IR spectrum from MD

Example illustrating how to calculate an IR spectrum from the dipole derivative autocorrelation function with AMS and PLAMS.

The dipole moment is stored at every time step (more often than the structure) by setting the BinLog DipoleMoment option.

To follow along, either

Worked Example

Initial imports

import scm.plams as plams
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np


mol = plams.from_smiles("NC(CO)OCC=O")

Engine settings

s = plams.Settings()
s.input.GFNFF  # GFN-FF force field
# s.input.MLPotential.Model = "AIMNet2-wB97MD3"   # new ml model in AMS2024


# run in serial
s.runscript.nproc = 1
Engine GFNFF

Some general parameters

T = 298  # temperature in K
max_freq = 4000  # plot spectrum up to 4000 cm^-1
max_dt_fs = 2000  # maximum correlation in fs for dipole derivative acf


temperature=(500, T, T) means that in the first half the simulation the system is cooled from 500 K to the gievn temperature, and then kept constant at that temperature.

The initial temperature of 500 K does some preliminary conformer search.

eq_job = plams.AMSNVTJob(
    temperature=(500, T, T),
[18.02|08:09:28] JOB nvt_eq STARTED
[18.02|08:09:28] JOB nvt_eq RUNNING
[18.02|08:09:31] JOB nvt_eq FINISHED
[18.02|08:09:31] JOB nvt_eq SUCCESSFUL

NVE production simulation

The binlog_dipolemoment option stores the dipole moment at every time step.

job = plams.AMSNVEJob.restart_from(
[18.02|08:09:31] JOB nve_single_prod STARTED
[18.02|08:09:31] JOB nve_single_prod RUNNING
[18.02|08:09:48] JOB nve_single_prod FINISHED
[18.02|08:09:48] JOB nve_single_prod SUCCESSFUL

Dipole derivative autocorrelation function

times, dipole_deriv_acf = job.results.get_dipole_derivatives_acf(start_fs=0, max_dt_fs=max_dt_fs)
plt.plot(times, dipole_deriv_acf)
plt.xlabel("Time (fs)")
plt.ylabel("Dipole deriv. autocorrelation (e bohr / fs)^2")
plt.title("Raw autocorrelation function");

Ideally, you should set max_dt_fs above to a large enough number so that the autocorrelation function decreases to a constant value of 0 (and have a long enough MD simulation to get enough statistics!)

IR spectrum

The IR spectrum is the Fourier transform of the above autocorrelation function:

x_freq, y_intens_raw = job.results.get_ir_spectrum_md(times, dipole_deriv_acf, max_freq=max_freq)
plt.plot(x_freq, y_intens_raw)
plt.xlabel("Frequency (cm^-1)")
plt.title("IR spectrum (from raw autocorrelation function)")
plt.xlim(500, max_freq)

There seems to be quite some “noise” in the IR spectrum. One reason for this is that there is still some signal (or noise?) in the autocorrelation function at dt = 2000 fs.

However, it’s also possible to use a tapering (window) function to make the autocorrelation function smoothly decrease to 0. This will make the resulting IR spectrum look a bit more tidy. See the next section.

Tapering function for autocorrelation function

def tapered_cosine(x):
    return 0.5 * (np.cos(np.pi * x / np.max(x)) + 1)

plt.plot(times, tapered_cosine(times))
plt.title("Tapering / cutoff / window function");

Now apply this function to the autocorrelation function:

dipole_deriv_acf_tapered_cosine = dipole_deriv_acf * tapered_cosine(times)
plt.plot(times, dipole_deriv_acf_tapered_cosine)
plt.xlabel("Time (fs)")
plt.title("Autocorrelation cosine tapering");

And calculate the IR spectrum:

x_freq, y_intens_cosine = job.results.get_ir_spectrum_md(times, dipole_deriv_acf_tapered_cosine, max_freq=max_freq)
plt.plot(x_freq, y_intens_cosine)
plt.xlabel("Frequency (cm^-1)")
plt.title("IR spectrum (from cosine-tapered autocorrelation function)")
plt.xlim(500, max_freq);

Above we see that using the cosine-tapered autocorrelation function gives a smoother IR spectrum without affecting the intensities too much.

Compare to IR spectrum calculated from harmonic approximation

Let’s compare to an IR spectrum calculated with a geometry optimization + frequencies job, starting from the final frame of the MD simulation.

ams_s = plams.Settings()
ams_s.input.ams.Task = "GeometryOptimization"
ams_s.input.ams.Properties.NormalModes = "Yes"
harmonic_mol = job.results.get_main_molecule()
harmonic_job = plams.AMSJob(settings=ams_s + s, name="harmonic", molecule=harmonic_mol);
[18.02|08:09:49] JOB harmonic STARTED
[18.02|08:09:49] JOB harmonic RUNNING
[18.02|08:09:49] JOB harmonic FINISHED
[18.02|08:09:49] JOB harmonic SUCCESSFUL
harmonic_freq, harmonic_intens = harmonic_job.results.get_ir_spectrum(broadening_type="lorentzian", broadening_width=20)
plt.plot(harmonic_freq, harmonic_intens)
rescale_factor = np.sum(harmonic_intens) / np.sum(y_intens_cosine)
plt.plot(x_freq, y_intens_cosine * rescale_factor)  # rescale
plt.legend(["Harmonic", "MD NVE"])
plt.title("IR spectrum")
plt.xlabel("Frequency (cm^-1)")
plt.xlim(500, max_freq);

In this case, the MD simulation samples multiple conformers so there are more peaks than for the harmonic calculation.

For example, the peak for the MD at 3600 cm^-1 corresponds to the “free” OH stretch of the hydroxyl group, but in conformer used for the harmonic approximation the hydroxyl donates a hydrogen bond to the aldehyde oxygen (giving a lower vibrational frequency):


View the trajectory in AMSmovie

!amsmovie "{job.results.rkfpath()}"

View the normal modes in AMSspectra

!amsspectra "{harmonic_job.results.rkfpath(file='engine')}"

Appendix: Average over multiple short NVE simulations

Best practice is to run multiple NVE simulations starting from different points of the NVT simulation, assuming that the NVT simulation samples the correct equilibrium distribution of structures/conformers.

Let’s make this more explicit with another NVT simulation, followed by multiple NVE simulations from different points of the NVT simulation. See also the “Molecular Dynamics with Python” tutorial.

nvt_prod_job = plams.AMSNVTJob.restart_from(
[18.02|08:10:03] JOB nvt_prod STARTED
[18.02|08:10:03] JOB nvt_prod RUNNING
[18.02|08:10:18] JOB nvt_prod FINISHED
[18.02|08:10:18] JOB nvt_prod SUCCESSFUL
nvespawner_job = plams.AMSNVESpawnerJob(
    name="nvespawner-" +,
    n_nve=10,  # the number of NVE simulations to run
[18.02|08:10:18] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod STARTED
[18.02|08:10:18] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod RUNNING
[18.02|08:10:18] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve1 STARTED
[18.02|08:10:18] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve1 RUNNING
[18.02|08:10:25] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve1 FINISHED
[18.02|08:10:25] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve1 SUCCESSFUL
[18.02|08:10:25] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve2 STARTED
[18.02|08:10:25] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve2 RUNNING
[18.02|08:10:31] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve2 FINISHED
[18.02|08:10:32] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve2 SUCCESSFUL
[18.02|08:10:32] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve3 STARTED
[18.02|08:10:32] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve3 RUNNING
[18.02|08:10:38] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve3 FINISHED
[18.02|08:10:38] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve3 SUCCESSFUL
[18.02|08:10:38] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve4 STARTED
[18.02|08:10:38] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve4 RUNNING
[18.02|08:10:45] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve4 FINISHED
[18.02|08:10:45] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve4 SUCCESSFUL
[18.02|08:10:45] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve5 STARTED
[18.02|08:10:45] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve5 RUNNING
[18.02|08:10:52] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve5 FINISHED
[18.02|08:10:52] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve5 SUCCESSFUL
[18.02|08:10:52] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve6 STARTED
[18.02|08:10:52] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve6 RUNNING
[18.02|08:10:58] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve6 FINISHED
[18.02|08:10:58] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve6 SUCCESSFUL
[18.02|08:10:58] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve7 STARTED
[18.02|08:10:58] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve7 RUNNING
[18.02|08:11:05] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve7 FINISHED
[18.02|08:11:05] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve7 SUCCESSFUL
[18.02|08:11:05] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve8 STARTED
[18.02|08:11:05] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve8 RUNNING
[18.02|08:11:12] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve8 FINISHED
[18.02|08:11:12] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve8 SUCCESSFUL
[18.02|08:11:12] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve9 STARTED
[18.02|08:11:12] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve9 RUNNING
[18.02|08:11:19] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve9 FINISHED
[18.02|08:11:19] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve9 SUCCESSFUL
[18.02|08:11:19] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve10 STARTED
[18.02|08:11:19] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve10 RUNNING
[18.02|08:11:25] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve10 FINISHED
[18.02|08:11:25] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod/nve10 SUCCESSFUL
[18.02|08:11:25] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod FINISHED
[18.02|08:11:26] JOB nvespawner-nvt_prod SUCCESSFUL

Let’s check that the temperature during the NVE is not too far from the requested temperature.

avg_T = nvespawner_job.results.get_mean_temperature()

print(f"Set temperature during NVT: {T:.1f} K")
print(f"Mean temperature during NVE: {avg_T:.1f}")
Set temperature during NVT: 298.0 K
Mean temperature during NVE: 277.8

Calculate the average dipole derivative autocorrelation function.

To calculate the IR spectrum from our custom set of averaged data, we directly call the power_spectrum function from PLAMS:

avg_x, avg_y = nvespawner_job.results.get_dipole_derivatives_acf(start_fs=0, max_dt_fs=max_dt_fs)
avg_y *= tapered_cosine(avg_x)

x_freq_multiple, y_intens_cosine_multiple = plams.trajectories.analysis.power_spectrum(times, avg_y, max_freq=max_freq)
plt.plot(x_freq, y_intens_cosine)
plt.plot(x_freq_multiple, y_intens_cosine_multiple)
plt.xlabel("Frequency (cm^-1)")
plt.title("IR spectrum from multiple NVE simulations")
plt.legend(["single", "multiple"])
plt.xlim(500, 4000);

Complete Python code

#!/usr/bin/env amspython
# coding: utf-8

# ## Initial imports

import scm.plams as plams
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# ## Molecule

mol = plams.from_smiles("NC(CO)OCC=O")

# ## Engine settings

s = plams.Settings()
s.input.GFNFF  # GFN-FF force field
# s.input.MLPotential.Model = "AIMNet2-wB97MD3"   # new ml model in AMS2024


# run in serial
s.runscript.nproc = 1

# ## Some general parameters

T = 298  # temperature in K
max_freq = 4000  # plot spectrum up to 4000 cm^-1
max_dt_fs = 2000  # maximum correlation in fs for dipole derivative acf

# ## Equilibration
# ``temperature=(500, T, T)`` means that in the first half the simulation the system is cooled from 500 K to the gievn temperature, and then kept constant at that temperature.
# The initial temperature of 500 K does some preliminary conformer search.

eq_job = plams.AMSNVTJob(
    temperature=(500, T, T),

# ## NVE production simulation
# The ``binlog_dipolemoment`` option stores the dipole moment at every time step.

job = plams.AMSNVEJob.restart_from(

# ## Dipole derivative autocorrelation function

times, dipole_deriv_acf = job.results.get_dipole_derivatives_acf(start_fs=0, max_dt_fs=max_dt_fs)
plt.plot(times, dipole_deriv_acf)
plt.xlabel("Time (fs)")
plt.ylabel("Dipole deriv. autocorrelation (e bohr / fs)^2")
plt.title("Raw autocorrelation function")

# Ideally, you should set ``max_dt_fs`` above to a large enough number so that the autocorrelation function decreases to a constant value of 0 (**and** have a long enough MD simulation to get enough statistics!)

# ## IR spectrum
# The IR spectrum is the Fourier transform of the above autocorrelation function:

x_freq, y_intens_raw = job.results.get_ir_spectrum_md(times, dipole_deriv_acf, max_freq=max_freq)
plt.plot(x_freq, y_intens_raw)
plt.xlabel("Frequency (cm^-1)")
plt.title("IR spectrum (from raw autocorrelation function)")
plt.xlim(500, max_freq)

# There seems to be quite some "noise" in the IR spectrum. One reason for this is that there is still some signal (or noise?) in the autocorrelation function at dt = 2000 fs.
# However, it's also possible to use a tapering (window) function to make the autocorrelation function smoothly decrease to 0. This will make the resulting IR spectrum look a bit more tidy. See the next section.

# ## Tapering function for autocorrelation function

def tapered_cosine(x):
    return 0.5 * (np.cos(np.pi * x / np.max(x)) + 1)

plt.plot(times, tapered_cosine(times))
plt.title("Tapering / cutoff / window function")

# Now apply this function to the autocorrelation function:

dipole_deriv_acf_tapered_cosine = dipole_deriv_acf * tapered_cosine(times)
plt.plot(times, dipole_deriv_acf_tapered_cosine)
plt.xlabel("Time (fs)")
plt.title("Autocorrelation cosine tapering")

# And calculate the IR spectrum:

x_freq, y_intens_cosine = job.results.get_ir_spectrum_md(times, dipole_deriv_acf_tapered_cosine, max_freq=max_freq)
plt.plot(x_freq, y_intens_cosine)
plt.xlabel("Frequency (cm^-1)")
plt.title("IR spectrum (from cosine-tapered autocorrelation function)")
plt.xlim(500, max_freq)

# Above we see that using the cosine-tapered autocorrelation function gives a smoother IR spectrum without affecting the intensities too much.

# ## Compare to IR spectrum calculated from harmonic approximation

# Let's compare to an IR spectrum calculated with a geometry optimization + frequencies job, starting from the final frame of the MD simulation.

ams_s = plams.Settings()
ams_s.input.ams.Task = "GeometryOptimization"
ams_s.input.ams.Properties.NormalModes = "Yes"
harmonic_mol = job.results.get_main_molecule()
harmonic_job = plams.AMSJob(settings=ams_s + s, name="harmonic", molecule=harmonic_mol)

harmonic_freq, harmonic_intens = harmonic_job.results.get_ir_spectrum(broadening_type="lorentzian", broadening_width=20)
plt.plot(harmonic_freq, harmonic_intens)
rescale_factor = np.sum(harmonic_intens) / np.sum(y_intens_cosine)
plt.plot(x_freq, y_intens_cosine * rescale_factor)  # rescale
plt.legend(["Harmonic", "MD NVE"])
plt.title("IR spectrum")
plt.xlabel("Frequency (cm^-1)")
plt.xlim(500, max_freq)

# In this case, the MD simulation samples multiple conformers so there are more peaks than for the harmonic calculation.
# For example, the peak for the MD at 3600 cm^-1 corresponds to the "free" OH stretch of the hydroxyl group, but in conformer used for the  harmonic approximation the hydroxyl donates a hydrogen bond to the aldehyde oxygen (giving a lower vibrational frequency):


# ## View the trajectory in AMSmovie

# ## View the normal modes in AMSspectra

# ## Appendix: Average over multiple short NVE simulations
# Best practice is to run multiple NVE simulations starting from different points of the NVT simulation, assuming that the NVT simulation samples the correct equilibrium distribution of structures/conformers.
# Let's make this more explicit with another NVT simulation, followed by multiple NVE simulations from different points of the NVT simulation. See also the "Molecular Dynamics with Python" tutorial.

nvt_prod_job = plams.AMSNVTJob.restart_from(

nvespawner_job = plams.AMSNVESpawnerJob(
    name="nvespawner-" +,
    n_nve=10,  # the number of NVE simulations to run

# Let's check that the temperature during the NVE is not too far from the requested temperature.

avg_T = nvespawner_job.results.get_mean_temperature()

print(f"Set temperature during NVT: {T:.1f} K")
print(f"Mean temperature during NVE: {avg_T:.1f}")

# Calculate the average dipole derivative autocorrelation function.
# To calculate the IR spectrum from our custom set of averaged data, we directly call the ``power_spectrum`` function from PLAMS:

avg_x, avg_y = nvespawner_job.results.get_dipole_derivatives_acf(start_fs=0, max_dt_fs=max_dt_fs)
avg_y *= tapered_cosine(avg_x)

x_freq_multiple, y_intens_cosine_multiple = plams.trajectories.analysis.power_spectrum(times, avg_y, max_freq=max_freq)

plt.plot(x_freq, y_intens_cosine)
plt.plot(x_freq_multiple, y_intens_cosine_multiple)
plt.xlabel("Frequency (cm^-1)")
plt.title("IR spectrum from multiple NVE simulations")
plt.legend(["single", "multiple"])
plt.xlim(500, 4000)