Theory and usage

The MLPotential engine in the Amsterdam Modeling Suite can calculate the potential energy surface using several different types of machine learning (ML) potentials.

Quickstart guide

To set up a simple MLPotential job using the graphical user interface, see the ANI-1ccx Thermochemistry tutorial.

Theory of ML potentials

With machine learning potentials, it is possible to quickly evaluate the energies and forces in a system with close to first-principles accuracy. Machine learning potentials are fitted (trained, parameterized) to reproduce reference data, typically calculated using an ab initio or DFT method. Machine learning potentials are sometimes referred to as machine learning force fields, or as interatomic potentials based on machine learning.

Several types of machine learning potentials exist, for example neural-network-based methods and kernel-based methods.

Several types of neural network potentials exist. It is common for such potentials to calculate the total energy as a sum of atomic contributions. In a high-dimensional neural network potential (HDNNP), as proposed by Behler and Parrinello [1], each atomic contribution is calculated by means of a feed-forward neural network, that takes in a representation of the chemical environment around the atom as input. This representation, or atomic environment descriptor or fingerprint, consists of a vector of rotationally, translationally, and permutationally invariant functions known as atom-centered symmetry functions (ACSF).

Graph convolutional neural network potentials (GCNNPs), or message-passing network neural potentials, similarly construct the total energy by summing up atomic contribution, but the appropriate representations of local atomic chemical environments are learned from the reference data.

Kernel-based methods make predictions based on how similar a system is to the systems in the training set.

There are also other types of machine learning potentials. For more detailed information, see for example references [2] and [3].

Installation and uninstallation

The Amsterdam Modeling Suite by default does not include the Python packages necessary to run the machine learning potential backends.

If you set up an MLPotential job via the graphical user interface, you will be asked to install the packages if they have not been installed already when you save your input. You can also use the package manager. Moreover, the run script will also contain instructions to install the necessary packages if needed, so that you can seamlessly run MLPotential jobs also on remote machines.

A command-line installation tool can also be used, for instance to install the torchani backend:

"$AMSBIN"/amspackages install torchani

The packages are installed into the AMS Python environment, and do not affect any other Python installation on the system. For the installation, an internet connection is required, unless you have configured the package manager for offline use .

To uninstall a package, e.g. torchani, run:

"$AMSBIN"/amspackages remove torchani

The package manager automatically installs necessary python dependencies such as PyTorch, but if you require a different version you can use pip:

"$AMSBIN"/amspython -m pip install -U torch


Packages installed through pip alone by the user will not show up as installed in the package manager, but they will be detected and used if possible.

If you install the a package into your amspython environment, using amspython -m pip install, the package manager will not display it in its overview. However, it will allow you to make use of it for running calculations with the ML Potential module. If you want to make sure that the version you installed will be detected, you can use

$ "$AMSBIN"/amspackages check --pip torch
05-11 10:47:57 torch is not installed!
05-11 10:47:57 User installed version located through pip: torch==1.8.1

We won’t be able to guarantee that all versions you install yourself work, but you may for instance be able to use this to install GPU supported versions of Torch that match your specific drivers.

Included (pre-parameterized) models

A model is the combination of a functional form with a set of parameters. Three pre-parameterized models can be selected, ANI-2x, ANI-1ccx, and ANI-1x. The predictions from these models are calculated from ensembles, meaning that the final prediction is an average over several independently trained neural networks.

Table 1 Pre-parameterized models for the MLPotential engine
  ANI-2x ANI-1ccx ANI-1x
Functional form HDNNP HDNNP HDNNP
Ensemble size 8 8 8
Atomic environment descriptor ACSF ACSF ACSF
Supported elements H, C, N, O, F, S, Cl H, C, N, O H, C, N, O
Training set structures organic molecules organic molecules organic molecules
Reference method ωB97-x/6-31G(d) DLPNO-CCSD(T)/CBS ωB97-x/6-31G(d)
Backend TorchANI TorchANI TorchANI
Reference [4] [5] [6]

For the ANI-*x models, the standard deviation for the energy predictions are calculated for the “main” output molecule (e.g., the final point of a geometry optimization). The summary statistics can be found in the mlpotential.txt file in the worker.0 subdirectory of the results directory.

Type:Multiple Choice
Default value:ANI-2x
Options:[Custom, ANI-1ccx, ANI-1x, ANI-2x]
Description:Select a particular parameterization. ANI-1x and ANI-2x: based on DFT (wB97X) ANI-1cxx: based on DLPNO-CCSD(T)/CBS ANI-1x and ANI-1ccx have been parameterized to give good geometries, vibrational frequencies, and reaction energies for gasphase organic molecules containing H, C, O, and N. ANI-2x can also handle the atoms F, S, and Cl. Set to Custom to specify the backend and parameter files yourself.

Custom models (custom parameters)

Set Model to Custom and specify which backend to use with the Backend option. In a typical case, you would have used that backend to train your own machine learning potential.

The backend reads the parameters, and any other necessary information (for example neural network architecture), from either a file or a directory. Specify the ParameterFile or ParameterDir option accordingly, with a path to the file or directory. Read the backend’s documentation to find out which option is appropriate.

Some backends may require that an energy unit (MLEnergyUnit) and/or distance unit (MLDistanceUnit) be specified. These units correspond to the units used during the training of the machine learning potential.


Engine MLPotential
    Backend SchNetPack
    Model Custom
    ParameterFile ethanol.schnet-model
    MLEnergyUnit kcal/mol
    MLDistanceUnit angstrom
Type:Multiple Choice
Options:[PiNN, SchNetPack, sGDML, TorchANI]
Description:The machine learning potential backend.
Type:Multiple Choice
Default value:Auto
Options:[Auto, angstrom, bohr]
GUI name:Internal distance unit
Description:Unit of distances expected by the ML backend (not the ASE calculator). The ASE calculator may require this information.
Type:Multiple Choice
Default value:Auto
Options:[Auto, Hartree, eV, kcal/mol, kJ/mol]
GUI name:Internal energy unit
Description:Unit of energy output by the ML backend (not the unit output by the ASE calculator). The ASE calculator may require this information.
Default value:
GUI name:Parameter directory
Description:Path to a set of parameters for the backend, if it expects to read from a directory.
Default value:
Description:Path to a set of parameters for the backend, if it expects to read from a file.


Table 2 Backends supported by the MLPotential engine.
  PiNN SchNetPack sGDML TorchANI
Reference [7] [8] [9] [10]
Methods HDNNPs, GCNNPs, … HDNNPs, GCNNPs, … GDML, sGDML [ensembles of] HDNNPs
Pre-built models none none none ANI-1x, ANI-2x, ANI-1ccx
Parameters from ParameterDir ParameterFile ParameterFile ParameterFile
Kernel-based No No Yes No
ML framework TensorFlow 1.15 PyTorch none, PyTorch PyTorch


For sGDML, the order of the atoms in the input file must match the order of atoms which was used during the fitting of the model.


If you use a custom parameter file with TorchANI, the model specified via ParameterFile is loaded with torch.load('')['model'], such that a forward call should be accessible via torch.load('')['model']((species, coordinates)). The energy shifter is not read from custom parameter files, so the absolute predicted energies will be shifted with respect to the reference data, but this does not affect relative energies (e.g., reaction energies).

CPU and GPU (CUDA), parallelization

By default a calculation will run on the CPU, and use all available CPU power. To limit the number of threads, the NumThreads keyword can be used if the backend uses PyTorch as its machine learning framework. Alternatively, you can set the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS.

To use a CUDA-enabled GPU, ensure that a CUDA-enabled version of TensorFlow or PyTorch has been installed (see Installation and uninstallation). Then set Device to the device on which you would like to run, for example, cuda:0. Calculations are typically much faster on the GPU than on the CPU.

Type:Multiple Choice
Default value:
Options:[, cpu, cuda:0, cuda:1]
Description:Device on which to run the calculation (e.g. cpu, cuda:0). If empty, the device can be controlled using environment variables for TensorFlow or PyTorch.
Default value:
GUI name:Number of threads
Description:Number of threads. If not empty, OMP_NUM_THREADS will be set to this number; for PyTorch-engines, torch.set_num_threads() will be called.


Because the calculation runs in a separate process, the number of threads is controlled by the input keyword NumThreads and not by the environment variable NSCM. We recommend setting NSCM=1 when using the MLPotential engine.

Only single-node calculations are currently supported.


If you run a PyTorch-based backend and receive an error message starting with:

sh: line 1: 1351 Illegal instruction: 4 sh

you may be attempting to run PyTorch on a rather old cpu. You could try to upgrade PyTorch to a newer version:

"$AMSBIN"/amspython -m pip install torch -U -f

If this does not help, please contact SCM support.


SCM does not provide support for parameterization using the MLPotential backends. SCM only provides technical (non-scientific) support for running simulations via the AMS driver.

Technical information

Each of the supported backends can be used as ASE (Atomic Simulation Environment) calculators. The MLPotential engine is an interface to those ASE calculators. The communication between the AMS driver and the backends is implemented with a named pipe interface. The MLPotential engine launches a python script,, which initializes the ASE calculator. The exact command that is executed is written as WorkerCommand in the output.


[1]J. Behler, M. Parrinello. Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 (2007) 146401
[2]J. Behler. J. Chem. Phys. 145 (2016) 170901.
[3]T. Mueller, A. Hernandez, C. Wang. J. Chem. Phys. 152 (2020) 050902.
[4]C. Devereux et al., J. Chem. Theory Comput. 16 (2020) 4192-4202.
[5]J. S. Smith et al., Nat. Commun. 10 (2019) 2903.
[6]J. S. Smith et al., J. Chem. Phys. 148 (2018) 241733.
[7]Y. Shao et al., J. Chem. Inf. Model. 60 (2020) 1184-1193.
[8]K. T. Schütt et al., J. Chem. Theory Comput. 15 (2019) 448-455.
[9]S. Chmiela et al. Comp. Phys. Commun. 240 (2019) 38-45.
[10]X. Gao et al. J. Chem. Inf. Model (2020).