#! /bin/sh # A calculation of response properties of the Au2 dimer, with ZORA relativistic # corrections # In the response module infinite symmetries cannot be handled (see the User's # Guide), so we specify a lower subgroup in the input file, here D(8h). # In this sample run the LB94 potential is used. The implementation implies that # the XC potential is evaluated from the exact charge density, rather than the # cheaper and faster fitted density (as is the case for other XC functionals). # This means that the computation times are longer. In a small molecule like Au2 # this hardly shows, but in larger molecules the differences may be more # significant. Note that the LB94 is a model potential, thus the calculated bond # energy has not so much meaning. If the BASIS key is specified and the model # potential LB94 is used, in the create run of the atoms the BP86 functional is used. # Excitation energies are computed, in principle the lowest 10 in each irrep of # the symmetry (see the User's Guide for more details). $AMSBIN/ams <