DCD trajectory files

The DCD file is the most compact trajectory file format, which is very advantages considering the large size of MD trajectories. It only stores the coordinates and lattice vectors, so for visualization it needs to be combined with another file. VMD can read a DCD file in combination with any single frame file (XYZ, PDB), or with a PSF topology file (CHARMM).

class DCDTrajectoryFile(filename=None, mode='rb', fileobject=None, ntap=None)[source]

Class representing a DCD file containing a molecular trajectory

An instance of this class has the following attributes:

  • file_object – A Python file object, referring to the actual DCD file

  • position – The frame to which the cursor is currently pointing in the DCD file

  • mode – Designates whether the file is in read or write mode (‘rb’ or ‘wb’)

  • ntap – The number of atoms in the molecular system (needs to be constant throughout)

An DCDTrajectoryFile object behaves very similar to a regular file object. It has read and write methods (read_next() and write_next()) that read and write from/to the position of the cursor in the file_object attribute. If the file is in read mode, an additional method read_frame() can be used that moves the cursor to any frame in the file and reads from there. The amount of information stored in memory is kept to a minimum, as only information from the current frame is ever stored.

Reading and writing to and from the files can be done as follows:

>>> from scm.plams import DCDTrajectoryFile

>>> dcd = DCDTrajectoryFile('old.dcd')
>>> mol = dcd.get_plamsmol()

>>> dcdout = DCDTrajectoryFile('new.dcd',mode='wb',ntap=dcd.ntap)

>>> for i in range(dcd.get_length()) :
>>>     crd,cell = dcd.read_frame(i,molecule=mol)
>>>     dcdout.write_next(molecule=mol)

The above script reads information from the DCD file old.dcd into the Molecule object mol in a step-by-step manner. The Molecule object is then passed to the write_next() method of the new DCDTrajectoryFile object corresponding to the new dcd file new.dcd.

The exact same result can also be achieved by iterating over the instance as a callable

>>> dcd = DCDTrajectoryFile('old.dcd')
>>> mol = dcd.get_plamsmol()
>>> dcdout = DCDTrajectoryFile('new.dcd',mode='wb',ntap=dcd.ntap)
>>> for crd,cell in dcd(mol) :
>>>     dcdout.write_next(molecule=mol)

This procedure requires all coordinate information to be passed to and from the Molecule object for each frame, which can be time-consuming. It is therefore also possible to bypass the Molecule object when reading through the frames:

>>> dcd = DCDTrajectoryFile('old.dcd')

>>> dcdout = DCDTrajectoryFile('new.dcd',mode='wb',ntap=dcd.ntap)

>>> for crd,cell in dcd :
>>>     dcdout.write_next(coords=crd,cell=cell)
__init__(filename=None, mode='rb', fileobject=None, ntap=None)[source]

Initiates a DCDTrajectoryFile object

  • filename – The path to the DCD file

  • mode – The mode in which to open the DCD file (‘rb’ or ‘wb’)

  • fileobject – Optionally, a file object can be passed instead (filename needs to be set to None)

  • ntap – If the file is in write mode, the number of atoms needs to be passed here


Specifies wether the file to be read from or written to is little endian or big endian

  • byteorder – Can be either ‘@’, ‘<’, or ‘>’, denoting native endian, little endian, or big endian

read_next(molecule=None, read=True)[source]

Reads coordinates and lattice info from the current position of the cursor and returns it

  • moleculeMolecule object in which the new data needs to be stored

  • read – If set to False the cursor will move to the next frame without reading

write_next(coords=None, molecule=None, cell=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], conect=None)[source]

Write frame to next position in trajectory file

  • coords – A list or numpy array of (ntap,3) containing the system coordinates

  • molecule – A molecule object to read the molecular data from

  • cell – A set of lattice vectors or cell diameters

  • conect – A dictionary containing connectivity info (not used)


Either coords or molecule are mandatory arguments

__call__(molecule=None, read=True)

Magic method that makes an instance of this class into a callable


Get file ready to append


Close the file

property connection_table

Symmetrize the connection table and remove bond orders


Get the elements attribute


Get the number of frames in the file


Extracts a PLAMS molecule object from the XYZ trajectory file

property molecule

Returns the current molecule, which exists only when the object is used as an iterator

read_frame(frame, molecule=None)

Reads the relevant info from frame frame and returns it, or stores it in molecule

  • frame – The frame number to be read from the file

  • moleculeMolecule object in which the new coordinates need to be stored


Reads the last frame from the file


Rewind the file either by nframes or to the first frame

  • nframes – The number of frames to rewind


Sets the elements attribute (needed in write mode).

  • elements – A list containing the element symbol of each atom