The Lattice class defines the lattice structure on which species can bind, diffuse and react. There are several ways to specify the lattice structure. They are defined in a correspondence one-to-one with the conventions used in the Zacros’ input files. See the API section below for a detailed description of these three ways: 1) Default Lattices, 2) Unit-Cell-Defined Periodic Lattices, and 3) Explicitly Defined Custom Lattices.
Following our example (see use case system), we just need a single-site lattice with
a coordination number of 3, a lattice constant equal to 1.0
, and a modest number of copies of the unit cell 10x3
1# Lattice setup
2lat = pz.Lattice( lattice_type=pz.Lattice.TRIANGULAR,
3 lattice_constant=1.0, repeat_cell=[10,3] )
The previous lines produce the following output:
lattice default_choice
triangular_periodic 1.0 10 3
In addition to the capabilities of building lattices, pyZacros also offers a way to visualize them by calling
the function plot()
. e.g., see line 7 of the script above. This line produces the following figure:
- class Lattice(**kwargs)¶
Lattice class that defines the lattice structure on which species can bind, diffuse and react. As in Zacros’ original input files, there are four different ways of specifying a lattice structure. Below we describe these four ways with the corresponding parameters as well with examples of use.
Default Lattices:
– Define the lattice to use. Possible options are:Lattice.TRIANGULAR
: Specifies a lattice with coordination number 3. The unit cell is not the primitive cell. The obtained unit cell is a rectangular cell containing 4 sites.Lattice.RECTANGULAR
: Specifies a lattice with coordination number 4. The unit cell contains 1 site. The unit cell is the primitive cell.Lattice.HEXAGONAL
: Specifies a lattice with coordination number 6. The unit cell is not the primitive cell. The obtained unit cell is a rectangular cell containing 2 sites.
– Defines the lattice constant (in angstrom).repeat_cell
– The number of repetitions of the unit cell in the horizontal and vertical.
lattice = Lattice( lattice_type=Lattice.HEXAGONAL, lattice_constant=1.0, repeat_cell=[4,5] )
Unit-Cell-Defined Periodic Lattices:
– Define the unit vectors. e.g.[[0.123, 0.000],[1.234,1.234]]
– The number of repetitions of the unit cell in the directions of unit vectors. e.g.(10,10)
– The names of the different site types. e.g.[ "cn2", "br42", "cn2" ]
– Pairs of real numbers specifying the “fractional coordinates” of each site in the unit cell. e.g.[ (0.123,0.894), (0.456,0.123) ]
– Defines a neighboring structure block. e.g.[ ((0,0),Lattice.NORTH), ((0,1),Lattice.NORTHEAST) ]
lattice = Lattice( cell_vectors=[[2.77185866, 0.00000000],[1.38592933, 2.40050002]], repeat_cell=[2, 2], site_types=["b", "h", "b", "b", "f", "t"], site_coordinates=[[0.00001, 0.49999], [0.33333, 0.33333], [0.49999, 0.00001], [0.49999, 0.49999], [0.66667, 0.66667], [0.99999, 0.00001]], neighboring_structure=[ [(0,1), Lattice.SELF], [(1,2), Lattice.SELF], [(1,3), Lattice.SELF], [(3,4), Lattice.SELF], [(4,2), Lattice.NORTH], [(4,0), Lattice.EAST], [(5,5), Lattice.NORTH], [(5,5), Lattice.EAST], [(5,4), Lattice.SELF], [(5,1), Lattice.SELF], [(5,1), Lattice.EAST], [(5,4), Lattice.SOUTHEAST], [(5,1), Lattice.SOUTHEAST], [(4,5), Lattice.NORTH], [(5,5), Lattice.SOUTHEAST] ] )
Explicitly Defined Custom Lattices:
– The names of the different site types. e.g.[ "cn2", "br42" ]
– Pairs of real numbers specifying the “fractional coordinates” of each site in the unit cell. e.g.[ (0.123,0.894), (0.456,0.123) ]
– Defines the neighboring structure. e.g.[ (2,6), (2,4,7,8) ]
– Define the unit vectors. Optional
lattice = Lattice( site_types=["cn2", "br42", "cn4", "br42", "cn2", "br42", "br44", "br44", "br42", "cn4", "br44", "cn4", "br42", "br42", "cn2"], site_coordinates=[[0.0000e+0, 0.0000e+0], [1.4425e+0, 0.0000e+0], [2.8850e+0, 0.0000e+0], [4.3275e+0, 0.0000e+0], [5.7700e+0, 0.0000e+0], [7.2125e-1, 1.2492e+0], [2.1637e+0, 1.2492e+0], [3.6062e+0, 1.2492e+0], [5.0487e+0, 1.2492e+0], [1.4425e+0, 2.4985e+0], [2.8850e+0, 2.4985e+0], [4.3275e+0, 2.4985e+0], [2.1637e+0, 3.7477e+0], [3.6062e+0, 3.7477e+0], [2.8850e+0, 4.9970e+0]], nearest_neighbors=[[ 1, 5], [ 0, 2], [ 1, 3, 6, 7], [ 2, 4], [ 3, 8], [ 0, 9], [ 2, 9], [ 2, 11], [ 4, 11], [ 5, 6, 10, 12], [ 9, 11], [ 7, 8, 10, 13], [ 9, 14], [11, 14], [12, 13]] )
From a Zacros input file:
– Path to the zacros file name, typicallylattice_input.dat
lattice = Lattice( fileName='mypath/lattice_input.dat' )
- __fromZacrosFile(fileName)¶
Creates a Lattice from a Zacros input file lattice_input.dat
- add_site_type(site_type, coordinates, precision=0.01)¶
Adds a new site only if this is not already included in the lattice. It returns the id of the site
– Site type name, e.g. ‘StTp1’coordinates
– 2D vector representing the site position, e.g. [0.0, 0.5]precision
– Precision used to determine (based on the coordinates) if the site is alreadyor not contained on the list of sites. Default: 0.01
- add_nearest_neighbor(id_site, id_neighbor)¶
Adds a new nearest-neighbor item to the lattice, e.g. (1,3)
– Site id, e.g. 1id_neighbor
– id of the new site neighbor, e.g. 3
- extend(other, precision=0.1, cell_vectors_precision=0.01)¶
Extends the sites and corresponding neighboring information by appending the equivalent items from another lattice.
– Lattice to appendprecision
– Precision used to determine (based on the coordinates) if the site is already or not contained on the list of sites. Default: 0.1cell_vectors_precision
– Precision used to determine cell_vectors are the same or not. Default: 0.01
- plot(pause=-1, show=True, color=None, ax=None, close=False, show_sites_ids=False, file_name=None)¶
Uses Matplotlib to visualize the lattice. Be sure that Matplotlib is installed in your system; otherwise, the function does nothing.
– After showing the figure, it will waitpause
-seconds before refreshing. This can be used for crude
– Enables showing the figure on the screen.color
– Uses the same color for both binding sites and connections; e.g. ‘k’. See
– The axes of the plot. It contains most of the figure elements: Axis, Tick, Line2D, Text, Polygon, etc., and sets the coordinate system. See matplotlib.axes.close
– Closes the figure window after pause time.show_sites_ids
– Shows the binding sites id on the figure.file_name
– Saves the figure to the filefile_name
. The format is inferred from the extension, and by default,.png
is used.
- number_of_sites()¶
Returns the total number of sites
- site_types_set()¶
Returns the set of the sites types
- set_repeat_cell(repeat_cell)¶
Set the parameter repeat_cell and update all internal information
– The number of repetitions of the unit cell in the directions of unit vectors. e.g.(10,10)
- replace_site_types(site_types_old, site_types_new)¶
Replaces the site types names
– List of strings containing the old site_types to be replacedsite_types_new
– List of strings containing the new site_types which would replace old site_types_old.