AMSCalculator: Access results files & Charged systems

Note: This example requires AMS2023 or later.

Example illustrating how to use the ASE Calculator for AMS for charged systems.

Initial imports

from scm.plams import *
from scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.ase_calculator import AMSCalculator
from ase import Atoms
from ase.visualize.plot import plot_atoms

# Before running AMS jobs, you need to call init()
PLAMS working folder: AMSCalculator/plams_workdir

Example 1: Total system charge

Create the charged molecule (ion)

Create a charged ion using using ase.Atoms and setting the info dictionairy.

atoms = Atoms('OH',
              positions = [[1.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0]]
#define a total charge['charge'] = -1


Set the AMS settings

First, set the AMS settings as you normally would do in PLAMS:

settings = Settings()
settings.input.ADF #Use ADF with the default settings
settings.input.ams.Task = "SinglePoint"

Run AMS through the ASE Calculator

Below, the amsworker=False (default) will cause AMS to run in standalone mode. This means that all input and output files will be stored on disk.

atoms.calc = AMSCalculator(settings = settings, name='total_charge', amsworker=False)

energy = atoms.get_potential_energy() #calculate the energy of a charged ion
print(f'Energy: {energy:.3f} eV') # ASE uses eV as energy unit
[18.04|09:39:55] JOB total_charge1 STARTED
[18.04|09:39:55] JOB total_charge1 RUNNING
[18.04|09:39:57] JOB total_charge1 FINISHED
[18.04|09:39:57] JOB total_charge1 SUCCESSFUL
Energy: -8.325 eV

Access the input file

atoms.calc.amsresults contains the corresponding PLAMS AMSResults object.

atoms.calc.amsresults.job contains the corresponding PLAMS AMSJob object. This object has, for example, the get_input() method to access the input to AMS.

Note: These are actually properties of the Calculator, not the Atoms! So if you run more calculations with the same calculator you will overwrite the AMSResults in atoms.calc.amsresults!

AMS used the following input:

Task SinglePoint

              O       1.0000000000       0.0000000000       0.0000000000
              H       0.0000000000       0.0000000000       0.0000000000
  Charge -1.0

Engine ADF

Access the binary .rkf results files and use PLAMS AMSResults methods

Access the paths to the binary results files:

ams_rkf = atoms.calc.amsresults.rkfpath(file='ams')

If you prefer, you can use the PLAMS methods to access results like the energy:

energy2 = atoms.calc.amsresults.get_energy(unit='eV')
print(f'Energy: {energy2:.3f} eV')
Energy: -8.325 eV

Example 2: Define atomic charges

Construct a charged ion with atomic charges

atoms = Atoms('OH',
              positions = [[1.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0]],
              charges = [-1, 0]



calc = AMSCalculator(settings = settings, name='atomic_charges')
atoms.calc = calc

atoms.get_potential_energy() #calculate the energy of a charged ion
[18.04|09:39:58] JOB atomic_charges1 STARTED
[18.04|09:39:58] Job atomic_charges1 previously run as total_charge1, using old results
[18.04|09:39:58] JOB atomic_charges1 COPIED

AMS only considers the total charge of the system and not the individual atomic charges. PLAMS thus reuses the results of the previous calculation since the calculation is for the same chemical system. Both input options are allowed. If both input options are used, the total charge is the sum of both.

Task SinglePoint

              O       1.0000000000       0.0000000000       0.0000000000
              H       0.0000000000       0.0000000000       0.0000000000
  Charge -1.0

Engine ADF

Example 3: Set the charge in the AMS System block

Set the charge in the AMS System block

A charge can be set for the calculator in the settings object.

atoms = Atoms('OH',
              positions = [[1.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0]]

settings = Settings()
settings.input.ADF #Use ADF with the default settings
settings.input.ams.Task = "SinglePoint"
settings.input.ams.System.Charge = -1

calc = AMSCalculator(settings = settings, name='default_charge')
atoms.calc = calc
atoms.get_potential_energy() #calculate the energy of a charged ion
[18.04|09:39:58] JOB default_charge1 STARTED
[18.04|09:39:58] JOB default_charge1 RUNNING
[18.04|09:40:00] JOB default_charge1 FINISHED
[18.04|09:40:00] JOB default_charge1 SUCCESSFUL
              O       1.0000000000       0.0000000000       0.0000000000
              H       0.0000000000       0.0000000000       0.0000000000
  Charge -1

Task SinglePoint

Engine ADF

In this case, the charge of the Atoms object is no longer used.

atoms = Atoms('OH',
              positions = [[1.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,0.0,0.0]],
             )['charge'] = 100

settings = Settings()
settings.input.ADF #Use ADF with the default settings
settings.input.ams.Task = "SinglePoint"
settings.input.ams.System.Charge = -1

calc = AMSCalculator(settings = settings, name='default_charge_overridden')
atoms.calc = calc
atoms.get_potential_energy() #calculate the energy of a charged ion
[18.04|09:40:00] JOB default_charge_overridden1 STARTED
[18.04|09:40:00] Job default_charge_overridden1 previously run as default_charge1, using old results
[18.04|09:40:00] JOB default_charge_overridden1 COPIED
              O       1.0000000000       0.0000000000       0.0000000000
              H       0.0000000000       0.0000000000       0.0000000000
  Charge -1

Task SinglePoint

Engine ADF

Finish PLAMS

[18.04|09:40:00] PLAMS run finished. Goodbye

Complete Python code

#!/usr/bin/env amspython
# coding: utf-8

# ## Initial imports

from ase import Atoms
from ase.visualize.plot import plot_atoms
from scm.plams import *
from scm.plams.interfaces.adfsuite.ase_calculator import AMSCalculator

# Before running AMS jobs, you need to call init()

# ## Example 1: Total system charge
# ### Create the charged molecule (ion)
# Create a charged ion using using `ase.Atoms` and setting the `info` dictionairy.

atoms = Atoms("OH", positions=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
# define a total charge["charge"] = -1


# ### Set the AMS settings
# First, set the AMS settings as you normally would do in PLAMS:

settings = Settings()
settings.input.ADF  # Use ADF with the default settings
settings.input.ams.Task = "SinglePoint"

# ### Run AMS through the ASE Calculator
# Below, the ``amsworker=False`` (default) will cause AMS to run in standalone mode. This means that all input and output files will be stored on disk.

atoms.calc = AMSCalculator(settings=settings, name="total_charge", amsworker=False)

energy = atoms.get_potential_energy()  # calculate the energy of a charged ion
print(f"Energy: {energy:.3f} eV")  # ASE uses eV as energy unit

# ### Access the input file
# ``atoms.calc.amsresults`` contains the corresponding PLAMS AMSResults object.
# ``atoms.calc.amsresults.job`` contains the corresponding PLAMS AMSJob object. This object has, for example, the ``get_input()`` method to access the input to AMS.
# **Note**: These are actually properties of the Calculator, not the Atoms! So if you run more calculations with the same calculator you will **overwrite** the AMSResults in ``atoms.calc.amsresults``!
# AMS used the following input:


# ### Access the binary .rkf results files and use PLAMS AMSResults methods
# Access the paths to the binary results files:

ams_rkf = atoms.calc.amsresults.rkfpath(file="ams")

# If you prefer, you can use the PLAMS methods to access results like the energy:

energy2 = atoms.calc.amsresults.get_energy(unit="eV")
print(f"Energy: {energy2:.3f} eV")

# ## Example 2: Define atomic charges
# ### Construct a charged ion with atomic charges

atoms = Atoms("OH", positions=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]], charges=[-1, 0])


# ### Run AMS

calc = AMSCalculator(settings=settings, name="atomic_charges")
atoms.calc = calc

atoms.get_potential_energy()  # calculate the energy of a charged ion

# AMS only considers the total charge of the system and not the individual atomic charges. PLAMS thus reuses the results of the previous calculation since the calculation is for the same chemical system. Both input options are allowed. If both input options are used, the total charge is the sum of both.


# ## Example 3: Set the charge in the AMS System block
# ### Set the charge in the AMS System block
# A charge can be set for the calculator in the settings object.

atoms = Atoms("OH", positions=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])

settings = Settings()
settings.input.ADF  # Use ADF with the default settings
settings.input.ams.Task = "SinglePoint"
settings.input.ams.System.Charge = -1

calc = AMSCalculator(settings=settings, name="default_charge")
atoms.calc = calc
atoms.get_potential_energy()  # calculate the energy of a charged ion

# In this case, the charge of the `Atoms` object is no longer used.

atoms = Atoms(
    positions=[[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]],
)["charge"] = 100

settings = Settings()
settings.input.ADF  # Use ADF with the default settings
settings.input.ams.Task = "SinglePoint"
settings.input.ams.System.Charge = -1

calc = AMSCalculator(settings=settings, name="default_charge_overridden")
atoms.calc = calc
atoms.get_potential_energy()  # calculate the energy of a charged ion

# ## Finish PLAMS
