Helium Dimer Dissociation Curve



This example shows how to manually loop over a set of interatomic distances for the He dimer.

In AMS you can also set up a bond scan using the PESScan task, which simplifies the input and results extraction.

To follow along, either

Worked Example

Initial Imports

import numpy as np
from scm.plams import Settings, Molecule, Atom, AMSJob

Setup Dimer

Create Helium atoms and an array of interatomic distances at which to run calculation.

# type of atoms
atom1 = "He"
atom2 = "He"
# interatomic distance values
dmin = 2.2
dmax = 4.2
step = 0.2
# create a list with interatomic distances
distances = np.arange(dmin, dmax, step)
[2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.  3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4. ]

Calculation Settings

The calculation settins are stored in a Settings object.

# calculation parameters (single point, TZP/PBE+GrimmeD3)
sett = Settings()
sett.input.ams.task = "SinglePoint"
sett.input.adf.basis.type = "TZP"
sett.input.adf.xc.gga = "PBE"
sett.input.adf.xc.dispersion = "Grimme3"

Create and Run Jobs

For each interatomic distance, create a Helium dimer molecule with the required geometry then the single point energy calculation job. Run the job and extract the energy.

energies = []
for d in distances:
    mol = Molecule()
    mol.add_atom(Atom(symbol=atom1, coords=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)))
    mol.add_atom(Atom(symbol=atom2, coords=(d, 0.0, 0.0)))
    job = AMSJob(molecule=mol, settings=sett, name=f"dist_{d:.2f}")
[26.08|15:26:10] JOB dist_2.20 STARTED
[26.08|15:26:10] JOB dist_2.20 RUNNING
[26.08|15:26:11] JOB dist_2.20 FINISHED
[26.08|15:26:12] JOB dist_2.20 SUCCESSFUL
[26.08|15:26:12] JOB dist_2.40 STARTED
[26.08|15:26:12] JOB dist_2.40 RUNNING
[26.08|15:26:13] JOB dist_2.40 FINISHED
[26.08|15:26:13] JOB dist_2.40 SUCCESSFUL
[26.08|15:26:13] JOB dist_2.60 STARTED
[26.08|15:26:13] JOB dist_2.60 RUNNING
[26.08|15:26:15] JOB dist_2.60 FINISHED
[26.08|15:26:15] JOB dist_2.60 SUCCESSFUL
[26.08|15:26:15] JOB dist_2.80 STARTED
[26.08|15:26:15] JOB dist_2.80 RUNNING
[26.08|15:26:16] JOB dist_2.80 FINISHED
[26.08|15:26:16] JOB dist_2.80 SUCCESSFUL
[26.08|15:26:16] JOB dist_3.00 STARTED
[26.08|15:26:16] JOB dist_3.00 RUNNING
[26.08|15:26:18] JOB dist_3.00 FINISHED
[26.08|15:26:18] JOB dist_3.00 SUCCESSFUL
[26.08|15:26:18] JOB dist_3.20 STARTED
[26.08|15:26:18] JOB dist_3.20 RUNNING
[26.08|15:26:20] JOB dist_3.20 FINISHED
[26.08|15:26:20] JOB dist_3.20 SUCCESSFUL
[26.08|15:26:20] JOB dist_3.40 STARTED
[26.08|15:26:20] JOB dist_3.40 RUNNING
[26.08|15:26:21] JOB dist_3.40 FINISHED
[26.08|15:26:21] JOB dist_3.40 SUCCESSFUL
[26.08|15:26:21] JOB dist_3.60 STARTED
[26.08|15:26:21] JOB dist_3.60 RUNNING
[26.08|15:26:23] JOB dist_3.60 FINISHED
[26.08|15:26:23] JOB dist_3.60 SUCCESSFUL
[26.08|15:26:23] JOB dist_3.80 STARTED
[26.08|15:26:23] JOB dist_3.80 RUNNING
[26.08|15:26:24] JOB dist_3.80 FINISHED
[26.08|15:26:24] JOB dist_3.80 SUCCESSFUL
[26.08|15:26:24] JOB dist_4.00 STARTED
[26.08|15:26:24] JOB dist_4.00 RUNNING
[26.08|15:26:26] JOB dist_4.00 FINISHED
[26.08|15:26:26] JOB dist_4.00 SUCCESSFUL


Print table of results of the distance against the calculated energy.

print("== Results ==")
print("d[A]    E[kcal/mol]")
for d, e in zip(distances, energies):
    print(f"{d:.2f}    {e:.3f}")
== Results ==
d[A]    E[kcal/mol]
2.20    0.230
2.40    -0.054
2.60    -0.127
2.80    -0.122
3.00    -0.094
3.20    -0.066
3.40    -0.045
3.60    -0.030
3.80    -0.020
4.00    -0.013
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3))
ax.plot(distances, energies, ".-")
ax.set_xlabel("He-He distance (Å)")
ax.set_ylabel("Energy (kcal/mol)");

Complete Python code

#!/usr/bin/env amspython
# coding: utf-8

# ## Initial Imports

import numpy as np
from scm.plams import Settings, Molecule, Atom, AMSJob

# ## Setup Dimer
# Create Helium atoms and an array of interatomic distances at which to run calculation.

# type of atoms
atom1 = "He"
atom2 = "He"

# interatomic distance values
dmin = 2.2
dmax = 4.2
step = 0.2

# create a list with interatomic distances
distances = np.arange(dmin, dmax, step)

# ## Calculation Settings
# The calculation settins are stored in a `Settings` object.

# calculation parameters (single point, TZP/PBE+GrimmeD3)
sett = Settings()
sett.input.ams.task = "SinglePoint"
sett.input.adf.basis.type = "TZP"
sett.input.adf.xc.gga = "PBE"
sett.input.adf.xc.dispersion = "Grimme3"

# ## Create and Run Jobs
# For each interatomic distance, create a Helium dimer molecule with the required geometry then the single point energy calculation job. Run the job and extract the energy.

energies = []
for d in distances:
    mol = Molecule()
    mol.add_atom(Atom(symbol=atom1, coords=(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)))
    mol.add_atom(Atom(symbol=atom2, coords=(d, 0.0, 0.0)))
    job = AMSJob(molecule=mol, settings=sett, name=f"dist_{d:.2f}")

# ## Results
# Print table of results of the distance against the calculated energy.

print("== Results ==")
print("d[A]    E[kcal/mol]")
for d, e in zip(distances, energies):
    print(f"{d:.2f}    {e:.3f}")

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3))
ax.plot(distances, energies, ".-")
ax.set_xlabel("He-He distance (Å)")
ax.set_ylabel("Energy (kcal/mol)")