The ASE engine (this manual) is the interface between any existing ASE calculator and the AMS Driver (see Quickstart guide or Examples).
The calculator must be installed in the AMS Python environment.
If you launch $AMSBIN/amspython
, you need to be able to import all the needed packages. Otherwise, make sure to install them.
The ASE Calculator for AMS (AMSCalculator) is described in a different manual.
More information about ASE can be found in ref. 1 or on the ASE website.
What’s new in AMS2024.1?¶
It is now possible to indicate to AMS what properties the Calculator can compute and what kind of system is supported (e.g. if the Calculator can support charged and periodic systems).
What’s new in AMS2023.1?¶
The ASE engine is new in AMS2023.
Quickstart guide¶
See the below quickstart guide, or have a look at the example calculators.
Quickstart with GUI¶
Start AMSinput and switch to the ASE engine in the yellow dropdown.
In the
Calculator from
drop-down, selectImport
In the
field, typease.calculators.emt.EMT
(more information: ASE implementation of EMT)Copy and paste the following atom coordinates into AMSinput
Ag 0. 0. 0.
Cu 0. 0. 2.0
Run the calculation
Open the trajectory in AMSmovie, or update the geometry in AMSinput
Quickstart with Python¶
See the PLAMS example: Engine ASE: AMS geometry optimizer with forces from any ASE Calculator
Quickstart with command-line¶
Run the below example:
$AMSBIN/ams <<eor
Task SinglePoint
Gradients Yes
Ag 0. 0. 0.
Cu 0. 0. 2.0
Engine ASE
Type Import
Import ase.calculators.emt.EMT
Engine input¶
Calculator from Import¶
If a Calculator is installed in the AMS python stack, it can be selected by specifying the module and name of the Calculator in Import
Example without arguments¶
The EMT calculator is a fast method applicable to many systems, especially metals.
Engine ASE
Type Import
Import ase.calculators.emt.EMT
Example with arguments¶
Engine ASE
Type Import
Import ase.calculators.harmonic.SpringCalculator
Calculator from Python file¶
A Calculator is selected by providing a python file through File
and should contain a function or class named get_calculator which returns an initialized ASE Calculator.
Example without arguments¶
The AMS input file contains:
Engine ASE
Type File
File /path/to/
With containing e.g.
from ase.calculators.harmonic import SpringCalculator
def get_calculator():
return SpringCalculator(ideal_positions=[[0.2,0.0,0.0],[0.8,0.0,0.0]], k=2.0)
Example with arguments¶
Engine ASE
Type File
File /path/to/
With containing e.g.
from ase.calculators.harmonic import SpringCalculator
def get_calculator(ideal_positions, k):
return SpringCalculator(ideal_positions=ideal_positions, k=k)
Specifying arguments for the Calculator¶
Arguments can be specified either with the Arguments
argument as above, or with ArgumentsFromFile
is either a yaml file with the .yml extension or a python file with the .py extension.
Obtaining results from the Calculator¶
When available, the energy, forces and stress are always obtained and are fully integrated in AMS.
If a Calculator holds any additional results in its results dictionary, then by default they are stored in the Other section of ase.rkf, but without any unit conversions.
If additional results are undesired, they can be turned off through AllASEResults
and specific results can be requested by setting Results
Example. The AMS input file contains:
Engine ASE
Type File
File custom/
AllASEResults no
Results specific_result
See also
Specifying the capabilities of a Calculator¶
The AMS driver can make several decisions based on what an engine is able to do. Use the scm.amspipe.AMSExternalCapabilities class:
from scm.amspipe import AMSExternalCapabilities
from ase.calculators.calculator import Calculator
class MyDipoleCalculator(Calculator):
implemented_properties = ['energy', 'forces', 'dipole']
def get_calculator():
calc = MyDipoleCalculator()
capabilities = AMSExternalCapabilities(charges=True) #indicate the calculator can handle a charged system
capabilities.apply_implemented_properties(calc.implemented_properties) #will find that 'dipole' is supported so AMS will e.g. automatically compute intensities when doing a normal mode calculation
calc.ams_capabilities = capabilities
If the required Calculator needs advanced setup or input arguments, it is usually more convenient to use the python input style and handle such details in there.
The Arguments block is stripped of any indentation and comments (“!”, “#” and “::”). If this is not desirable, use ArgumentsFromFile or python input style instead.
If the Calculator accepts any arguments related to files, make sure to provide absolute paths and not relative paths. The Calculator does not run in the same directory as AMS to avoid conflicts.
If an AMS calculation fails to run with the ASE calculator, make sure you have specified correctly what capabilities the Calculator has.
Parametrization with ParAMS¶
You can use ParAMS to fit the parameters of your ASE calculator.
SCM does not provide support for any ASE calculators.
In AMS2023, the ASE engine is part of the product “ML Potentials & Classical Force Fields”.
- 1
A. H. Larsen, J. J. Mortensen, J. Blomqvist, I. E. Castelli, R. Christensen, M. Dułak, J. Friis, M. N. Groves, B. Hammer, C. Hargus, E. D. Hermes, P. C. Jennings, P. B. Jensen, J. Kermode, J. R. Kitchin, E. L. Kolsbjerg, J. Kubal, K. Kaasbjerg, S. Lysgaard, J. Bergmann Maronsson, T. Maxson, T. Olsen, L. Pastewka, A. Peterson, C. Rostgaard, J. Schiøtz, O. Schütt, M. Strange, K. S. Thygesen, T. Vegge, L. Vilhelmsen, M. Walter, Z. Zeng, K. W. Jacobsen. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter Vol. 29 (2007) 273002