(contributed by Bas van Beek)

COSMO-RS can be run from PLAMS using the CRSJob class and the corresponding CRSResults, both respectivelly being subclasses of SCMJob and SCMResults.


There is also a tutorial showing full code examples available in the COSMO-RS documentation. There are several templates available that can easily be customized for other problem types, workflows, etc.


For example, considering the following input file for a COSMO-RS sigma-profile calculation [1]:

compound /path/to/file.t21
    frac1 1.0

property puresigmaprofile
    nprofile 50
    sigmamax 0.025

temperature 298.15

The input file displayed above corresponds to the following settings:

>>> from scm.plams import Settings, CRSJob

>>> s = Settings()

>>> s.input.compound._h = '/path/to/file.t21'
>>> s.input.compound.frac1 = 1.0
>>> = 'puresigmaprofile'
>>> = 50
>>> = 0.025
>>> = ''
>>> s.input.temperature = 298.15

>>> my_job = CRSJob(settings=s)
>>> my_results =

Alternatively one can create a CRSJob instance from a runscript created by, for example, the ADF GUI (File -> Save as).

>>> from scm.plams import CRSJob

>>> filename = 'path/to/my/crs/'
>>> my_job = CRSJob.from_inputfile(filename)
>>> my_results =

Settings with multiple compound

More often than not one is interested in the properties of multi-component mixtures (e.g. a dissolved solute). In such cases one has to pass multiple compound blocks to the input file, which is somewhat problematic as Python dictionaries (including Settings) can only contain a set of unique keys.

This problem can be resolved by changing the value of compound from a Settings instance into a list of multiple Settings instances. Each item within this list is expanded into its own compound block once creates the actual input file.

Example Settings with three compounds:

>>> from scm.plams import Settings, CRSJob

>>> compound1, compound2, compound3 = Settings(), Settings(), Settings()

>>> compound1._h = '/path/to/coumpound1.t21'
>>> compound1.frac1 = 0.33
>>> compound2._h = '/path/to/coumpound2.t21'
>>> compound2.frac1 = 0.33
>>> compound3._h = '/path/to/coumpound3.t21'
>>> compound3.frac1 = 0.33

>>> s = Settings()
>>> s.input.compound = [compound1, compound2, compound3]

>>> my_job = CRSJob(settings=s)
>>> my_results =

Which yields the following input:

compound /path/to/coumpound1.t21
    frac1 0.33

compound /path/to/coumpound2.t21
    frac1 0.33

compound /path/to/coumpound3.t21
    frac1 0.33

ADF and CRSJob

A workflow is presented in the PLAMS cookbook. In this workflow, we follow the usual procedure of generating the inputs required to run COSMO-RS and COSMO-SAC calculations.

COSMO-RS Parameters

A large number of configurable parameters is available for COSMO-RS. If one is interested in running multiple jobs it can be usefull to store the paramaters in seperate dictionary / Settings instance and update the Job settings as needed, double so if one wants to use multiple different paramater sets.

An example is provided below with the default COSMO-RS paramaters (i.e. ADF Combi2005):

>>> from scm.plams import Settings

# ADF Combi2005 COSMO-RS parameters
>>> adf_combi2005 = {
...     'crsparameters': {
...         '_1': 'HB_HNOF',
...         '_2': 'HB_TEMP',
...         '_3': 'FAST',
...         '_4': 'COMBI2005',
...         'rav': 0.400,
...         'aprime': 1510.0,
...         'fcorr': 2.802,
...         'chb': 8850.0,
...         'sigmahbond': 0.00854,
...         'aeff': 6.94,
...         'lambda': 0.130,
...         'omega': -0.212,
...         'eta': -9.65,
...         'chortf': 0.816
...     },
...     'dispersion': {
...         'H': -0.0340,
...         'C': -0.0356,
...         'N': -0.0224,
...         'O': -0.0333,
...         'F': -0.026,
...         'Si': -0.04,
...         'P': -0.045,
...         'S': -0.052,
...         'Cl': -0.0485,
...         'Br': -0.055,
...         'I': -0.062
...     }
... }

>>> s_list = [Settings(), Settings(), Settings()]
>>> for s in s_list:
...     s.input.update(adf_combi2005)

>>> print([s.input == adf_combi2005 for s in s_list])
[True, True, True]

Data analyses and plotting

As COSMO-RS can produce a large variety of data series, a number of specialized methods are available in the CRSResults for their extraction and analysis. The resulting data is stored in either a dictionary of Numpy arrays or (optionally) a Pandas DataFrame.

The extracted data can be further customized by altering the subsection argument. For example, by default CRSResults.get_solubility() will extract the solubility in mol solute per liter solvent ("subsection=mol_per_L_solvent"). This can be changed in, for example, gram per liter solvent ("subsection=m_per_L_solvent") or the solute mass fraction ("massfrac").

A complete overview of all available sections and subsections can be acquired by calling the KFFile.get_skeleton() method of the KF binary file (e.g. print(my_results._kf.get_skeleton())).


Method for data extraction

Sigma profile


Sigma potential


Vapor pressure


Boiling point




Binary mixture


Ternary mixtures


Solvents composition line


If the Matplotlib package is installed than the resulting data can easily plotted by passing it to the CRSResults.plot() method (e.g. CRSResults.plot(my_sigma_profile)):

>>> from scm.plams import Settings, CRSJob
>>> import numpy as np

>>> s = Settings()

>>> s.input.compound._h = '/path/to/Water.coskf'
>>> s.input.compound.frac1 = 1.0
>>> = 'puresigmaprofile'
>>> = 50
>>> = 0.025
>>> = ''
>>> s.input.temperature = 298.15

>>> my_job = CRSJob(settings=s)
>>> my_results =

>>> my_sigma_profile = my_results.get_sigma_profile()
>>> with np.printoptions(threshold=0, edgeitems=5):
...     print(sigma_profile)
{'Water.coskf': array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., ..., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]),
 'σ (e/A**2)': array([-0.25, -0.24, -0.23, -0.22, -0.21, ...,  0.21,  0.22,  0.23,  0.24, 0.25])}

>>> my_results.plot(my_sigma_profile)


class CRSJob(**kwargs)[source]

A SCMJob subclass intended for running COSMO-RS jobs.


alias of


Initialize a CRSJob instance.

static cos_to_coskf(filename)[source]

Convert a .cos file into a .coskf file with the $AMSBIN/cosmo2kf command.

Returns the filename of the new .coskf file.

class CRSResults(job)[source]

A SCMResults subclass for accessing results of CRSJob.

get_energy(energy_type='deltag', compound_idx=0, unit='kcal/mol')[source]

Returns the solute solvation energy from an Activity Coefficients calculation.


Return the solute activity coefficient from an Activity Coefficients calculation.

get_sigma_profile(subsection='profil', as_df=False)[source]

Grab all sigma profiles, returning a dictionary of Numpy Arrays.

Values of \(\sigma\) are stored under the (e/A**2)" key.

Results can be returned as a Pandas DataFrame by settings as_df to True.

The returned results can be plotted by passing them to the CRSResults.plot() method.


as_df = True requires the Pandas package. Plotting requires the matplotlib package.

get_sigma_potential(subsection='mu', unit='kcal/mol', as_df=False)[source]

Grab all sigma profiles, expressed in unit, and return a dictionary of Numpy Arrays.

Values of \(\sigma\) are stored under the (e/A**2)" key.

Results can be returned as a Pandas DataFrame by settings as_df to True.

The returned results can be plotted by passing them to the CRSResults.plot() method.


as_df = True requires the Pandas package. Plotting requires the matplotlib package.


Read the section of the .crskf file and return a list of the properties that were calculated. The section argument can be supplied to look at previously-calculated results. If no section name is supplied, the function defaults to using the most recent property that was calculated.


Read the section from the most recent calculation type and return the result as a dictionary.


This function returns multispecies distribution for each (compound,structure) pair. The format is a list with indices corresponding to compound indices. Each item in the list is a dictionary with a structure name : list pair, where the structure name corresponds to a structure the compound can be exist as and the list is the distribution of that compound in that structure over the number of points (mole fractions, temperatures, pressures).

plot(*arrays, x_axis=None, plot_fig=True, x_label=None, y_label=None)[source]

Plot, show and return a series of COSMO-RS results as a matplotlib Figure instance.

Accepts the output of, e.g., CRSResults.get_sigma_profile(): A dictionary of Numpy arrays or a Pandas DataFrame.

Returns a matplotlib Figure instance which can be further modified to the users liking. Automatic plotting of the resulting figure can be disabled with the plot_fig argument.


This method requires the matplotlib package.


The name of the dictionary/DataFrame key containing the index (i.e. the x-axis) can, and should, be manually specified in x_axis if a custom x_axis is passed to CRSResults._get_array_dict(). This argument can be ignored otherwise.

_get_array_dict(section, subsection, x_axis, index_subsection, unit='kcal/mol', as_df=False)[source]

Create dictionary or DataFrame containing all values in section/subsection.

Takes the following arguments:
  • The section/subsection of the desired quantity.

  • The desired name of the index (x_axis).

  • The name of subsection containing the index (index_subsection).

  • The unit of the output quanty (ignore this keyword if not applicable).

  • If the result should be returned as Pandas DataFrame (as_df).

_construct_array_dict(section, subsection, unit='kcal/mol')[source]

Construct dictionary containing all values in section/subsection.

static _dict_to_df(array_dict, section, x_axis)[source]

Attempt to convert a dictionary into a DataFrame.