher and 12 point is the default. Using less than 9 points is strongly discouraged except for the simplest molecules. In ADF2019, it can happen that the algorithm determining the imaginary time grid does not converge. In this case, the usual reason is that the number of points is too small and more points need to be specified. Starting from AMS2020, this does not happen any more. In case the imaginary time grid does not converge, the number of points is automatically adjusted until it does. The computation time of AO-PARI-MP2, RPA, and GW scales linearly with the number of imaginary time points.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description:
Type: Block Description: DipStrength
Type: Float Description: GRIMMEAEX
Type: Float Description: GRIMMEALPHA
Type: Float Description: GRIMMEBETA
Type: Float Description: GRIMMEDEMAX
Type: Float Description: GRIMMEPERTC
Type: Bool Description: GRIMMETPMIN
Type: Float Description: HighExcit
Type: Float Description: NOGRIMMEPERTC
Type: Bool Description: NOverlap
Type: Integer Default value: 0 Description: OscStrength
Type: Float Description: Use only pairs of an occupied and virtual orbital as guess vectors, for which the oscillator strength of the single-orbital transition is larger than this value SetLargeEnergy
Type: Float Default value: 1000000.0 Unit: Hartree Description: The orbital energies of the uninteresting occupied orbitals are changed to -epsbig Hartree, and the orbital energies of the uninteresting virtual orbitals are changed to epsbig Hartree SetOccEnergy
Type: Float Description: All occupied orbitals that have to be used will change their orbital energy to this value. In practice only useful if one has selected one occupied orbital energy, and one want to change this to another value. Default: the orbital energies of the occupied orbitals that are used are not changed. UseOccRange
Type: Float List Unit: Hartree Description: Use only occupied orbitals which have orbital energies between the two numbers. UseOccVirtNumbers
Type: Integer List Description: Use only pairs of an occupied and virtual orbital as guess vectors, for which in the sorted list of the orbital energy differences, the number of the single-orbital transition is between the two numbers. UseOccVirtRange
Type: Float List Unit: Hartree Description: Use only pairs of an occupied and virtual orbital, for which the orbital energy difference is between the two numbers UseOccupied
Type: Non-standard block Description: Use only the occupied orbitals which are specified UseScaledZORA
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Use everywhere the scaled ZORA orbital energies instead of the ZORA orbital energies in the TDDFT equations. This can improve deep core excitation energies. Only valid if ZORA is used. UseVirtRange
Type: Float List Unit: Hartree Description: Use only virtual orbitals which have orbital energies between the two numbers UseVirtual
Type: Non-standard block Description: Use only the virtual orbitals which are specified
Type: Non-standard block Description: Modify the starting spin-dependent potential for unrestricted calculations.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: If true ADF will use the Voronoi numerical integration grid.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Expert FDE option.
Type: String Recurring: True Description: The amount of printed output is regulated with the keys Print, NoPrint, EPrint and Debug.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Do not use only an A1 symmetric fit.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description:
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: PointCharge Options: [PointCharge, Gaussian] Description: Model for the nuclear charge distribution. To see effects from your choice you will need to use a basis set with extra steep functions. For example you can find these in the ZORA/TZ2P-J basis directory.
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Normal Options: [Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood, Excellent] Description: Set the quality of several important technical aspects of an ADF calculation (with the notable exception of the basis set). It sets the quality of: BeckeGrid (numerical integration) and ZlmFit (density fitting). Note: the quality defined in the block of a specific technical aspects supersedes the value defined in NumericalQuality (e.g. if I specify ‘NumericalQuality Basic’ and ‘BeckeGrid%Quality Good’, the quality of the BeckeGrid will be ‘Good’)
Type: String Description: Occupations options
Type: String Description:
Type: Integer List Recurring: True Description: Compute the Coulomb interaction energy between the density of two orbitals. After the key, specify the indices of the two orbitals for which you want to compute the Coulomb interaction energy. Can only be used for spin-restricted calculations. Cannot be used in case of Symmetry (use Symmetry NoSym).
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Expert FDE option.
Type: Block Description: Perturbed localized molecular orbitals, correct to first order in an applied field, can be calculated in case of AORESPONSE. Can be used if the applied field changes the density in first order. Alfa
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Analyze the static or dynamic polarizability BField
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: The perturbation is a magnetic field. Should be consistent with AORESPONSE Beta
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Analyze the optical rotation parameter beta. The relation to G’ is beta = -G’/omega. The optical rotation parameter beta is calculated directly and has a well-defined static limit, i.e. omega can be zero or non-zero Diag
Type: Bool Default value: Yes Description: Only analyze the diagonal of the response tensor Dynamic
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Should be used for a frequency dependent perturbation field. EField
Type: Bool Default value: Yes Description: The perturbation is an electric field Fulltens
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: The full tensor is analyzed GPrime
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Analyze the G’ (gyration) tensor, for optical rotation dispersion. Requires a frequency dependent perturbation field, with a frequency (omega) unequal to zero. Static
Type: Bool Default value: Yes Description: should be used for a static field
Type: Block Description: POLTDDFT is a fast algorithm to solve the TDDFT equations in the space of the density fitting auxiliary basis set. The (real and imaginary part of the) diagonal of the polarizability tensor and rotatory strengths will be calculated, which can be used to calculate the photoabsorption and circular dichroism (CD) spectra. CutOff
Type: Float Default value: 4.0 Unit: eV Description: For a given point in the spectrum, only include pairs of an occupied and virtual orbital, for which the orbital energy difference is lower than the energy of the point in the spectrum plus cutoff. Enabled
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: UV/Vis and CD spectrum Description: Calculate UV/Vis and CD spectrum from the imaginary part of the polarizability tensor at any given photon energy. This avoids the bottleneck of Davidson diagonalization. FreqRange
Type: Float List Default value: [0.0, 5.0] Unit: eV Description: Specifies a frequency range of frequencies of incident light, the perturbing field, at which the complex dynamical polarizability will be calculated. 2 numbers: an upper and a lower bound. Use subkey NFreq to specify the number of frequencies. Irrep
Type: Non-standard block Description: Subblock key for selecting which symetry irreps of the excitations to calculate (all excitations by default). In the subkey data block list the symmetry irrep labels, like B1, for example KGrid
Type: Float Default value: 9.0 Unit: eV Description: Keyword KGRID is used to discretize the energy scale for calculating the complex dynamical polarizability. Only pairs of an occupied and virtual orbital are included, for which the orbital energy difference is lower than this value. Use key NGRID to set the number of points within the energy grid. Lambda
Type: Float Default value: 1.0 Description: Jacob’s scaling factor for the study of plasmonic resonances. This factor, 0<lambda<1, turns on the coupling matrix K. Lifetime
Type: Float Default value: 0.1 Unit: eV Description: Specify the resonance peak width (damping). Typically the lifetime of the excited states is approximated with a common phenomenological damping parameter. Values are best obtained by fitting absorption data for the molecule, however, the values do not vary a lot between similar molecules, so it is not hard to estimate values. NFreq
Type: Integer Default value: 100 Description: NFreq is the number of frequencies of incident light, the perturbing field, at which the complex dynamical polarizability will be calculated. Use FreqRange to specify the frequency range. NGrid
Type: Integer Default value: 180 Description: Ngrid is the number of points within the energy grid. Velocity
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Velocity representation Description: If True, ADF calculates the dipole moment in velocity gauge. If false: dipole-length representation is used
Type: String Recurring: True Description: The amount of printed output is regulated with the keys Print, NoPrint, EPrint and Debug.
Type: Block Description: This block is used to request a topological analysis of the gradient field of the electron density, also known as the Bader’s analysis. If this block is specified without any sub-key, only local properties are calculated. AnalysisLevel
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Normal Options: [Normal, Extended, Full] Description: Set the level of the QTAIM analysis: Normal - topology analysis and properties at the density critical points, Extended - same as Normal plus condensed atomic descriptors, Full - same as Extended plus non-local descriptors. AtomsToDo
Type: Integer List GUI name: Include atoms Description: List of atoms for which condensed descriptors are to be calculated. By default all atoms are included. Enabled
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Perform QTAIM analysis Description: Calculate QTAIM (also known as Bader) properties. Energy
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Atomic energies Description: Calculate atomic energies. Requires an all-electron calculation (no frozen core), triggers the TotalEnergy and increases the [AnalysisLevel] to at least Extended. Spacing
Type: Float Default value: 0.5 Unit: Bohr Description: Specifies spacing of the initial Cartesian grid when searching for critical points. It may be useful to specify a smaller value than the default if some critical points are missed. This will result in a more accurate but slower calculation.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Calculate the the Nuclear Electric Quadrupole Hyperfine interaction (Q-tensor, NQCC, NQI), related to the Electric Field Gradient (EFG).
Type: Block Description: For each atom the charge densities and the coulomb potentials of frozen core and valence electrons are computed in a radial grid. The radial grid consists of a sequence of r-values, defined by a smallest value, a constant multiplication factor to obtain each successive r-value, and the total number of points. Equivalently it can be characterized by the smallest r-value, the largest r-value, and the number of points; from these data the program computes then the constant multiplication factor. NRad
Type: Integer Default value: 5000 Description: The number of radial grid points RMax
Type: Float Default value: 100.0 Unit: Angstrom Description: The largest distance in the radial grid RMin
Type: Float Default value: 1e-06 Unit: Angstrom Description: The shortest distance used in the radial grid
Type: Block Description: Options for relativistic effects. Formalism
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: ZORA Options: [Pauli, ZORA, X2C, RA-X2C] Description: Note that if Level is None, no relativistic effects are taken into account, irrespective of the chosen formalism. Pauli stands for the Pauli Hamiltonian. ZORA means the Zero Order Regular Approximated Hamiltonian, recommended. X2C and RA-X2C both stand for an exact transformation of the 4-component Dirac equation to 2-components. X2C is the modified Dirac equation by Dyall. RA-X2C is the regular approach to the modified Dirac equation. Level
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Scalar Options: [None, Scalar, Spin-Orbit] GUI name: Relativity Description: None: No relativistic effects. Scalar: Scalar relativistic. This option comes at very little cost. Spin-Orbit: Spin-orbit coupled. This is the best level of theory, but it is (4-8 times) more expensive than a normal calculation. Spin-orbit effects are generally quite small, unless there are very heavy atoms in your system, especially with p valence electrons (like Pb). See also the SpinOrbitMagnetization subkey. Potential
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: MAPA Options: [MAPA, SAPA] Description: Starting from ADF2017 instead of SAPA (the Sum of neutral Atomical potential Approximation) MAPA is used by default for ZORA. The MAPA (the Minumium of neutral Atomical potential Approximation) at a point is the minimum of the neutral Atomical potentials at that point. Advantage of MAPA over SAPA is that the gauge dependence of ZORA is reduced. The ZORA gauge dependency is small for almost all properties, except for the electron density very close to a heavy nucleus. The electron density very close to a heavy nucleus can be used for the interpretation of isomer shifts in Mossbauer spectroscopy. SpinOrbitMagnetization
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: CollinearZ Options: [NonCollinear, Collinear, CollinearX, CollinearY, CollinearZ] Description: Relevant only for spin-orbit coupling and if unrestricted key has been activated. Most XC functionals have as one ingredient the spin polarization in case of unrestricted calculations. Normally the direction of the spin quantization axis is arbitrary and conveniently chosen to be the z-axis. However, in a spin-orbit calculation the direction matters, and it is arbitrary to put the z-component of the magnetization vector into the XC functional. There is also the exotic option to choose the quantization axis along the x or y axis. It is also possible to plug the size of the magnetization vector into the XC functional. This is called the non-collinear approach. - NonCollinear: the non-collinear method. - CollinearXYZ: use the x, y, or z component as spin polarization for the XC functional. - Collinear: the same as CollinearZ.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Remove all virtual fragment orbitals.
Type: Non-standard block Description: Block key to remove selected virtual fragment orbitals.
Type: Block Description: The calculation of frequency-dependent (hyper)polarizabilities and related properties (Raman, ORD) ALLCOMPONENTS
Type: Bool Description: ALLHYPER
Type: Bool Description: ALPHAINANG
Type: Bool Description: ANALYTIC
Type: Bool Description: AllCycles
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Convergence printout AllTensor
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Higher dispersion coefficients are also calculated C8
Type: Bool Description: CUTTAILS
Type: Bool Description: DYNAHYP
Type: Bool Description: Dipole
Type: Bool Description: DmpDII
Type: Float Default value: 0.8 Description: DmpRsp
Type: Float Default value: 0.9 Description: ERABSX
Type: Float Default value: 1e-06 Description: ERRALF
Type: Float Default value: 1e-05 Description: ERRTMX
Type: Float Default value: 1e-06 Description: EpsRho
Type: Float Description: Rho threshold FXCALPHA
Type: Float Description: FXCDRCONV
Type: Bool Description: FXCLB
Type: Bool Description: Frequencies
Type: Float List Default value: [0.0] Unit: eV Description: List of frequencies of incident light, the perturbing field, at which the time-dependent properties will be calculated. GXCALPHA
Type: Float Description: HyperPol
Type: Float Default value: 0.0 Unit: Hartree Description: IFILES
Type: Integer Default value: 0 Description: Integration run including external files. Used for Van der Waals dispersion coefficients calculations. IPRESP
Type: Integer Default value: 1 Description: IReal
Type: Integer Default value: 1 Description: KSORBRUN
Type: Bool Description: MAGNETICPERT
Type: Bool Description: MAXWAALS
Type: Integer Default value: 8 Description: NCycMx
Type: Integer Default value: 30 Description: NOFXCDR
Type: Bool Description: NUMERIC
Type: Bool Description: OPTICALROTATION
Type: Bool Description: Octupole
Type: Bool Description: Quadrupole
Type: Bool Description: Raman
Type: Bool Description: STARTREALGR
Type: Bool Description: SYMRUN
Type: Bool Description: Temperature
Type: Float Default value: 300.0 Unit: Kelvin Description: Wavelength of incoming light is equal to the wavelength at which the calculation is performed and temperature is equal to room temperature (300K) Total Raman band is default, not the Q-branch of diatomic. (Relevant for Raman scattering cross section) VANDERWAALS
Type: Integer Description: VERDET
Type: Float Default value: 0.01 Description: For numerical differentiation d alfa(omega) /d omega, needed for Verdet constant, the default frequencies are omega + dverdt and omega - dverdt
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Auto Options: [Auto, Response, AOResponse] Description: Set to RESPONSE or AORESPONSE.
Type: Block Description: Options for restarts NoOrb
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Ignore orbitals Description: Do not use orbitals from the restart file NoSCF
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Ignore SCF fit coefficients Description: Do not use any fit coefficients from the restart file as a first approximation to the (fitted) SCF density for the new calculation. Instead, the sum-of-fragments density will be used, as in a non-restart run. Note, typically noSCF should be used in combination with noORB. NoSmear
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Ignore smearing Description: Do not use any electron smearing data from the restart file. SpinFlip
Type: Integer List GUI name: Spin flip on restart for Description: Select the atoms for which the spin is to be flipped upon restart.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description:
Type: Block Description: DependencyThreshold
Type: Float Default value: 0.001 Description: To improve numerical stability, almost linearly-dependent combination of basis functions are removed from the Hartree-Fock exchange matrix. If you obtain unphysically large bond energy in an Hybrid calculation, you might try setting the DependencyThreshold to a larger value (e.g. 3.0E-3) FitSetQuality
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Auto Options: [Auto, VeryBasic, Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood, Excellent] Description: The quality of auxiliary fit set employed in the RI scheme. If ‘Auto’, the value of the RIHartreeFock Quality option will be used. Normal quality is generally sufficient for basis sets up to and including TZ2P. For larger basis sets (or for benchmarking purposes) a VeryGood fit set is recommended. Note that the FitSetQuality heavily influences the computational cost of the calculation. IntegrationQuality
Type: Multiple Choice Options: [VeryBasic, Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood, Excellent] Description: Quality of the numerical integration for evaluating the integrals between basis functions and fit functions. If IntegrationQuality is not defined in input, the value defined in RIHartreeFock%Quality will be used. Quality
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Auto Options: [Auto, VeryBasic, Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood, Excellent] Description: Numerical accuracy of the RI procedure. If ‘Auto’, the quality specified in the ‘NumericalQuality’ will be used. QualityPerRegion
Type: Block Recurring: True Description: Sets the fit-set quality for all atoms in a region. If specified, this overwrites the globally set quality. Quality
Type: Multiple Choice Options: [VeryBasic, Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood, Excellent] Description: This region’s quality of the auxiliary fit set employed in the RI scheme. Region
Type: String Description: The identifier of the region for which to set the quality.
Type: Multiple Choice Options: [VeryBasic, Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood, Excellent] Description: Numerical accuracy of the RI procedure for the Response module. ThresholdQuality
Type: Multiple Choice Options: [VeryBasic, Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood, Excellent] Description: Linear scaling thresholds (also used for determining at what range the multiple approximation is used). To disable all linear scaling thresholds set this to Excellent. UseMe
Type: Bool Default value: Yes Description: Set to False if you want to use the old RI scheme
Type: Non-standard block Description: 3D-RISM-related input keys.
Type: String Recurring: True Description: A sequence of file names separated by blanks or commas. Possible file names are TAPE10, TAPE13, TAPE14.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: FDE option.
Type: Block Description: Control aspects of the Self Consistent Field procedure AccelerationMethod
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: ADIIS Options: [ADIIS, fDIIS, LISTb, LISTf, LISTi, MESA, SDIIS] Description: SCF acceleration method. The default method is ADIIS, which is actually a mix of A-DIIS and SDIIS: A-DIIS is used at the start of the SCF and SDIIS is used closer to convergence, with a smooth switching function. The other methods are from the LIST family developed by Alex Wang and co-workers. They may perform better than the default in some situations. Setting AccelerationMethod to SDIIS effectively disables A-DIIS and is equivalent to the legacy mixing+DIIS method. Converge
Type: Float List Default value: [1e-06, 0.001] Description: The criterion to stop the SCF updates. The tested error is the commutator of the Fock matrix and the P-matrix (=density matrix in the representation of the basis functions) from which the F-matrix was obtained. This commutator is zero when absolute self-consistency is reached. Convergence is considered reached when the maximum element falls below SCFcnv and the norm of the matrix below 10*SCFcnv. The default is fairly strict. A second criterion which plays a role when the SCF procedure has difficulty converging. When in any SCF procedure the currently applicable criterion does not seem to be achievable, the program stops the SCF. When the secondary criterion (sconv2) has been met, only a warning is issued and the program continues normally. DIIS
Type: Block Description: The maximum number of SCF cycles allowed. BFac
Type: Float Default value: 0.0 GUI name: Bias DIIS towards latest vector with Description: By default, the latest vector is not favored in the DIIS algorithm (value 0.0). A sensible value would be 0.2. CX
Type: Float Default value: 5.0 GUI name: Reduce DIIS space when coefs > Description: The DIIS space is reduced when very large DIIS coefficients appear. The value is the threshold. CXX
Type: Float Default value: 25.0 GUI name: No DIIS (but damping) when coefs > Description: When very large DIIS coefficients appear, switch to traditional damping. The value is the threshold. Cyc
Type: Integer Default value: 5 GUI name: Start DIIS anyway at cycle Description: When A-DIIS is disabled, the Pulay DIIS will start at this iteration irrespective of the DIIS OK value. N
Type: Integer Default value: 10 GUI name: Size of DIIS space Description: The number of expansion vectors used for accelerating the SCF. The number of previous cycles taken into the linear combination is then n-1 (the new computed potential is also involved in the linear combination) Ok
Type: Float Default value: 0.5 GUI name: Start DIIS when max [F,P] < Description: The Pulay DIIS starting criterion, when A-DIIS is disabled,
Type: Integer Default value: 300 GUI name: Maximum number of SCF cycles Description: The maximum number of SCF cycles allowed. LShift
Type: Float Default value: 0.0 Unit: Hartree GUI name: Level shift Description: The level shifting parameter. The diagonal elements of the Fock matrix, in the representation of the orbitals of the previous iteration, are raised by vshift hartree energy units for the virtual orbitals. This may help to solve convergence problems when during the SCF iterations charge is sloshing back and forth between different orbitals that are close in energy and all located around the Fermi level. Level shifting is not supported in the case of Spin-Orbit coupling. At the moment properties that use virtuals, like excitation energies, response properties, NMR calculations, will give incorrect results if level shifting is applied. LShift_cyc
Type: Integer Default value: 1 Description: Specifies that level shifting is not turned on before the given SCF cycle number (for the start-up geometry). LShift_err
Type: Float Default value: 0.0 Description: Specifies that level shifting will be turned off by the program as soon as the SCF error drops below a threshold. MESA
Type: String Description: Mixing
Type: Float Default value: 0.2 GUI name: Mixing (% new vector included) Description: When none of the SCF acceleration methods is active, the next Fock matrix is determined F = mixing * F_n + (1-mixing)F_(n-1). Mixing1
Type: Float Default value: 0.2 GUI name: Mixing 1st SCF cycle Description: The mixing parameter at the 1st SCF cycle. OldSCF
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Disable the default SCF algorithm and use the old SCF algorithm. The default SCF improves performance for big systems on big machines (when your calculation uses many tasks). It is also recommended for machines with slow disk I/O as it writes less data to disk. The default convergence method supported is A-DIIS, but LISTi is also supported.
Type: Non-standard block Description: Input for SCRF.
Type: Block Description: DipStrength
Type: Float Description: GRIMMEAEX
Type: Float Description: GRIMMEALPHA
Type: Float Description: GRIMMEBETA
Type: Float Description: GRIMMEDEMAX
Type: Float Description: GRIMMEPERTC
Type: Bool Description: GRIMMETPMIN
Type: Float Description: HighExcit
Type: Float Description: NOGRIMMEPERTC
Type: Bool Description: NOverlap
Type: Integer Default value: 0 Description: OscStrength
Type: Float Description: Use only pairs of an occupied and virtual orbital as guess vectors, for which the oscillator strength of the single-orbital transition is larger than this value SetLargeEnergy
Type: Float Default value: 1000000.0 Unit: Hartree Description: The orbital energies of the uninteresting occupied orbitals are changed to -epsbig Hartree, and the orbital energies of the uninteresting virtual orbitals are changed to epsbig Hartree SetOccEnergy
Type: Float Description: All occupied orbitals that have to be used will change their orbital energy to this value. In practice only useful if one has selected one occupied orbital energy, and one want to change this to another value. Default: the orbital energies of the occupied orbitals that are used are not changed. UseOccRange
Type: Float List Unit: Hartree Description: Use only occupied orbitals which have orbital energies between the two numbers. UseOccVirtNumbers
Type: Integer List Description: Use only pairs of an occupied and virtual orbital as guess vectors, for which in the sorted list of the orbital energy differences, the number of the single-orbital transition is between the two numbers. UseOccVirtRange
Type: Float List Unit: Hartree Description: Use only pairs of an occupied and virtual orbital, for which the orbital energy difference is between the two numbers UseOccupied
Type: Non-standard block Description: Use only the occupied orbitals which are specified UseScaledZORA
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Use everywhere the scaled ZORA orbital energies instead of the ZORA orbital energies in the TDDFT equations. This can improve deep core excitation energies. Only valid if ZORA is used. UseVirtRange
Type: Float List Unit: Hartree Description: Use only virtual orbitals which have orbital energies between the two numbers UseVirtual
Type: Non-standard block Description: Use only the virtual orbitals which are specified
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Spin-flip excitations Description: Calculate spin-flip excitation energies (requires TDA and FORCEALDA keys).
Type: Bool Default value: No Description:
Type: String Recurring: True Description: Expert key. To restrict which parts of the program are actually executed.
Type: Non-standard block Description: The calculation of the one-determinant states based on the AOC reference state is controlled with this key.
Type: Block Description: ARO
Type: Float Description: Acid
Type: Float Description: Ass
Type: Bool Description: Base
Type: Float Description: BornC
Type: Float Description: Coulomb constant for Born C-Mat
Type: String Description: COSKFAtoms
Type: Integer List Recurring: True Description: This subkey COSKFATOMS specifies for which nuclei the segments in the COSMO section of the COSKF file should be used. Default all nuclei should be used, i.e. as for omitting the subkey COSKFATOMS. The numbers refer to the input ordering in the ADF calculation. Charged
Type: String Description: Chgal
Type: Float Description: CsmRsp
Type: Bool Description: Cust
Type: String Description: Debug
Type: String Description: Disc
Type: String Description: Div
Type: String Description: EPS
Type: Float Description: ForceCosmo
Type: String Description: HALO
Type: Float Description: Lpr
Type: Bool Description: NoAss
Type: Bool Description: NoCsmRsp
Type: Bool Description: NoLpr
Type: Bool Description: NoPVec
Type: Bool Description: PVec
Type: Bool Description: PrintSM12
Type: Bool Description: RADII
Type: Non-standard block Description: RadSolv
Type: Float Description: Ref
Type: Float Description: SCF
Type: String Description: Solv
Type: String Description: Solvent details Surf
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: delley Options: [wsurf, asurf, esurf, klamt, delley, wsurf nokeep, asurf nokeep, esurf nokeep, klamt nokeep, delley nokeep] Description: Defines the type of cavity to be used. Tens
Type: Float Description:
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: MCD option. Required for a calculation of MCD temperature-dependent C terms. The calculation must be an unrestrictedand scalar relativistic ZORA.
Type: Block Description: Key for perturbative inclusion of spin-orbit coupling. EShift
Type: Float Default value: 0.2 Description: The actually calculated eigenvalues are calculated up to the maximum singlet-singlet or singlet-triplet scalar relativistic excitation energy plus eshift (in Hartree). NCalc
Type: Integer Description: Number of spin-orbit coupled excitation energies to be calculated. Default (and maximum) value: 4 times the number of scalar relativistic singlet-singlet excitations.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Debug option to set spin-orbit matrix to zero.
Type: Float Description: The spin polarization of the system, which is the number of spin-alpha electrons in excess of spin-beta electrons. Specification is only meaningful in a spin-unrestricted calculation. However, specification is not meaningful in an unrestricted Spin-Orbit coupled calculation using the (non-)collinear approximation.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: For an analysis of spin-orbit coupled excitations in terms of scalar relativistic singlet and triplet excitations. In order to get this analysis one needs to perform a scalar relativistic TDDFT calculation of excitation energies on the closed shell molecule first, and use the resulting adf.rkf as a fragment in the spin-orbit coupled TDDFT calculation of excitation energies, including this keyword STCONTRIB.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Computation of the Coulomb potential with the pair fit method.
Type: String Description:
Type: Block Description: Subsystem TDDFT (FDE) CICoupl
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Within the Tamm-Dancoff Approximation, the couplings between localized excited states on different subsystems correspond directly to so-called exciton couplings. The CICOUPL keyword, in conjunction with TDA, prints these exciton couplings. It is also possible to use CICOUPL with full FDEc-TDDFT. In that case, the excitonic couplings between monomers are reconstructed from an effective 2x2 CIS-like eigenvalue problem. COULKERNEL
Type: Bool Default value: Yes Description: COUPLBLOCK
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: COUPLSYS
Type: Integer List Description: CPLTAPE
Type: String Description: CThres
Type: Float Default value: 30.0 Unit: eV Description: all excitations of all subsystems (present on the fragment TAPE21 files) with an excitation energy that differs by less than coupling_threshold. From one of the reference states are selected to be included in the coupling. Note that additional excited states of system 1 may be included here. DIPVEL
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: DiagType
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: EXACT Options: [EXACT] Description: EIGPRINT
Type: Integer Default value: 100 Description: ETHRES
Type: Float Default value: 0.0 Unit: eV Description: Threshold for effective coupling FULLGRID
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: InvGuess
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: EigVal-OrbDiff Options: [EigVal-OrbDiff, OrbDiff-OrbDiff, Exact] Description: Type of states to be coupled LOCALFXCK
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Lowest
Type: Integer Default value: 10 Description: The selection of the excited states to be coupled consists of two steps NITER
Type: Integer Default value: 1 Description: NOINTERSOLV
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: NOSOLVCCHECK
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: ONEGRID
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: OptStates
Type: Integer List Description: If the keyword OPTSTATES is given, only those excited states of the first subsystem are considered as reference states that are given in this list. PFRAGOUT
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: PTHRES
Type: Float Default value: 1.0 Description: SETDIAG
Type: Float Description: SFThres
Type: Float Default value: 1e-05 Description: To reduce the computational effort, it is possible to ignore the effect of orbital pairs with coefficients less than solutionfactor_threshold in the solution factors (TDDFT eigenvectors) of the underlying uncoupled calculation in the construction of the exact trial densities during the calculation of the coupling matrix elements. These orbital pair contributions are not ignored in the subsequent calculation of transition moments, oscillator, and rotational strengths. SMARTGRID
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Stat2CPL
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: OnlyKnown Options: [OnlyKnown] Description: Type of states to be coupled TCOMEGA
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Transpose construction of Omega matrix TDA
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: TDA specifies the use of the Tamm-Dancoff-Approximation (Tamm-Dancoff approximation) in the underlying uncoupled FDE-TDDFT calculations. Contrary to the full SUBEXCI-TDDFT variant, SUBEXCI-TDA allows for the usage of hybrid functionals in the underlying uncoupled FDE-TDDFT calculations. TKINKERNEL
Type: Bool Default value: Yes Description: XCKERNEL
Type: Bool Default value: Yes Description:
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: AUTO Options: [AUTO, NOSYM, ATOM, C(LIN), D(LIN), C(I), C(S), C(2), C(2V), C(3V), C(4V), C(5V), C(6V), C(7V), C(8V), C(2H), D(2), D(3), D(4), D(5), D(6), D(7), D(8), D(2D), D(3D), D(4D), D(5D), D(6D), D(7D), D(8D), D(2H), D(3H), D(4H), D(5H), D(6H), D(7H), D(8H), O(H), T(D)] Description: Use (sub)symmetry with this Schoenflies symbol. Can only be used for molecules. Orientation should be correct for the (sub)symmetry. Coordinates must be symmetric within SymmetryTolerance.
Type: Float Default value: 1e-07 Description: Tolerance used to detect symmetry in the system. If symmetry Schoenflies symbol is specified, the coordinates must be symmetric within this tolerance.
Type: Block Description: Obsolete option for linear scaling and distance effects. We recommend using the LinearScaling key instead. Bas
Type: Float Description: Parameter related to the threshold for the calculation of basis functions on a block of integration points. A higher value implies higher precision. The default depends on the Integration numerical quality. Fit
Type: Float Description: Parameter related to the threshold for the calculation of fit functions on a block of integration points. A higher value implies higher precision. The default depends on the Integration numerical quality.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Use the Tamm-Dancoff approximation (TDA) (requires the EXCITATION block key)
Type: Bool Default value: No Description:
Type: Float Default value: 0.1 Unit: eV Description: If the orbital energy of the fragment MO is within this threshold with fragment HOMO or LUMO energy, then this fragment MO is included in the calculation of the transfer integrals. Relevant in case there is (near) degeneracy.
Type: String Default value: *** (NO TITLE) *** Description: Title of the calculation.
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Print: Total Energy Description: Calculate the total energy. Normally only the bonding energy with respect to the fragments is calculated. The total energy will be less accurate then the bonding energy (about two decimal places), and is not compatible with some options. In most cases the total energy will not be needed.
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: : Charge transfer integrals (for transport properties) Description: Calculate the charge transfer integrals, spatial overlap integrals and site energies. Charge transfer integrals can be used in models that calculate transport properties.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: By default, a spin-restricted calculation is performed where the spin alpha and spin beta orbitals are spatially the same.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Use fragments calculated a spin-unrestricted calculation: the spin alpha and spin beta orbitals may be spatially different. The total spin polarization of your fragments must match the spin polarization of your final molecule.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Use Patchkovskii routines for PBE
Type: Integer GUI name: Vectorlength (blocksize) Description: Specify a different batch size for the integration points here (default: 128 on most machines and 2047 on vector machines).
Type: Non-standard block Description: Input for VSCRF.
Type: Block Description: Definition of the XC. Dispersion
Type: String Description: Dispersion corrections. DoubleHybrid
Type: String Description: Specifies the double hybrid functional that should be used during the SCF. EmpiricalScaling
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: None Options: [None, SOS, SCS, SCSMI] Description: Calculate the (SOS/SCS/SCSMI)-MP2 correlation energy. GGA
Type: String Description: Specifies the GGA part of the XC Functional HartreeFock
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Use the Hartree-Fock exchange should be used during the SCF. Hybrid
Type: String Description: Specifies the hybrid functional that should be used during the SCF. LDA
Type: String Description: Defines the LDA part of the XC functional LibXC
Type: String Description: Use the LibXC library with the specified functional. MP2
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Calculate the MP2 correlation energy after the HF SCF is completed. MetaGGA
Type: String Description: Specifies that a meta-GGA should be used during the SCF MetaHybrid
Type: String Description: Specifies the meta-hybrid functional that should be used during the SCF. Model
Type: String Description: Model potential to be used NoLibXC
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Prevent the usage of the LibXC library OEP
Type: String Description: Defines the optimized effective potential expanded into a set of the fit functions RPA
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Calculate the RPA correlation energy after the HF SCF is completed. RangeSep
Type: String Description: Range separated hybrids parameters XCFun
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Use the XCFun library
Type: Block Description: X-ray emission spectroscopy AllXESMoments
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Print: All XES Moments Description: Print out all the individual transition moments used within the calculation of the total oscillator strength AllXESQuadrupole
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: : All XES Quadrupole Description: Print out the individual oscillator strength components to the total oscillator strength CoreHole
Type: String GUI name: Acceptor orbital Description: selection of the acceptor orbital for the calculation of the emission oscillator strengths. For example ‘CoreHole A1 2’ calculates oscillator strengths to the orbital 2 in irrep A1. In AMSinput you may also use the notation 2A1 (so first the orbital number, next the symmetry) Enabled
Type: Bool Default value: No GUI name: Calculate XES Description: Calculate the X-ray emission energies to a core orbital. By default it calculates the emission to the first orbital in the first symmetry.
Type: Bool Default value: No Description: Expert option in TDDFT excittaions.
Type: String Description: Calculate the zero-field splitting (ZFS) of an open shell ground state. An unrestricted calculation is required and a spin larger than 1/2, and no no spatial degeneracy. Scalar relativistic ZORA is required.
Type: Block Description: Options for the density fitting scheme ‘ZlmFit’. AllowBoost
Type: Bool Default value: Yes Description: Allow automatic atom-dependent tuning of maximum l of spherical harmonics expansion. Whether or not this boost is needed for a given atom is based on an heuristic estimate of how complex the density around that atom is. DensityThreshold
Type: Float Default value: 1e-07 Description: Threshold below which the electron density is considered to be negligible. GridAngOrder
Type: Integer Default value: 21 Description: GridRadialFactor
Type: Float Default value: 1.0 Description: PartitionFunThreshold
Type: Float Default value: 0.0 Description: PotentialThreshold
Type: Float Default value: 1e-07 Description: Pruning
Type: Bool Default value: Yes Description: Quality
Type: Multiple Choice Default value: Auto Options: [Auto, Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood, Excellent] Description: Quality of the density-fitting approximation. For a description of the various qualities and the associated numerical accuracy see reference. If ‘Auto’, the quality defined in the ‘NumericalQuality’ will be used. QualityPerRegion
Type: Block Recurring: True Description: Sets the ZlmFit quality for all atoms in a region. If specified, this overwrites the globally set quality. Quality
Type: Multiple Choice Options: [Basic, Normal, Good, VeryGood, Excellent] Description: The region’s quality of the ZlmFit. Region
Type: String Description: The identifier of the region for which to set the quality.
Type: Integer Default value: 4 Description: lMargin
Type: Integer Default value: 4 Description: