New flyers: bonding & reactivity, scripting and support

High Electronic Coupling between Copper Complexes and Dyes

Anion Binding and Transport with Aromatic Pentaamide Macrocycles

10- and 14-Valence-Electron Triple Bond Systems: Isoelectronic Families Differing By a dδ4 Ring

On the existence of collective interactions in organometallic compounds

Actinide-Lanthanide bonding unraveled

Relativistic effects boost the termination of the classic periodic law of chemistry for the heavy elements

Singlet-Triplet (S0 – T1) gap with spin-orbit qs-GW-Bethe−Salpeter Equation (video tip of the week)

Arno Förster awarded the Dick Stufkens Prize 2023 for his implementation of the GW-BSE method in ADF

Large-Scale spin-orbit coupled GW-Bethe-Salpeter equation calculations in AMS