Example: 3D-RISM: Glycine¶
#! /bin/sh
# == Expert option ==
# Computing solvent effects with the 3D-RISM model is illustrated on the glycine
# example.
# All subkeys in the RISM block are discussed in the User's Guide. The things to
# pay attention to here are SigU and EpsU parameters for each atom in the ATOMS
# block, the solvent parameters in the SOLVENT sub-block and the FFT box
# parameters in the SOLUTE sub-block. Both SigU and EpsU values as well as the
# solvent parameters may be obtained from force field parameter lists.
# Parameters for some common solvents are available in the ADF User's Guide.
# One should take into account the following when choosing FFT box parameters in
# the SOLUTE block:
# - the box should be at least twice as large as your model in each dimension,
# - the number of grid points in each dimension must be a power of 2, and
# - accuracy of the results and the memory usage depend on the number of grid-
# points
# Note: the 3D-RISM part in ADF has not been parallelized, thus calculating on
# more than 1 processor will not reduce the elapsed time. In this example only
# the gradients are calculated, no geometry optimization is performed.
# == Remarks for different solvent than water ==
# The default values for the RISM1D subblock key are only applicable if the
# solvent is water. You must change the FLUIDPARAM subkey of the subblock key
# RISM1D when modeling a different solvent, at least the dielectric constant and
# the density. In that case you may also have to change other subkeys of the
# subblock key RISM1D. For a different solvent than water, of course, you also
# have to change the description of the subblock SOLVENT. You may have to change
# the boxsize.
$ADFBIN/adf << eor
Title 3D-RISM test
ATOMS internal
C 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SigU=3.50 EpsU=0.066
O 1 0 0 1.208031 0.0 0.0 SigU=2.96 EpsU=0.200
O 1 2 0 1.341959 123.553475 0.0 SigU=2.96 EpsU=0.200
C 1 2 3 1.495685 124.769221 180.0 SigU=3.50 EpsU=0.066
N 4 1 2 1.427005 115.495309 0.0 SigU=3.25 EpsU=0.170
H 3 1 2 0.992780 105.645766 0.0 SigU=1.00 EpsU=0.046
H 4 1 2 1.107716 107.591718 123.973836 SigU=1.00 EpsU=0.046
H 4 1 2 1.107716 107.591718 -123.973836 SigU=1.00 EpsU=0.046
H 5 4 1 1.028574 109.800726 57.697485 SigU=1.00 EpsU=0.046
H 5 4 1 1.028574 109.800726 -57.697485 SigU=1.00 EpsU=0.046
Type DZP
Core small
RISM glycine 1N
SOLVENT1 water
UNITS uWeight=g/mol ULJsize=A ULJenergy=kcal/mol Ucoord=A Udens=1/A3
Parameters Weight=18.015 nAtoms=2
1 -0.8476 3.166 0.1554 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000
2 0.4238 1.000 0.0460 -0.816490 0.00000 0.577359
0.816490 0.00000 0.577359
BOXSIZE 32.0 32.0 32.0
BOXGRID 64 64 64
# The densf utility can be used to convert the 3D-RISM grid data stored in the TAPE21 file to
# the TAPE41 format suitable for visualization by ADFview. The following fields are created
# for each solvent site: Huv (solvent total correlation function), Uuv (solvent potential in RT),
# Guv (solvent pair distribution function), Cuv (solvent direct correlation),
# and PMF (potentials of mean force in kcal/mol)
$ADFBIN/densf << eor
mv TAPE41 glycine.t41
mv TAPE21 glycine.t21