class GammaResults(Results): @staticmethod def get_difference(job, jobplus): """Calculate the difference between HOMO and IP. *jobplus* should be the counterpart of *job* with one less electron.""" homo = job.results.readrkf('Properties','HOMO', file='engine') IP = jobplus.results.get_energy() - job.results.get_energy() return IP + homo def get_J(self): N = GammaResults.get_difference(self.job.children[1], self.job.children[2]) A = GammaResults.get_difference(self.job.children[0], self.job.children[1]) return (N**2 + A**2)**0.5 class GammaJob(MultiJob): _result_type = GammaResults def __init__(self, molecule, gamma, charge, spins, **kwargs): MultiJob.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.molecule = molecule self.charge = charge self.spins = spins self.gamma = gamma def prerun(self): charges = [self.charge-1, self.charge, self.charge+1] for charge, spin in zip(charges, self.spins): name = '{}_charge_{}'.format(, charge) newjob = AMSJob(name=name, molecule=self.molecule, settings=self.settings) = charge newjob.settings.input.adf.xc.rangesep = "gamma={:f}".format(self.gamma) if spin != 0: newjob.settings.input.adf.unrestricted = True newjob.settings.input.adf.SpinPolarization = spin self.children.append(newjob) def gamma_scan(gammas, settings, molecule, name='scan', charge=0, spins=(1,0,1)): """Calculate values of J function for given range of gammas. Arguments: gammas - list of gamma values to calculate the J function for settings - Settings object for an ADF calculation molecule - Molecule object with the system of interest name - base name of all the jobs charge - base charge of the system of interest. The J function is going to be calculated based on two systems: with charge, and charge-1 spins - values of spin polarization for jobs with, respectively, charge-1, charge and charge +1 In other words, if charge=X and spins=(a,b,c) the three resulting jobs are going to have the following values for charge and spin: Charge=X-1 SpinPolarization=a Charge=X SpinPolarization=b Charge=X+1 SpinPolarization=c Returns a list of pairs (gamma, J) of the same length as the parameter *gammas* """ jobs = [GammaJob(molecule=molecule, settings=settings, gamma=g, charge=charge, spins=spins, name=name+'_gamma_'+str(g)) for g in gammas] results = [ for j in jobs] js = [r.get_J() for r in results] return list(zip(gammas, js)) # ============================================================= # Now we simply use the gamma_scan function to find the optimal # gamma value for a toy system (H2) # ============================================================= import numpy as np import multiprocessing # Run as many jobs in parallel as there are cores: config.default_jobrunner = JobRunner(parallel=True, maxjobs=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) # Settings of the ADF calculations # ================================ s = Settings() s.input.ams.task = 'SinglePoint' s.input.adf.basis.type = 'DZP' s.input.adf.basis.core = 'None' s.input.adf.xc.gga = 'PBE' s.input.adf.xc.xcfun = True s.runscript.nproc = 1 # The molecule (here we just use H2) # ================================== mol = Molecule() mol.add_atom(Atom(symbol='H', coords=(0,0,-0.3540))) mol.add_atom(Atom(symbol='H', coords=(0,0, 0.3540))) # The list of gamma values # ======================== # Here we scan just a few values for gamma. # In practice, you want to scan a wider range and smaller step. gammas = np.around(np.arange(1.2, 1.9, 0.2), decimals=3) results = gamma_scan(gammas, s, mol) print('== Results ==') print('gamma \t J') for g,j in results: print('{:.4f} \t {:.8f}'.format(g,j)) print('Optimal gamma value: {:.4f}'.format(min(results,key=lambda x:x[1])[0]))