from functools import reduce # Make sure this script was called correctly if not 'resultsdir' in globals(): print("\n USAGE: $AMSBIN/plams -v resultsdir=[path to .results folder]\n") quit() # Load the job associated with that .results folder bondboost = AMSJob.load_external(resultsdir) # determine number of possible CN bonds from first frame max_CN_Bonds = 0 pre_existing_CN_Bonds = 0 iSys = bondboost.results.get_history_molecule(1) iSys.guess_bonds() for bond in iSys.bonds: if bond.atom1.symbol == "N" and bond.atom2.symbol == "H": max_CN_Bonds += 1 elif bond.atom1.symbol == "H" and bond.atom2.symbol == "N": max_CN_Bonds += 1 elif bond.atom1.symbol == "C" and bond.atom2.symbol == "N": pre_existing_CN_Bonds += 1 elif bond.atom1.symbol == "N" and bond.atom2.symbol == "C": pre_existing_CN_Bonds += 1 nEntries = bondboost.results.readrkf('History', 'nEntries') for iHistEntry in range(2,nEntries+1): # Get the geometry for the accepted MC step iSys = bondboost.results.get_history_molecule(iHistEntry) iSys.guess_bonds() # Find N atoms CN_Bonds = 0 for bond in iSys.bonds: if bond.atom1.symbol == "C" and bond.atom2.symbol == "N": CN_Bonds += 1 elif bond.atom1.symbol == "N" and bond.atom2.symbol == "C": CN_Bonds += 1 cross_link_density = (CN_Bonds-pre_existing_CN_Bonds)/max_CN_Bonds print("({:4d}/{:4d}) {:2.3f} {:2.3f}".format(iHistEntry,nEntries, CN_Bonds, cross_link_density)) # compute density from lattice vectors and total mass, only for last frame latticevecs = bondboost.results.readrkf('Molecule', 'eeLatticeVectors') latticevecs = list(filter(lambda a: a != 0, latticevecs)) volume = reduce((lambda x, y: x * y), latticevecs) * 0.14818 #convert Bohr**3 to Ang**3 masses = bondboost.results.readrkf('Molecule', 'AtomMasses') mass = sum(masses) print("\n Final density: {:2.3f} \n Cross-linking ratio: {:2.3f} \n".format(mass/volume*1.6601, cross_link_density))