#!/bin/sh # Step 1: Run the conformer tool to quickly get a set of minima on the PES # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ $AMSBIN/conformers << EOF Generator RDKit InitialNConformers 100 End End System Atoms N -1.912873733399416 2.022897940092991 -0.1378294583620503 C -0.871664156578182 3.02960778940094 0.06584379364356192 C 0.5013812000791015 2.352115382193892 0.0410146984615521 O 0.812167345172201 1.847076794564962 -1.240836870209463 H -1.850257440384896 1.675835972092315 -1.088966428216949 H -2.82010628990089 2.459772455658122 -0.02412199180453132 H -1.024866752021569 3.492408399687411 1.045420209976512 H -0.9134720948542179 3.809309747393572 -0.7093004343600406 H 0.5270488401868264 1.547182041972351 0.7934160458635944 H 1.275876827761384 3.088526288396493 0.2854207086154862 H 0.2041922851100986 1.132993293447435 -1.463777763138591 End BondOrders 1 2 1.0 1 5 1.0 1 6 1.0 2 3 1.0 2 7 1.0 2 8 1.0 3 4 1.0 3 9 1.0 3 10 1.0 4 11 1.0 End End Engine DFTB Model DFTB0 ResourcesDir DFTB.org/mio-1-1 EndEngine RNGSeed 20200512 # Just to make the test output deterministic ... EOF # Step 2: Import energy landscape by running a LandscapeRefinement on it # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The energy landscape that is produced by the conformers tool does not contain # the engine output files of the individual states, which contain e.g. the # normal modes. It can be used as input to the PESExploration -> # LandscapeRefinement job, but not for the other PESExploration jobs (e.g. # ProcessSearch). You should therefore always run the conformers output through # a quick LandscapeRefinement before proceeding to other PES exploration jobs. # # At this point you can also trim down the number of minima loaded from the set # of conformers. In the example below, we only load the 10 lowest energy # conformers. AMS_JOBNAME=refinement $AMSBIN/ams << EOF Task PESExploration PESExploration Job LandscapeRefinement LoadEnergyLandscape Path conformers.results/conformers.rkf KeepOnly 1:10 End End Engine DFTB Model DFTB0 ResourcesDir DFTB.org/mio-1-1 EndEngine RNGSeed 20200512 # Just to make the test output deterministic ... EOF # Step 3: Run a process search around the lowest energy conformer # --------------------------------------------------------------- # # We load all states we got from the LandscapeRefinement and run a single # expedition around the lowest energy conformer. This will give us a set of # transition states connecting it to other conformers, but possibly also other # isomers. AMS_JOBNAME=process_search $AMSBIN/ams << EOF Task PESExploration PESExploration Job ProcessSearch LoadEnergyLandscape Path refinement.results SeedStates 1 End DynamicSeedStates False NumExpeditions 1 NumExplorers 64 End LoadSystem File refinement.results/ams.rkf End Engine DFTB Model DFTB0 ResourcesDir DFTB.org/mio-1-1 EndEngine RNGSeed 20200512 # Just to make the test output deterministic ... EOF # Note that DFTB0 wrongly predicts an energetically favorable proton transfer # from the OH group to the NH2 group. This would not have happened if we had # used SCC-DFTB, but it is a nice example to show off the input for these jobs # and that the PES exploration can discover also isomers, while the conformer # tool should only produce conformers.