Home > Workshops
Upcoming workshops
Previous workshops
Download the latest workshop (KU, 6 Feb 2025)
slides pptx or pdf and workshop files
- 29 January, 2025, IQCC, Spain
- 17 January, 2025 NDHU, Taiwan
- 19 September, 2024 Qatar University, GPC
- 17 September, 2024 KAUST
- 2+3 September, 2024, NDHU Taiwan (Sunrise)
- May, 2024: (Machine Learning) Parametrization workshops Tianjin, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Seoul, Daejeon, Taipei (Paul, Nicolas, Fedor)
- 19 October, 2023 workshop with T&J Tech, Seoul
- September, 2023 online workshop India
- August, 2023 3-day workshop Taiwan
- 19 June, 2023 Glasgow University
- 22 March, 2023 workshop with the German HPC atomistic simulation center.
- 4 November, 2022 COSMO-RS workshop in Chinese. COSMO-RS workshop slides, scripts & files are available in English.
- 16-19 March, 2022 workshop with SURF HPC
- 24 February, 2022 virtual winterschool
- 8+9 December, 2021 Advanced ReaxFF workshop
- 24+25 November, 2021 ‘Computational Modeling in Chemistry, Biology and Materials, CUSAT – virtual
- 17+18 June, 2021 Machine Learning workshop
- 10 February 2021: hands-on + HPC + expert topics with SURF
- 21-22 January 2021: 2 half-day hands-on online workshop for TU Delft
- 4-26 September 2020: virtual, online workshop with self-learning for India
- 23-27 March 2020 (cancelled): theory + hands-on MD, force field fitting, machine learning
- Online workshop (2*2.5 hours) hands-on introduction to the Amsterdam Modeling Suite. (20 February 2020)
- 1-day workshop Singapore (21 June 2019, A*STAR IHPC, Thomas)
- 1-day workshop Seoul (29 May 2019, Fedor, intro slides, hands on morning, afternoon)
- Half-day workshop NTU, Taipei (22 May 2019, Fedor)
- 1-day workshop Penn State (29 March 2019, Fedor)
- 1-day workshop, TU/Eindhoven (10 January 2019, Alexei & Mirko)
- 2-day advanced ReaxFF workshop Tokyo (1+2 November 2018, Fedor, slides)
- 1-day ReaxFF parameterization workshop Osaka (30 October 2018, Fedor, slides)
- 2-day workshop Beijing (22+23 October) and Dalian (24+25 October) by Fedor (slides day 1 & day 2)
- 1-day workshop, Daejeon (9 February 2018, Fedor)
- 2-day workshop, Almaty (21-22 September 2017, Alexei)
- 1-day workshop, IDRIS, Orsay, (30 June 2017, Ole)
- Half-day workshop, SHARCNET, Waterloo, Canada (12 June 2017, Thomas)
- Half-day workshop, HPCS2017, Kingston (6 June 2017, Thomas)
- 2-day workshops in China, (Xiamen 16-17, Shanghai 19-20 May, Fedor). See slides
- One-day workshop CSC training facilities in Espoo (3 May 2017, Ole)
- 1-day hands on workshop, TU Dresden (27 March 2017, Mirko & Thomas)
- 2-day hands-on ReaxFF workshop, London (27+28 September 2016)
- 1-day hands-on workshop A*CRC, Singapore (8 July 2016)
- 1-day hands-on workshop NCHC, Hsinchu, Taiwan (1 July 2016)
- 1-week ADF workshop (TCCM) at VU Amsterdam (18-22 April 2016)
- 1-day ADF workshop at the CASCaM, UNT (21 March 2014)
- 2-day ADF+ReaxFF NSCCS workshop (8+9 April 2014)
- 1-day ADF workshop at the Universität Ulm (22 September 2014)
- 1-day ADF workshop at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (23 September 2014)
- 1-day ADF workshop at Hong Kong University (12 May 2015)
- 1-day ADF workshop at the National Supercomputing Center in Shenzhen (13 May 2015)
- 1-day ADF workshop at Tsinghua University (16 May 2015)
- 1-day ADF workshop at George Washington University (12 August 2015)
Workshop materials from collaborations
Please credit the authors if you (re-)use their workshop materials. You can also have a look at the teaching materials and webinars.
- DEFNET Workshop: ReaxFF and ADF Overview presentations
- MCFF: ReaxFF force field optimization, hands-on session by Eldhose Iype at WAMD 2015
- Electrochemistry ReaxFF tutorial (by Donato Fantauzzi, Jonathan E. Mueller, Timo Jacob)
- Examples used by Marcel Swart for ADF workshops
- Investigating Chemical Bonding with ADF, workshop by Paul Jerabek, Hyderabad 2014: slides, input/output files
- ETS-NOCV workshop Marburg May 2015, slides, exercises by Mariusz Mitoraj
- Chemical bonding and activation strain models (slides from Matthias Bickelhaupt)
- Understanding H bonding through Kohn-Sham MO theory and EDA (slides from Celia Fonseca Guerra)
Workshop program
What to expect when attending a workshop:
Example schedule for a 1-day workshop:
09.30-10.30: Introduction and overview of the Amsterdam Modeling Suite
10.30-12.00: Getting started: building molecules, basic calculations
12.00-13.00: Lunch
13.00-17.00: Advanced exercises, further discussions
Let us know if you would like to join an upcoming workshop, or have a specific or general workshop at your University, Supercomputer Center, or Institute! We gladly adapt the schedule and suggested exercises according to the interest of the participants. Submit your email address to get notifications about upcoming workshops.