QMMM keyblock options


Chapter 2 explains setting up an ADF QM/MM simulation. This section describes the available options that you can define in the QMMM key block. This section is essentially a reference source. The main components of the QMMM key block, the MM_CONNECTION_TABLE, the FORCE_FIELD_FILE, and the LINK_BONDS key blocks that are described in detail in the previous chapter are repeated here (with some additional notes). Please note that the global optimization options are not well tested and are prone to crashing the run. If one is interested in using these options, please be aware of this fact. We appreciate reports of any failures.

Example Input

In this section we simply provide a few examples of the QM/MM key block. In some examples, the MM_CONNECTION_TABLE and LINK_BONDS subkey blocks are not filled.

Example 3.1 This example depicts a global optimization of the MM region with the simulated annealing-like optimizer available in the QM/MM program. The global search involves 100 ps of MD at 1000 K with 100 structures sampled in regular intervals during the simulation. Each of the 100 structures is then partially optimized, and then the 10 best are fully optimized. At the end of this, the lowest energy structure is used for the QM/MM run. Note that in this MD search, the QM atoms, including the link atoms are frozen.

    TIME{PS} 100.0
    TEMPERATURE 1000.0


Example 3.2 In this example, custom charges are assigned to some of the atoms. Charges for atoms that were not given specific charges in the QMMM key block are assigned on a per atom-type basis from the force field file. Also note that this example has no LINK_BONDS subkey block. This is only allowed if there are not link bonds, as in the example in Figure 1-2a.


   3 -0.1

Description of Options

Keyword (required, default = amber95.ff) This keyword simply defines the full path of the force field file to be used for the molecular mechanics potential. The location of the force field file is given after the keyword. The full path can be give, or just the file name. In the latter case, the program checks the current directory that ADF is executing in. Examples:
FORCE_FIELD_FILE /home/username/sybyl.ff
Keyword (Default is not to use the subkey NEWQMMM) Key to be used for more efficient QM/MM calculations, work in progress. It also allows more QM/MM atoms than in a default calculation. This key should be used ONLY with the amber force field. This key also offers the possibility to use the new QM/MM input format, which can, for example, be made with the utility pdb2adf. The old input format remains working if one includes this NEWQMMM subkey.
Keyword (Default = 1) The integer following this keyword specifies the amount of output to be printed to the ADF output file. 0: minimal output 1: normal output 2: troubleshooting output OUTPUT_LEVEL 2 is recommending for initially setting up a job. However, once the job is set up properly this output level is probably too verbose.
Keyword (Default = 1) The performs some checking of the input, ranging from examining all interatomic distances to examining the input order of the QM, LI and MM atoms. The integer following this keyword specifies how many warnings to report and when to stop the run due to the warning. -1: Report only the most severe warnings, and never stop the run. Useful when user is knowingly violating the ‘rules’. 0: Report severe warnings and only stop at ‘fatal’ errors. 1: Report all warnings, stop at severe and fatal errors. This is the default. 2: Report all warnings and stop at any of them. Useful when initially setting up a job.
Keyword (Default = 2) The integer following this keyword specifies the level of the Multipole Derived Charge analysis [7] used in conjunction with ELSTAT_COUPLING_MODEL=4. Note that the default value has been changed compared to ADF2007.01 1: MDC-m charges are used to update charges of QM system. 2: MDC-d charges used. 3: MDC-q charges used.

Subkey block (required) This key block defines the connection table, the force field atom types and the partitioning of the full system into QM and MM regions. It is critical that the atoms specified in this key block are in the same order as in the ATOMS key block. This is important, because the program may not detect this type of input error and you would get ridiculous results.

 n FF_LABEL MM_TYPE connection numbers

The labels are defined in the following table

Input column    
1 N atom number
2 FF_LABEL Force field atom type.
    These labels correspond to the atom types defined in the force field file.
    They can be up to four characters long. Xx defines dummy atoms.
4- connection These define to which atoms the current atom has a covalent bond.
  numbers These connections are used to generate the molecular mechanics potential.
    Currently, a maximum of 6 connections is allowed per atom.

The connection table should be a fully redundant one. In other words, if atom #1 is bonded to atom #5, they each should have the other atom listed in their connections.


1 C_2 QM 2 3 4 5
2 O_2 QM 1
3 H QM 1
4 C_3 QM 1 5 6 7
5 Cu QM 4 1
6 H QM 4

A fully non-redundant connection table is also supported. In such a connection table, once a bond is mentioned, it is not mentioned again. In other words, the connection list for any atom cannot contain an atom, which precedes it in the atom numbering.


1 C_2 QM 2 3 4 5
2 O_2 QM
3 H QM
4 C_3 QM 5 6 7
5 Cu QM
6 H QM

These two connection tables are equivalent. Connection tables that are semi-redundant might cause problems. We recommend the fully redundant connection table.


Key block (optional)** This key block defines the initial charges on each atom based on their atom **number. Atom numbers must be carefully specified because the program does not assume any order. Charges can also be assigned based on their atom type from the force field file in the CHARGE PARAMETERS key block. If this key block does not specify charges, the program looks for charge assignments from the force field file. If charges are not assigned in either this key block or the force field file, then a charge of 0.0 is assigned. When polarizable electrostatic coupling is invoked, the charges for QM and LI atoms are not read, because the MM point charges interact with the QM charge distribution. With ELSTAT_COUPLING_MODEL=4, these charges (for the QM system) are used only in the first cycle of the geometry optimization: after each cycle, the QM charges are replaced with the Multipole Derived Charges. Example:

 3 -0.10000
 1 0.05000
 2 0.05000

Keyword (optional, default=1) This keyword controls the type of electrostatic model that is used, including whether true electrostatic coupling between the QM and MM regions is evoked.

Coupling Model Description
0 Electrostatics OFF
1 Simple electrostatic coupling, where there is no polarization of the QM wave function, i.e. pure MM coupling.
4 Simple electrostatic coupling, like option 1. But the point charges of the QM region are updated throughout the geometry optimization using the Multipole Derived Charge analysis [7](MDC-x level depending on MDC_LEVEL).

Key block (optional) This key block allows the user to modify the geometry optimization settings. An example of a key block with many available options is shown below:

 MAX_GRAD 0.001


 BOND 2 - 4
 BOND 2 - 3

Sub-options to this key are described next.

Keyword (optional, default = 1000) This keyword defines the maximum number of optimization steps allowed before the optimization is discontinued.
Keyword (optional, default = (0.01 kcal/mol)/Angstrom) This keyword allows the user to change the convergence criteria. For now, the optimization is considered converged when the maximum gradient on any MM atom is less than MAX_GRADIENT. The default value will provide gradients that are very small, especially when compared to the convergence criteria specified most electronic structure codes. NOTE: The gradients on the QM atoms due to the MM potentials are not accounted for in the convergence criteria. Lrge MM forces can exist on the QM atoms after the optimization.
Keyword (optional, default = 0.001 kcal/mol) This keyword allows the user to change the convergence criteria for the energy between successive cycles. Can only be used in case of NEWQMMM.
Keyword (optional, default = BFGS, available: BFGS, STEEPEST_DESCENT, CONJGRAD) For the most part, the default quasi-Newton optimizer with BFGS Hessian update scheme is very stable, and converges well. Other optimizers available are the steepest descent method (STEEPEST_DESCENT) and conjugate gradient (CONJGRAD). STEEPEST_DESCENT and CONJGRAD are almost always less efficient than the BFGS optimizer (particularly close to the minimum). It is notable that the Hessian based BFGS method requires more memory than the STEEPEST_DESCENT method and so for very large systems may be problematic to use. In that case, it is best to use the CONJGRAD method.
Keyword (optional, default = 1) This keyword defines what should happen if the MM geometry is not fully optimized after MAX_STEPS steps; set this to zero for large (biochemical) systems where it may be problematic to get the optimization to converge fully in a limited number of steps (1000): the QMMM run will continue as if the MM-optimization had converged.
Keyword (optional, default = .false.) If this keyword is specified in the OPTIMIZE subblock, the MM system will be frozen, i.e. no geometry optimization will be done on any of its atoms. If NEWQMMM is included use ‘IRUNTYPE_QMMM 0’ as separate keyword (outside the OPTMIZE subblock).
Keyword (optional, default = 100) PRINT_CYCLES represents the number of optimization cycles between which the optimization status is printed and the MM restart file is written.

Sub key block (optional) - CURRENTLY IN A BETA STATE This subkey block controls the global optimization options in the program. Currently the global optimization option has not been thoroughly tested and should be considered to be in beta form. The normal optimizers are designed only to locate the “nearest” local minimum and therefore you are not guaranteed to find the best overall structure, which is termed the global minimum structure. Currently, only two global optimization algorithms have been implemented: - Molecular dynamics based optimizer related to a simulated annealing algorithm - A grid search, which generates conformations by rotations about bonds specified by the user. Both optimizers generate a number of structures (100s to 1000s), which are all partially optimized. The partially optimized structures are then sorted based on their energies. The best 10 of these structures are then fully optimized. The best of these fully optimized structures is kept and assumed to be the global minimum. The global optimization is only applied to the MM region with the QM atoms frozen. Therefore, the structure can only be considered the global minimum structure on the constrained surface where the QM atoms and QM charge density are frozen.

    TIME{PS} 100.0
    TEMPERATURE 1000.0

Global optimization is not the default. Therefore, to invoke a global optimization, the GLOBAL subkey block must exist. It is important to note that the subkey blocks that control the global optimization schemes are subkey blocks of the OPTIMIZE key block and not sub-sub key blocks within the GLOBAL subkey block. The above example demonstrates this.

Keyword (optional, default = MD_SEARCH) This key block specifies the global optimization method to be used. To date there are only two methods, MD_SEARCH which is the default and GRID. More detail one how these methods work is given in the description of the MD_SEARCH and GRID subkey blocks.

Keyword (optional, default = ONCE) This key block specifies how often the global optimization algorithm, if it is specified, is called. Since the global optimization is very time consuming it is not recommended that it be used every QM iteration. The default is that it is done only on the first iteration. The options available are tabulated below.

ONCE Only at the first iteration
EVERY_TIME At every iteration
N_CYCLES X At each X-th iteration including the first.
  Here X is the integer following the “N_CYLES” keyword.
  e.g. N_CYCLES 4

Subkey block (optional, required if method selected) The GRID method provides a systematic search for global minimum by rotating about specified covalent bonds in the MM subsystem. This method is only efficient for small systems or systems where the conformational variability is confined to torsions involving a few bonds. The user must specify the bonds that are to be rotated in the search, up to a maximum of 10, and the increment (in degrees) by which the bonds are to be rotated between subsequent structures. The program does not allow bonds that are completely within the QM subsystem (link bonds are allowed, however, or part of a ring system. Finally, since QM atoms cannot be rotated, at least one of the two fragments resulting from splitting the specified bond must contain no QM atoms. An example of the key block is shown below where three bonds are rotated, in 60° increments. 216 structures (6x6x6) will be generated corresponding to a full 360° rotation about the three bonds in 60° increments and all combinations thereof. :: GRID INCREMENT 60.0 BOND 7 - 6 BOND 8 - 7 BOND 9 - 8 SUBEND NOTE: It is important to realize that the program uses the connection table specified in the input to determine which atoms to rotate. MASSES Key block (optional) This is used to assign custom masses to individual atoms. If no custom masses are specified, then the default masses defined in the force field file are used. Below is example input.

 15 32.066
 8 2.0

The first column is an integer specifying the atom number and the second column is a real specifying the custom mass of that atom in atomic mass units. The atoms need not be in any particular order and it is not necessary to specify custom masses for all atoms. It should be noted that only masses of the MM atoms and the link atoms could be customized. Masses of the QM atoms and the capping atoms are taken from the QM borderleft.

Keyword (Default = 5) Parameter for partitioning QM and MM systems (capping method). Relevant if LINK_BONDS is present. Possible values: 5 (corresponding to the AddRemove scheme), 3 (corresponding to the IMOMM scheme)

Electrostatic Embedding

The ELSTAT_COUPLING_MODEL=2 option can be used for both the SCF (bonding and total) energies and gradients and for the TDDFT energies and gradients. The MM point charges are considered during the Becke grid setup and are affected by the QPNEAR keyword of the BECKEGRID block. Symmetry should be explicitly set to NOSYM, because the MM atoms are not considered when determining the symmetry and actually might break it. In other ELSTAT_COUPLING_MODEL modes, the QMMM driver is usually called twice: once during geometry setup and once before the SCF. In the electrostatic embedding mode, the QMMM driver may also be called after the SCF finishes and after the TDDFT gradient was computed because these steps provide a new electron density necessary to compute the complete QMMM energies/forces.

The excited state geometry optimization (with EXCITEDGO) is possible, although a few restrictions apply due to the fact that QM and MM atoms are optimized separately by different parts of the program. If only the QM atoms should be optimized, the MM atoms can be kept frozen with the MM optimizer method SKIP:


This option is also useful when only the energy gradient needs to be computed without actually moving the atoms (e.g., external optimizer/dynamics driver). If only MM atoms should be optimized, do not use the GEOMETRY/EXCITEDGO keywords but use only the QMMM/OPTIMIZE. If the QM and MM atoms should be optimized simultaneously, the internal workflow is as follows:

  1. compute the energy, energy gradient, and the density matrix for the given geometry;
  2. optimize the MM atoms using the density matrix from step 1;
  3. compute a quasi-Newton step for the QM atoms using the energy gradient from step 1;
  4. repeat steps 1-3 until convergence.

This means that the QM electron density is constant during the MM optimization, so if the MM atoms have moved far away from their original positions the QM gradient may be not completely consistent anymore. Therefore it is advisable to not take too many steps in the MM optimization part:

      MAX_STEPS 5

The MM optimization might still take relatively many iterations to converge because it is Hessian-free. Hence, it might be worthwhile to preoptimize the MM part without electrostatic embedding first.