Webinar: A practical guide to GW-BSE and Sigma-functionals in the Amsterdam Modeling Suite

Arno webinar 2024

In this fourth webinar of the AMS 2024 webinar series, Dr. Arno Förster, Assistant Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, is presenting how GW-BSE and new Sigma-functionals in the Amsterdam Modeling Suite enable very fast and very accurate optical excitations, particularly for charge-transfer states, as well as highly accurate energetics at low computational cost.


Hedin’s GW approximation[1] to the electronic self-energy gives access to accurate charged excitations and spectral functions. In combination with the Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE@GW) it also gives access to accurate optical excitations.[2] Especially for charge-transfer states, BSE@GW is highly accurate and often challenges the performance of advanced wave-fucntion based methods at a fraction of the computational cost.[3]

Starting in 2020, BSE@GW has been implemented in AMS, and since then, the algorithms are being continuously refined and improved.[4–6] Practical BSE@GW calculations are complicated by two factors: a dependence of the final results on the DFT starting point, as well as a very slow convergence to the complete single-particle basis set limit.

In this talk, I will first give a short introduction to the BSE@GW method. I will then show how the starting-point dependence problem can be navigated, either through self-consistency in the GW approximation, or through a judiciously chosen starting point. I will then show how the strong basis-set dependence of GW can be overcome using data-driven techniques, which allow for a smooth extrapolation to the complete basis set limit.[7]

Finally, the GW method also gives access to relatively accurate total energies, through the random phase approximation (RPA). The RPA excels in the description of barrier heights and non-covalent interactions and I will show how, at practically no additional cost, the accuracy of RPA calculations can be greatly improved through sigma-functionals.[8] I will introduce the implementation of these functionals in AMS and show that Sigma-functionals should be used for highly accurate energetics at low computational cost.[9]

Webinar Details:
Date: Tuesday 26.11.2024
Time: 17.00 (CET) / 11.00 (ET)

Save Your Spot:

[1] L. Hedin, Physical Review 1965, 139, A796.
[2] X. Blase, I. Duchemin, D. Jacquemin, Chem Soc Rev 2018, 47, 1022–1043.
[3] A. Förster, L. Visscher, J Chem Theory Comput 2022, 18, 6779–6793.
[4] A. Förster, L. Visscher, J Chem Theory Comput 2020, 16, 7381–7399.
[5] A. Förster, L. Visscher, J Chem Theory Comput 2021, 17, 5080–5097.
[6] A. Förster, L. Visscher, Front Chem 2021, 9, 736591.
[7] F. Bruneval, I. Maliyov, C. Lapointe, M.-C. Marinica, J Chem Theory Comput 2020, 16, 4399–4407.
[8] S. Fauser, E. Trushin, C. Neiss, A. Görling, Journal of Chemical Physics 2021, 155, 134111.
[9] S. Fauser, A. Förster, L. Redeker, C. Neiss, J. Erhard, E. Trushin, A. Görling, J Chem Theory Comput 2024, 20, 2404–2422.


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