#! /bin/sh # This example tries to do the same as in the COSMO-RS GUI Tutorial: Polymers, # using scripts. # First some .coskf files are copied to the location where the scripts are running. # Some of the .coskf files are a sample of the full polymer database ADFCRS-POLYMERS-2019. # In the first part of the example crsprep is used to set pure compound parameters. # Pure compound densities are required for every species in a calculation involving any polymers. # For some pure compounds the VPM1 vapor pressure equation is set including vapor pressure coefficients. echo "Results" cp $AMSHOME/examples/COSMO-RS/Database/*coskf . cp $AMSHOME/examples/COSMO-RS/Polymers/*coskf . "$AMSBIN/crsprep" -c Benzene.coskf -density 0.876 -savecompound "$AMSBIN/crsprep" -c Water.coskf -density 1.0 -savecompound "$AMSBIN/crsprep" -c Methanol.coskf -density 0.792 -savecompound \ -vp_equation VPM1 -vp_params "-7057.597287 -9.936895562 0.00608530790 77.10002032 0" "$AMSBIN/crsprep" -c Hexane.coskf -density 0.655 -savecompound \ -vp_equation VPM1 -vp_params "-5575.417318 -6.612402250 0.00437376138 53.36969532 0" rm -f job.sh touch job.sh chmod +x job.sh "$AMSBIN/crsprep" -t ACTIVITYCOEF -j Polymers.1 \ -s "Poly(ethylene).coskf" -frac1 0.5 -s Benzene.coskf -frac1 0.5 \ -massfraction > job.sh ./job.sh echo "Polymers.1" "$AMSBIN/amsreport" Polymers.1.crskf compounds-name Flory-Huggins WF-activity-coefficient "$AMSBIN/crsprep" -t VAPORPRESSURE -temperature 298.15 -temperature 398.15 -n 10 -j Polymers.2 \ -s "Poly(dimethylsiloxane).coskf" -frac1 0.5 -s Methanol.coskf -frac1 0.25 \ -s Hexane.coskf -frac1 0.25 \ -massfraction > job.sh ./job.sh echo "Polymers.2" "$AMSBIN/amsreport" Polymers.2.crskf compounds-name temperature pressure "$AMSBIN/crsprep" -t LOGP -preset 0 -j Polymers.3 \ -s "Poly(ethylene).coskf" -s Water.coskf \ -c Methanol.coskf > job.sh ./job.sh echo "Polymers.3" "$AMSBIN/amsreport" Polymers.3.crskf logp "$AMSBIN/crsprep" -t PURESOLUBILITY -temperature 398.15 -temperature 498.15 -n 10 -j Polymers.4 \ -s Hexane.coskf -solphase Gas -pressure 1.01325 \ -c "Poly(styrene).coskf" > job.sh ./job.sh echo "Polymers.4" "$AMSBIN/amsreport" Polymers.4.crskf solubility-g "$AMSBIN/crsprep" -t BINMIXCOEF -method COSMOSAC2013 -j Polymers.5 \ -s "Poly(ethyl_ethylene).coskf" -s Benzene.coskf \ -massfraction > job.sh ./job.sh echo "Polymers.5" "$AMSBIN/amsreport" Polymers.5.crskf polymer-fraction Flory-Huggins echo "Ready"