Workshop at NDHU, Taiwan, in September

Ams workshop ndhu taiwan

On September 2nd and 3rd, Prof. Yan-Fan Lin hosted an AMS workshop tailored for chemistry students. This workshop is lectured by Dr. Hung-Hsuan Lin from Sunrise Scientific Company Ltd., who demonstrated the latest capabilities of the Amsterdam Modeling Suite (AMS).

Dr. Lin’s presentation covered both the theoretical foundations and practical applications of AMS, highlighting its versatility in academic research and industrial applications. Participants gained hands-on experience through live demonstrations of AMS’s cutting-edge features.

Presented by Sunrise Scientific Company Ltd.

  • Multiscale Modeling: Bridging academic research with industrial applications.
  • SCM & Amsterdam Modeling Suite Overview: History, background, and latest advancements.
  • Spectral Analysis: Modeling IR, Raman, and UV-vis spectra with ADF.
  • Reaction Mechanism Investigation: Calculating potential energy surfaces using DFTB.
  • Solid-State Theory & Charge Transfer: Understanding materials through advanced computational methods.
  • Electronic Structure Analysis: Modeling band structures with BAND and transmission properties with NEGF.
  • Molecular Dynamics: Exploring force fields, Reactive Force Field (ReaxFF), and Molecular Dynamics.
  • Surface Catalysis: Advanced simulations using ReaxFF.

This workshop provided a comprehensive overview of AMS, empowering participants to leverage its powerful tools for multiscale modeling in their research and development projects.


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