Sigma Moments¶
\(\sigma\) moment are useful chemical descriptors derived from the \(\sigma\)-profile. They are analogous to moments of a statistical distribution and can be thought of as a way to reduce the high-dimensional information present in a \(\sigma\)-profile to a smaller number of descriptors that characterize that \(\sigma\)-profile. \(\sigma\)-moments are known to be valuable descriptors in QSPR and are thought to represent the solvent space well 1.
\(\sigma\) moment can be calculated by the following equation through the \(\sigma\)-profile, \(P(\sigma)\), and the \(\sigma^{hb}\)-profile, \(P^{HB}(\sigma)\), of a compound. The zero-order \(\sigma\) moment \((MOM_0)\) is the molecular area of a compound. The first-order \(\sigma\) moment \((MOM_1)\) is the negative of total charge of a compound. The second-order sigma moment \((MOM_2)\) represents the polarity of a compound. The third-order \(\sigma\) moment \((MOM_3)\) represents the asymmetry of the \(\sigma\)-profile of a compound. The other \(\sigma\) moment, \(MOM_4\), \(MOM_5\) and \(MOM_6\), do not have well-established physical interpretations. Last, the \(MOM^{hb}_{acc\_\ell}\) and \(MOM^{hb}_{don\_\ell}\) quantify the strength of a molecule’s ability to form hydrogen-bond interactions as an acceptor and a donor, respectively. The different values of \(\ell\) correspond to varying threshold values, \(\sigma_{cutoff\_\ell}\), used in the equation.
where the unit are \(Å^2\) and \(e/Å^2\) for \(P(\sigma)\) and \(\sigma\) respectively.
The following script will calculate the \(\sigma\) moment for few common compounds. By default, it computes five \(\sigma\) moment (\(MOM_0\), \(MOM_2\), \(MOM_3\), \(MOM^{hb}_{acc\_2}\), \(MOM^{hb}_{don\_2}\)). To generate 15 \(\sigma\) moment, you can specify the moment_power
and hb_moment_level
parameters in the calculate_moments
function, as demonstrated in the script.
Python code¶
[show/hide code]
import os
import numpy as np
from scm.plams import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from typing import List, Optional, Dict
class SigmaMoments:
def __init__(self, filenames: List[str], database_path: str, hb_cutoff: float = 0.00854):
Initialize the SigmaMoments class and prepare the sigma profile for subsequent sigma moment calculations.
filenames : List[str]
A list of `.coskf` files to be used for calculating sigma moments.
database_path : str
The directory path where the `.coskf` files are stored.
hb_cutoff : float, optional
The hydrogen bond cutoff value for the COSMO-RS model.
Default is 0.00854 e/Ų.
self.filenames = filenames
self.database_path = os.path.abspath(database_path)
self.hb_cutoff = hb_cutoff
def calculate_moments(self, moment_power: Optional[List[int]] = None, hb_moment_level: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> dict:
Calculate the sigma moment.
moment_power : List[int], optional
A list of integers specifying the powers for standard moment calculations.
Default is [0, 2, 3]. The recommended maximum power is 6.
hb_moment_level : List[int], optional
A list of integers specifying the hydrogen bond moment levels to be calculated.
For the 1st level, the `hb_cutoff` corresponds to the COSMO-RS parameter, defaulting to 0.00854 e/Ų.
For the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th levels, the `hb_cutoff` is defined as 0.006 + 0.002 * l e/Ų, where l represents the level (2, 3, or 4).
if moment_power is None:
moment_power = [0, 2, 3]
if hb_moment_level is None:
hb_moment_level = [2]
self.moments = {}
return self.moments
def __repr__(self):
max_mom_len = max([len(m) for m in self.moments])
lens = [len(fn) for fn in self.filenames]
text = ""
text += (" " * 5).join(["Moment".ljust(max_mom_len)] + filenames)
text += "\n"
for mom_name in self.moments:
text += (" " * 5).join([mom_name.ljust(max_mom_len)] + [("{0:.5g}".format(m)).rjust(l) for m, l in zip(self.moments[mom_name], lens)])
text += "\n"
return f"{text}"
def to_dataframe(self):
Convert the calculated result into pandas DataFrame.
import pandas as pd
except ImportError:
print("please install the pandas through amspackage via GUI or the following command:\namspackages install pandas")
return None
df = pd.DataFrame(self.moments)
df.insert(0, "filename", self.filenames)
return df
def _calc_profiles_and_chdens(self):
# initialize settings object
settings = Settings() = "PURESIGMAPROFILE"
# set the cutoff value for h-bonding
settings.parameters.sigmahbond = self.hb_cutoff
compounds = [Settings() for i in range(len(self.filenames))]
for i, filename in enumerate(filenames):
compounds[i]._h = os.path.join(self.database_path, filename)
settings.input.compound = compounds
# create a job that can be run by COSMO-RS
my_job = CRSJob(settings=settings)
# run the job
out =
# convert all the results into a python dict
res = out.get_results()
# retain profiles and charge density values
self.tot_profiles = res["profil"]
self.hb_profiles = res["hbprofil"]
self.chdens = res["chdval"]
def _calc_standard_moments(self, moment_power: Optional[List[int]] = None):
if moment_power is None:
moment_power = [0, 2, 3]
for i in moment_power:
tmp_moms = []
for prof in self.tot_profiles:
tmp_moms.append(np.sum(prof * np.power(self.chdens, i)))
self.moments["MOM" + str(i)] = tmp_moms
def _calc_hb_moments(self, hb_moment_level: Optional[List[int]] = None):
if hb_moment_level is None:
hb_moment_level = [2]
for l in hb_moment_level:
self.moments["MOM_hb_acc" + str(l)] = []
for l in hb_moment_level:
self.moments["MOM_hb_don" + str(l)] = []
zeros = np.zeros(len(self.chdens))
for prof in self.hb_profiles:
for l in hb_moment_level:
if l == 1:
hb_cutoff = self.hb_cutoff
hb_cutoff = 0.006 + 0.002 * l
self.moments["MOM_hb_acc" + str(l)].append(np.sum(prof * np.maximum(zeros, self.chdens - hb_cutoff)))
self.moments["MOM_hb_don" + str(l)].append(np.sum(prof * np.maximum(zeros, -self.chdens - hb_cutoff)))
def plot_sigmaprofile(self, compound_idx: int, show: bool = True, save: bool = False, dir_path: str = "./"):
Plots the sigma profile for a specific compound.
compound_idx: int
The index of the compound to visualize its sigma profile.
show : bool, optional
If True, displays the sigma profile plot. Default is True.
save : bool, optional
If True, saves the sigma profile plot to a file. Default is False.
dir_path : str, optional
The directory path where the sigma profile plot will be saved, if `save` is True. Default is the current working directory.
chdens = self.chdens
tot_profiles = self.tot_profiles[compound_idx]
hb_profiles = self.hb_profiles[compound_idx]
name = self.filenames[compound_idx]
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 6))
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(211)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
ax1.plot(chdens, tot_profiles, label="total", color="blue")
ax1.set_ylabel("P(\u03C3) $(\u212B^{{2}})$")
ax1.set_title("$\u03C3$ profile (total)")
ax1.set_xlim([-0.025, 0.025])
ax2.plot(chdens, hb_profiles, label="hb", color="red")
ax2.set_xlabel("charge density $(e/\u212B^{{2}})$")
ax2.set_ylabel("P(\u03C3) $(\u212B^{{2}})$")
ax2.set_title("$\u03C3$ profile (hydrogen bond)")
ax2.set_xlim([-0.025, 0.025])
if save:
dir_path = os.path.abspath(dir_path)
if not os.path.exists(dir_path):
figname = f"SP_{name.replace('.coskf', '')}.png"
fig.savefig(os.path.join(dir_path, figname))
if show:
################## Note: Be sure to add the path to your own AMSCRS directory here ##################
database_path = os.path.join(os.environ["SCM_PKG_ADFCRSDIR"], "ADFCRS-2018")
if not os.path.exists(database_path):
raise OSError(f"The provided path does not exist. Exiting.")
config.log.stdout = 0 # suppress plams output
# Define the files we want to use to calculate sigma moments
filenames = ["Water.coskf", "Hexane.coskf", "Ethanol.coskf", "Acetone.coskf", "Acetic_acid.coskf"]
# Initialize SigmaMoments with the specified filenames and database path
sm = SigmaMoments(filenames, database_path)
# Calculate sigma moments with default settings:
# - moment_power: [0, 2, 3]
# - hb_moment_level: [2]
print(f"Default 5 sigma moments:\n{sm}")
# Calculate all 15 sigma moments by specifying:
# - moment_power: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
# - hb_moment_level: [1, 2, 3, 4]
sm.calculate_moments(moment_power=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], hb_moment_level=[1, 2, 3, 4])
print(f"All 15 sigma moments:\n{sm}")
# Convert the sigma moments data to a DataFrame for analysis
# df = sm.to_dataframe()
# Visualize and save the sigma profile for the compound at index 0
# sm.plot_sigmaprofile(compound_idx=0, show=True, save=True, dir_path="./fig")
The output produced is the following
Default 5 sigma moments:
Moment Water.coskf Hexane.coskf Ethanol.coskf Acetone.coskf Acetic_acid.coskf
MOM0 43.011 160.38 90.019 103.28 94.302
MOM2 0.0062556 0.001061 0.0046302 0.004566 0.0062206
MOM3 -3.8253e-07 1.1557e-07 1.5947e-05 2.883e-05 -4.4743e-06
MOM_hb_acc2 0.056607 0 0.048228 0.044109 0.027105
MOM_hb_don2 0.056566 0 0.024696 0 0.042326
All 15 sigma moments:
Moment Water.coskf Hexane.coskf Ethanol.coskf Acetone.coskf Acetic_acid.coskf
MOM0 43.011 160.38 90.019 103.28 94.302
MOM1 0.00026666 0.002145 0.00089555 0.0011418 0.00041249
MOM2 0.0062556 0.001061 0.0046302 0.004566 0.0062206
MOM3 -3.8253e-07 1.1557e-07 1.5947e-05 2.883e-05 -4.4743e-06
MOM4 1.2722e-06 1.3058e-08 8.23e-07 5.6827e-07 9.6505e-07
MOM5 -1.5315e-10 2.6449e-12 4.1365e-09 6.4726e-09 -4.6722e-09
MOM6 2.8941e-10 1.997e-13 1.8283e-10 9.9675e-11 2.1072e-10
MOM_hb_acc1 0.078179 0 0.06562 0.068401 0.055839
MOM_hb_acc2 0.056607 0 0.048228 0.044109 0.027105
MOM_hb_acc3 0.03146 0 0.027298 0.018472 0.0066449
MOM_hb_acc4 0.012196 0 0.011404 0.0056525 0.00031588
MOM_hb_don1 0.078272 0 0.034516 0 0.053599
MOM_hb_don2 0.056566 0 0.024696 0 0.042326
MOM_hb_don3 0.031173 0 0.01304 0 0.028124
MOM_hb_don4 0.01279 0 0.0045683 0 0.015962
- 1
A. Klamt, COSMO-RS From Quantum Chemistry to Fluid Phase Thermodynamics and Drug Design, Elsevier. Amsterdam (2005), ISBN 0-444-51994-7.