#!/bin/sh # This example uses a Python pipe worker based on ASE to evaluate the Lennard-Jones potential. # First we do a single-point calculation including the gradients and the stress tensor and then # a short MD run similar to the Pipe_AMSonAMS example. export SCM_DISABLE_MPI=1 AMS_JOBNAME=SP "$AMSBIN/ams" << eor RNGSeed -538839488 972444872 -468448621 535232319 -953628259 777353319 -1036072 387155213 Task SinglePoint Properties Gradients True StressTensor True End System Atoms Ar 0.03374714 -0.02579634 -0.03864485 Ar -2.47202773 -2.57754100 -0.02505375 Ar -2.54465030 -0.00587811 -2.49637860 Ar -4.98237672 -2.60930954 -2.49495517 Ar -0.03221746 -2.51967081 -2.47883073 Ar -2.52675554 -5.12905072 -2.48152312 Ar -2.54445364 -2.45619404 -5.02601013 Ar -4.95645981 -5.14903666 -4.95752059 End Lattice 0.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 0.00000000 5.00000000 5.00000000 5.20000000 0.00000000 End End Engine Pipe WorkerCommand "$AMSBIN/amspython" "$TEST_DIRECTORY/ASE-LJ-worker.py" EndEngine eor AMS_JOBNAME=MD "$AMSBIN/ams" << eor RNGSeed -538839488 972444872 -468448621 535232319 -953628259 777353319 -1036072 387155213 Task MolecularDynamics MolecularDynamics nSteps 200 TimeStep 5.0 Thermostat Type=NHC Temperature=298.15 Tau=100 Trajectory SamplingFreq=20 InitialVelocities Type=random Temperature=200 End System Atoms Ar 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ar 1.605 0.9266471820493496 2.605 End Lattice 3.21 0.0 0.0 1.605 2.779941546148048 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.21 End SuperCell 4 4 4 End Engine Pipe WorkerCommand "$AMSBIN/amspython" "$TEST_DIRECTORY/ASE-LJ-worker.py" EndEngine eor