PRIMME library


PRIMME: PReconditioned Iterative MultiMethod Eigensolver. SCM fixed some bugs in v1.2 of the PRIMME source, these changes have been communicated to the author. ADF2017 ships with a modified version of PRIMME v1.2, and is not backwards compatible. The modified sources can be downloaded below.



Andreas Stathopoulos and James R. McCombs, PRIMME: PReconditioned Iterative MultiMethod Eigensolver: Methods and software description ACM Transaction on Mathematical Software Vol. 37, No. 2, (2010), 21:1–21:30.

License (Click here to read the license conditions included in the PRIMME source code):

LGPL 2.1

Source code:

The source code of the PRIMME library v1.1 including the modifications by SCM can be downloaded here.