KF files¶
KF is the main format for storing binary data used in all Amsterdam Modeling Suite programs.
and .rkf
files are KF files.
PLAMS offers a dictionary-like interface to KF format which allows for reading, writing, modifying and creating KF files efficiently.
- class KFFile(path, autosave=True)[source]¶
A class for reading and writing binary files in KF format.
This class acts as a wrapper around
collecting all the data written by user in some “temporary zone” and using Fortran binariesudmpkf
to write this data to the physical file when needed.The constructor argument path should be a string with a path to an existing KF file or a new KF file that you wish to create. If a path to existing file is passed, new
instance is created allowing to read all the data from this file.When
method is used, the new data is not immediately written to a disk. Instead of that, it is temporarily stored intmpdata
dictionary. When methodsave()
is invoked, contents of that dictionary are written to a physical file andtmpdata
is emptied.Other methods like
are aware oftmpdata
and work flawlessly, regardless ifsave()
was called or not.By default,
is automatically invoked after eachwrite()
, so physical file on a disk is always “actual”. This behavior can be adjusted with autosave constructor parameter. Having autosave enabled is usually a good idea, however, if you need to write a lot of small pieces of data to your file, the overhead of callingudmpkf
after everywrite()
can lead to significant delays. In such a case it is advised to disable autosave and callsave()
manually, when needed.Dictionary-like bracket notation can be used as a shortcut to read and write variables:
mykf = KFFile('someexistingkffile.kf') #all three below are equivalent x = mykf['General%termination status'] x = mykf[('General','termination status')] x = mykf.read('General','termination status') #all three below are equivalent mykf['Geometry%xyz'] = somevariable mykf[('Geometry','xyz')] = somevariable mykf.write('Geometry','xyz', somevariable)
- read(section, variable, return_as_list=False)[source]¶
Extract and return data for a variable located in a section.
By default, for single-value numerical or boolean variables returned value is a single number or bool. For longer variables this method returns a list of values. For string variables a single string is returned. This behavior can be changed by setting return_as_list parameter to
. In that case the returned value is always a list of numbers (possibly of length 1) or a single string.
- write(section, variable, value, value_type=None)[source]¶
Write a variable with a value in a section . If such a variable already exists in this section, the old value is overwritten.
- read_section(section)[source]¶
Return a dictionary with all variables from a given section.
Some sections can contain very large amount of data. Turning them into dictionaries can cause memory shortage or performance issues. Use this method carefully.
- get_skeleton()[source]¶
Return a dictionary reflecting the structure of this KF file.
Each key in that dictionary corresponds to a section name of the KF file with the value being a set of variable names.
- __getitem__(name)[source]¶
Allow to use
x = mykf['section%variable']
orx = mykf[('section','variable')]
instead ofx = kf.read('section', 'variable')
- __setitem__(name, value)[source]¶
Allow to use
mykf['section%variable'] = value
ormykf[('section','variable')] = value
instead ofkf.write('section', 'variable', value)
- __contains__(arg)[source]¶
Implements Python
operator for KFFiles. arg can be a single string with a section name or a pair of strings (section, variable).
- class KFReader(path, blocksize=4096, autodetect=True)[source]¶
A class for efficient Python-native reader of binary files in KF format.
This class offers read-only access to any fragment of data from a KF file. Unlike other Python KF readers, this one does not use the Fortran binary
to process KF files, but instead reads and interprets raw binary data straight from the file, on Python level. That approach results in significant speedup (by a factor of few hundreds for large files extracted variable by variable).The constructor argument path should be a string with a path (relative or absolute) to an existing KF file.
blocksize indicates the length of basic KF file block. So far, all KF files produced by any of Amsterdam Modeling Suite programs have the same block size of 4096 bytes. Unless you’re doing something very special, you should not touch this value.
Organization of data inside KF file can depend on a machine on which this file was produced. Two parameters can vary: the length of integer (32 or 64 bit) and endian (little or big). These parameters have to be determined before any reading can take place, otherwise the results will have no sense. If the constructor argument autodetect is
, the constructor attempts to automatically detect the format of a given KF file, allowing to read files created on a machine with different endian or integer length. This automatic detection is enabled by default and it is advised to leave it that way. If you wish to disable it, you should setendian
attributes manually before reading anything (see the code for details).Note
This class consists of quite technical, low level code. If you don’t need to modify or extend
, you can safely ignore all private methods, all you need isread()
and occasionally__iter__()
- read(section, variable)[source]¶
Extract and return data for a variable located in a section.
For single-value numerical or boolean variables returned value is a single number or bool. For longer variables this method returns a list of values. For string variables a single string is returned.
- variable_type(section, variable)[source]¶
Return the integer code of the variable’s type (int:1, float:2, string:3, bool:4)
- _autodetect()[source]¶
Try to automatically detect the format (int size and endian) of this KF file.
- _parse(block, format)[source]¶
Translate a block of binary data into list of values in specified format.
format should be a list of pairs (a,t) where t is one of the following characters:
for string (bytes),'i'
for 32-bit integer,'q'
for 64-bit integer and a is the number of occurrences (or length of a string).For example, if format is equal to
, the contents of block are divided into 72 bytes (32*1 + 4*4 + 2*8 + 2*4 = 72) chunks (possibly droping the last one, if it’s shorter than 72 bytes). Then each chunk is translated to a 9-tuple of bytes, 4 ints, 2 floats and 2 ints. List of such tuples is the returned value.
- _get_data(datablock, vtype)[source]¶
Extract all data of a given type from a single data block. Returned value is a list of values (int, float, or bool) or a single “bytes” object.
- _create_index()[source]¶
Find and parse relevant index blocks of KFFile to extract the information about location of all sections and variables.
Two dictionaries are populated during this process.
contains, for each section, a list of triples describing how logical blocks of data are mapped into physical ones. For example,_data['General'] = [(3,6,12), (9,40,45)]
means that logical blocks 3-8 of sectionGeneral
are located in physical blocks 6-11 and logical blocks 9-13 in physical blocks 40-44. This list is always sorted via first tuple elements allowing efficient access to arbitrary logical block of each section.The second dictionary,
, is used to locate each variable within its section. For each section, it contains another dictionary of each variable of this section. So_section[sec][var]
contains all information needed to extract variablevar
from sectionsec
. This is a 4-tuple containing the following information: variable type, logic block in which the variable first occurs, position within this block where its data start and the length of the variable. Combining this information with mapping stored in_data
allows to extract each single variable.
- class KFHistory(kf, section)[source]¶
A class for reading “History” sections of files in the KF format.
This class acts as a wrapper around
enabling convenient iteration over entries (frames) of History sections.The constructor argument kf should be a
instance attached to an existing KF file. The section argument then holds a name of the desired History-like section, such as “History” or “MDHistory”.The
method can be used to easily read all values of a particular history item into a single numpy array.To iterate over the frames in a history section, use
. The former raises an exception if the selected variable is not present in the history, while the latter returns a given default value instead.Usage:
kf = KFReader('somefile.rkf') mdhistory = KFHistory(kf, 'MDHistory') for T, p in mdhistory.iter('Temperature'), mdhistory.iter_optional('Pressure', 0): print(T, p)