Example: Using capping atoms in a periodic system with charges

Now we look at a BN chain and use charges for the MM calculation.


Let us have a look at the report generated by the example, that pretty much explains what is done

Download report PeriodicCappingWithCharges.txt

We optimize the lattice and test several distances

We divide the system in such a way that there are two equivalent, and hence neutral regions.

Here are the distances (Angstrom) as obtained with a QM and an MM method
  distance         qm         mm    err(mm)
       B-H      1.182      1.181     -0.001
       N-H      1.007      1.041      0.034
       B-N      1.431      1.498      0.067

Of course the force field results do not exactly match the QM results, the error displayed in the last column

Now we try the hybrid engine, can we improve the bonds in the QM region?

We start from the geometry calculated with the (cheap) forcefield

In this table we show the errors in bond lengths (in the QM region) of the hybrid method with respect to the QM method

      embedding         capping          energy             B-H             N-H             B-N
     mechanical           fixed       -6.845015           0.004          -0.007          -0.049
     mechanical      fractional       -6.746367           0.013          -0.006          -0.034
  electrostatic           fixed       -6.748753           0.002          -0.004          -0.040
  electrostatic      fractional       -6.652196           0.010          -0.003          -0.024

Here are some observations
     * the B-H distance is a bit worse than with a plain forcefield, especially with fractional capping
     * the N-H distance is much better than with the plain forcefield 
     * the B-N distance is a bit better than with the plain forcefield, now too short. Fractional capping works best.
     * Electrostatic embedding is doing slightly better than mechanical embedding, the biggest improvement is on the B-N bond

Download PeriodicCappingWithCharges.run


export NSCM=1



# ensure that not a comma is used for decimals in the printf function

export AMS_JOBNAME=reference

rm -rf $AMS_JOBNAME.results


Task GeometryOptimization

GeometryOptimization OptimizeLattice=yes Method=FIRE MaxIterations=300

   GeometryFile $STRUCTDIR/var5.xyz
   GuessBonds true

Engine DFTB


aaa1qm=`$AMSBIN/amsreport $AMS_JOBNAME.results/dftb.rkf -r distance#1#2`
bbb1qm=`$AMSBIN/amsreport $AMS_JOBNAME.results/dftb.rkf -r distance#3#4`
ccc1qm=`$AMSBIN/amsreport $AMS_JOBNAME.results/dftb.rkf -r distance#1#3`

printf "We optimize the lattice and test several distances\n" > $report

printf "\nWe divide the system in such a way that there are two equivalent, and hence neutral regions.\n" >>$report

export AMS_JOBNAME=cheap

rm -rf $AMS_JOBNAME.results


Task GeometryOptimization

GeometryOptimization OptimizeLattice=yes Method=FIRE MaxIterations=300

   GeometryFile $STRUCTDIR/var5.xyz
   LoadForceFieldCharges File=reference.results
   GuessBonds true

Engine ForceField


aaa1mm=`$AMSBIN/amsreport $AMS_JOBNAME.results/forcefield.rkf -r distance#1#2`
bbb1mm=`$AMSBIN/amsreport $AMS_JOBNAME.results/forcefield.rkf -r distance#3#4`
ccc1mm=`$AMSBIN/amsreport $AMS_JOBNAME.results/forcefield.rkf -r distance#1#3`

errmma=`echo "$aaa1mm- $aaa1qm" | bc`
errmmb=`echo "$bbb1mm- $bbb1qm" | bc`
errmmc=`echo "$ccc1mm- $ccc1qm" | bc`

printf "\nHere are the distances (Angstrom) as obtained with a QM and an MM method\n" >> $report
printf "%10s %10s %10s %10s\n"   "distance"  "qm"  "mm" "err(mm)">> $report
printf "%10s %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f\n"   "B-H"  $aaa1qm $aaa1mm $errmma >> $report
printf "%10s %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f\n"   "N-H"  $bbb1qm $bbb1mm $errmmb >> $report
printf "%10s %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f\n"   "B-N"  $ccc1qm $ccc1mm $errmmc >> $report

printf "\nOf course the force field results do not exactly match the QM results, the error displayed in the last column\n" >> $report

printf "\nNow we try the hybrid engine, can we improve the bonds in the QM region?\n" >> $report

printf "\nWe start from the geometry calculated with the (cheap) forcefield\n" >> $report

printf "\nIn this table we show the errors in bond lengths (in the QM region) of the hybrid method with respect to the QM method\n" >> $report

printf "\n%15s %15s %15s %15s %15s %15s\n" "embedding" "capping" "energy" "B-H"  "N-H"  "B-N"  >> $report

for system in var5
for embedding in  mechanical electrostatic

for capping in fixed fractional

export AMS_JOBNAME=$system.embedding=$embedding.capping=$capping.go

rm -rf $AMS_JOBNAME.results


Task GeometryOptimization

Properties Gradients=yes

GeometryOptimization OptimizeLattice=yes Method=FIRE MaxIterations=100

 File cheap.results

Engine Hybrid

	Capping AllowHighBondOrders=true Option=$capping

  QMMM qmRegion=qm qmEngineID=dftb mmEngineID=ForceField Embedding=$embedding

    Engine Band
    Engine DFTB

    Engine ForceField



aaa1=`$AMSBIN/amsreport $AMS_JOBNAME.results/hybrid.rkf -r distance#1#2`
bbb1=`$AMSBIN/amsreport $AMS_JOBNAME.results/hybrid.rkf -r distance#3#4`
ccc1=`$AMSBIN/amsreport $AMS_JOBNAME.results/hybrid.rkf -r distance#1#3`
xxx=`$AMSBIN/amsreport $AMS_JOBNAME.results/hybrid.rkf -k "AMSResults%Energy"`

# printf "%15s %15s %15s %15.6f %15.3f %15.3f %15.3f\n" $embedding $system $capping $xxx $aaa1 $bbb1 $ccc1  >> $report
erra=`echo "$aaa1- $aaa1qm" | bc`
errb=`echo "$bbb1- $bbb1qm" | bc`
errc=`echo "$ccc1- $ccc1qm" | bc`

printf "%15s %15s %15.6f %15.3f %15.3f %15.3f\n" $embedding $capping $xxx $erra $errb $errc  >> $report


printf "\nHere are some observations\n" >>$report
printf "     * the B-H distance is a bit worse than with a plain forcefield, especially with fractional capping\n" >>$report
printf "     * the N-H distance is much better than with the plain forcefield \n" >>$report
printf "     * the B-N distance is a bit better than with the plain forcefield, now too short. Fractional capping works best.\n" >>$report
printf "     * Electrostatic embedding is doing slightly better than mechanical embedding, the biggest improvement is on the B-N bond\n" >>$report

echo "begin report"
cat $report
echo "end report"