Table molecule counts and bond count from reactive MD ams.rkf

If you run a reactive molecular dynamics simulation with for example ReaxFF, you may want to see how the number of molecules of different types changes with time.


It is also interesting to follow the number of bonds of a given type. A bond type is characterized by two elements making the bond and the order of the bond. The bond order is a real number and rounding off the value provides an indictation of the type of the bond. Rounding off the bond order to the next integer value gives 1, 2, 3, corresponding to single, double, triple bonds, respectively. Rounding off the bond order to half-integer values gives some additional details to the bond type. You can edit the round_type variable to either integer or half-integer.


Run the below script providing the ams.rkf file as the first (and only) command-line argument. If no ams.rkf file is given, a short MD simulation is run with ReaxFF to illustrate the analysis.

Example usage: (Download

#!/usr/bin/env amspython
from scm.plams import *
from collections import Counter
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys
import os
import numpy as np
import time


Example printing a table of the AMS Molecule analysis and/or AMS Bond analysis
from reactive MD simulations.

For molecules, for each species and frame, print the number of species in that
frame to molecule_analysis.txt and the corresponding plot in

For bonds, for each frame, print the number of bonds per type in that frame to
bond_analysis.txt and the corresponding plot to bond_analysis.pdf.  At the top
of the main() function, set whether to round the bond orders to the nearest
integer or half-integer.

You can comment out the molecule/bonds/print/plot functions to fit your needs.

Usage: $AMSBIN/amspython /path/to/ams.rkf

If no /path/to/ams.rkf is provided, the script will run a short toy MD with
ReaxFF to illustrate the analysis (requires a ReaxFF license).


def main():
    round_type = 'integer'       # round bond orders to nearest integer
    #round_type = 'half_integer' # round bond orders to nearest half integer

    if len(sys.argv) > 2:
        print("Usage: $AMSBIN/amspython /path/to/ams.rkf")
        print("   or: $AMSBIN/amspython")

    elif len(sys.argv) == 2:
        ams_rkf_path = sys.argv[1]

    elif len(sys.argv) == 1:
        # Run a short combustion MD with ReaxFF
        ams_rkf_path = run_md()

        # Molecule analysis
        names, counts_list = analyze_molecules(ams_rkf_path)
        molecule_analysis_table = table_results(names, counts_list)
        with open('molecule_analysis.txt', 'w') as f:
        plot_results(names, counts_list, 'molecule_analysis.pdf')
        # Bond analysis
        names, counts_list = analyze_bonds(ams_rkf_path,round_type)
        bond_analysis_table = table_results(names, counts_list)
        with open('bond_analysis.txt', 'w') as f:
        plot_results(names, counts_list, 'bond_analysis.pdf')

    except Exception as e:

def table_results(names, counts_list):
        This function returns the results in a space-separated table.

        names: list of str
            Molecule names

        counts_list: list of list of int
            List with dimensions nFrames x nMoleculeTypes
    ret = ["frame " + " ".join(names)]

    for frame, counts in enumerate(counts_list, 1):
        line = f"{frame} " + " ".join(str(x) for x in counts)

    return "\n".join(ret)

def plot_results(names, counts_list, filename=None):
        Plot the results as Count vs. frame
    data = np.array(counts_list).T
    for i, name in enumerate(names, 0):
    if filename:

def round_off(number,rtype='integer'):
        Round off bond order to integer or half integer.
    if rtype=='half_integer':
        number = round(number * 2) / 2
    if rtype=='integer':
        number = round(number)
    return number

def bo2symbol(bo):
        Convert bond order to bond symbol.
    s = '---'
    if bo == 0.5: s = '--'
    if bo == 1.0: s = '-'
    if bo == 1.5: s = '=='
    if bo == 2.0: s = '='
    if bo == 2.5: s = '≡≡'
    if bo == 3.0: s = '≡'
    return s

def analyze_molecules(ams_rkf_path):
        ams_rkf_path: str
            Path to an ams.rkf file from a reactive MD simulation

        Returns: 2-tuple (names, counts)
            ``names``: list of length nMoleculesTypes. ``counts``: list of
            length nFrames, each item a list of length nMoleculesTypes
            containing an integer with the number of molecules of that type at
            the particular frame.

    if not os.path.exists(ams_rkf_path):
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"Couldn't find the file {ams_rkf_path}")

    job = AMSJob.load_external(ams_rkf_path)

        n_molecules = job.results.readrkf('Molecules', 'Num molecules')
    except KeyError:
        raise KeyError("Couldn't find Molecules section on ams.rkf. You need to enable MolecularDynamics%Trajectory%WriteMolecules (before running the MD simulation).")

    # get the names of the molecules (molecular formula)
    molecule_type_range = range(1, n_molecules+1)  # 1, 2, ..., n_molecules
    names = [job.results.readrkf('Molecules', f'Molecule name {i}') for i in molecule_type_range]

    # read the Mols.Type from each History element
    mols_type_list = job.results.get_history_property('Mols.Type') # list of length nFrames
    counts_list = []

    # loop over the frames
    # store the counts-per-molecule-type in counts_list
    for mols_types in mols_type_list:
        counts = Counter(mols_types)
        counts_list.append([counts[x] for x in molecule_type_range])

    return names, counts_list

def analyze_bonds(ams_rkf_path,round_type):
        ams_rkf_path: str
            Path to an ams.rkf file from a reactive MD simulation

        Returns: dict (number of bond type)
            Each element of the dict are a list of length nframes containing 
            the occurence of every bond type at a given frame. 

    if not os.path.exists(ams_rkf_path):
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"Couldn't find the file {ams_rkf_path}")

    job = AMSJob.load_external(ams_rkf_path)

    trajectory = Trajectory(job.results.rkfpath())
    # Loop over frames
    allbonds = {}
    nframes = len(trajectory)
    for iframe, imol in enumerate(trajectory, 1):

        bonds,btype = [],[]
        # mol.bonds double count bonds
        for bond in imol.bonds:

            # Bond indices and symbols 
            b_atoms = [bond.atom1,bond.atom2]
            b_symbols = [bond.atom1.symbol,bond.atom2.symbol]
            sorted_symbols = sorted(b_symbols)

            # If bond has not yet been counted
            if b_atoms not in bonds:
                # Compute BO and add bond to list

        # Loop over unique bonds
        btype_set = set(tuple(row) for row in btype)
        for ibtype in btype_set:
            # Count how many bond of given type
            n_ibond = btype.count(list(ibtype))
            b_tag = ibtype[0]+bo2symbol(ibtype[2])+ibtype[1]
            b_label = '{:s} (BO {:2.1f})'.format(b_tag,ibtype[-1])
            # If new bond at frame iframe then create zeros 
            if b_label not in allbonds:
                allbonds[b_label] = [0.0]*(nframes)
            allbonds[b_label][iframe-1] = n_ibond

        # Counter
        if iframe % 10 == 1:
            print('Currently at frame {:d}/{:d}'.format(iframe,nframes))

    # Convert dictionary to counts_list
    names, counts_list = [name for name in allbonds],[]
    for iframe, imol in enumerate(trajectory, 1):
        counts_list_iframe = []
        for name in names:

    return names, counts_list

def run_md():
        Define the simulation box as mixture of H2/O2 and run a short NVE at high T

    o2 = from_smiles('O=O')
    h2 = from_smiles('[HH]')
    mixture = packmol(molecules=[o2, h2], n_molecules=[4, 4], density=1.0)

    s = Settings()
    s.input.reaxff.forcefield = 'CHO.ff'
    s.input.ams.task = 'MolecularDynamics'
    s.input.ams.MolecularDynamics.Nsteps = 3000
    s.input.ams.MolecularDynamics.Timestep = 0.5
    s.input.ams.MolecularDynamics.InitialVelocities.Temperature = 3500

    job = AMSJob(settings=s, molecule=mixture, name='md')

    return job.results.rkfpath()

if __name__ == '__main__':