Platform Specific Information

The following table displays the platforms, compilers and MPI versions that we have used to prepare the executables and object libraries. Other versions (especially older ones) are not guaranteed to work with this release of the Amsterdam Modeling Suite 2024. Please contact us if you have problems running AMS on your platform.

Machine-specific comments

  • 64-bit Windows: The Windows version has been prepared under Windows 11 and tested under Windows 10 and 11. This version has not been tested on other versions of Windows but it might also work on Windows 7. AMS2024 is not compatible with Windows XP, and only works on 64-bit installations of Windows. Please read Installation instructions for the list of known issues and important information about installing and configuring the package on Windows.

  • x86-64 Linux: The x86-64 Linux version requires both a 64-bit processor and a 64-bit operating system. The processor must support AVX2 instructions. The minimum supported GLIBC version for AMS2024 is 2.17 for both the GUI and the compute engines. The users with an earlier GLIBC version should upgrade their system. If your OS is older than CentOS 7 / RHEL 7, you might also experience problems.

  • Cray XT, XE, and XC: The Linux IntelMPI distribution of AMS2024 is compatible with cray machines using the MPICH ABI compatibility.

  • AMD-Zen version: The AMS2024 Optimized for AMD-Zen version is targeted at AMD Zen, Zen2, Zen3 and Zen4 processors with AVX2 instructions. This currently includes all AMD Ryzen, Threadripper and Epyc processors. It is built using AMD Optimizing CPU Libraries (AOCL).

Table 1 Platform Specific Information


Operating System

Fortran compiler

C Compiler

MPI brand & version

Math Library


Windows 10 64-bit,

MinGW msys2-20161025

Intel Fortran, 2021.4.0

Microsoft Visual C++ 19.29.30130.2

Microsoft MPI 10.1.12498.18

Intel MKL 2021.4.0


CentOS Linux 7.9,

glibc 2.17

Intel Fortran, 2021.4.0

GCC 10.3.0

IntelMPI 2018 update 3 [1]

Intel MKL 2021.4.0

Linux with OpenMPI

CentOS Linux 7.9

glibc 2.17

Intel Fortran, 2021.4.0

GCC 10.3.0

OpenMPI 4.1.1

Intel MKL 2021.4.0

Linux for AMD

CentOS Linux 7.9

glibc 2.17

Intel Fortran, 2021.4.0

GCC 10.3.0

IntelMPI 2018 update 3 [1]


Intel Mac OS X

macOS 10.13

Intel Fortran 2021.4.0

Apple LLVM 10.0

OpenMPI 2.1.2

Intel MKL 2021.4.0

Arm64 Mac OS

macOS 13.2

Gfortran 12.2.0

Apple LLVM version 14.0.0

OpenMPI 4.1.4

Apple Accelerate Framework
