#! /bin/sh # One can calculate Bade atomic charges and other Atoms in Molecule properties # directly in ADF using a grid based method, see also an example that uses the # grid based method. Another possibility for Bader's analysis, an example is # described here, is to use the adf2aim utility such that a third party program # Xaim can be used. # The ADF utility adf2aim (original name rdt21, now part of the ADF package) # developed by Xavi Lopez, Engelber Sans and Carles Bo converts an ADF adf.rkf to # WFN format (for Bader analysis). # The WFN file is an input file for the third party program Xaim (see # http://www.quimica.urv.es/XAIM for details), which is a graphical user # interface to programs that can perform the Bader analysis. # Usage of adf2aim: AMS_JOBNAME=HF $AMSBIN/ams <