Usage of pdb2adf¶
Short description¶
The program works interactively, and should be straightforwardly to use. However, for some of the stages in the output a short description is given below.
P D B 2 A D F - program
version 2008.01
Written by: Marcel Swart, 2008
This program uses AMBER parameter files
Do you want a logfile to be written (Y/n) ?
This option exists to create a logfile of what pdb2adf does. However, it should normally be used only for debugging purposes.
Ignoring atom on line:
ATOM 974 OH LYS A 128 -10.073 42.775 15.690 1.00 38.79 5AZU1065
This is a warning that the atom on that particular line is ignored, should normally occur only few times (less than ten). Depends also on how well the PDB file follows the PDB format rules.
Data Processed:
Nat: 2519
Nmol: 196
NChains: 1
Information about what has been read on the PDB file: the total number of atoms (Nat), number of molecules/residues (Nmol) and number of protein chains (Nchains).
Please wait, making connection tables
At this point, the connections between the atoms are being made by looking at atom distances. It may take a while, depending on the size of the system.
Do you want to make separate files for each chain (Y/n) ?
You have the option to make different inputfiles for different protein chains, but you can also make one inputfile for all of them together.
Found the following terminal amino acid residues : (C-term) 128 (N-term) 1
Do you want to use these as terminal residues (Y/n) ?
Info is given about the C- and N-terminal residue of each chain. Reported for making sure they are chosen correctly. Note, if the C- and N-terminal residues are connected (rarely the case probably), enter N here.
Multiple AMBER options for HIS :
0 Decide every time differently
1 HID Histidine Delta Hydrogen
2 HIE Histidine Epsilon Hydrogen
3 HIP Histidine E & D Hydrogens
Suggested option: 0
For a number of residues (His, Glu, Asp, Lys and Cys) there is more than one option available in the AMBER95 force field, depending on the protonation state (His, Glu, Asp and Lys) or the existence of a sulphur bridge/connection to a metal atom (Cys). The default is to choose a different option for the His and Cys residues, and use one option for Glu, Asp and Lys (fully charged). However, if wanted you can make a choice for all residues.
Multiple AMBER options for CYS 3 ( 3) :
1 CYS Cysteine (SH)
2 CYM Deprotonated Cysteine (S-)
3 CYX Cystine (S-S bridge)
Connections and Nearest Atoms for SG CYS 3 SG ( P2A # 41 PDB# 20 )
Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label Near Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label
1 1.82 38 19 CB CYS 3 CB 1 3.79 2382 980 O HOH 151 O
2 2.02 461 193 SG CYS 26 SG 2 3.80 22 0 HC GLN 2
3 4.04 2391 983 O HOH 154 O
4 4.15 509 206 O GLN 28 O
5 4.18 522 0 HA PHE 29
Suggestion: 3
The options for Cys3 are given, with information about the atoms bonded to the SG sulphur atom (on the left), as well as the closest five non-bonded atoms (on the right). This information may help you decide which choice to make for this particular residue. Also given (on the bottom) is the suggested choice, which is based, in this case, on the presence of a sulphur bridge.
Multiple AMBER options for HIS 46 ( 46) :
1 HID Histidine Delta Hydrogen
2 HIE Histidine Epsilon Hydrogen
3 HIP Histidine E & D Hydrogens
Connections and Nearest Atoms for ND HIS 46 ND1 ( P2A # 844 PDB# 347 )
Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label Near Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label
1 1.37 843 346 CG HIS 46 CG 1 2.62 2166 0 H1 MET 121
2 1.33 846 349 CE HIS 46 CE1 2 3.23 2080 863 ND HIS 117 ND1
3 2.04 2318 959 CU CU 130 CU 3 HB 3.33 2163 900 S MET 121 SD
4 3.40 2164 901 CT MET 121 CE
5 3.57 2082 865 CE HIS 117 CE1
Connections and Nearest Atoms for NE HIS 46 NE2 ( P2A # 848 PDB# 350 )
Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label Near Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label
1 1.32 846 349 CE HIS 46 CE1 1 HB 2.70 162 67 O ASN 10 O
2 1.37 850 348 CD HIS 46 CD2 2 2.83 814 0 H1 MET 44
3 3.23 2166 0 H1 MET 121
4 3.52 822 332 O MET 44 O
5 3.74 813 334 CT MET 44 CG
Suggestion: 2
For His residues, the information is given for both the delta- and the epsilon nitrogen atoms. Also indicated (by HB) is the presence of a hydrogen bond with another atom. The definition used here is that two atoms are hydrogen bonded if they are both non-carbon/non-hydrogen atoms, and the distance between them is less than the sum of the van der Waals radii of the atoms. It is a simple definition, but seems to be effective. In this case, as the N(delta) is bonded to copper, the proton should be attached to the N(epsilon).
Making choice for which molecules should be QM, which MM
Now we come to the part where the division in the QM and MM systems is made.
Residues belonging to chain 0
Option Molecule Option Molecule Option Molecule Option Molecule Option Molecule
1: ALA 1 28: GLN 28 55: ASP 55 82: ALA 82 109: ALA 109
2: GLN 2 29: PHE 29 56: LYS 56 83: HIS 83 110: TYR 110
All molecules/residues belonging to chain 0 are given, with an option number.
Give option number of molecules to be put in QM region (or 'c' to continue):
Note: by specifying a negative number a molecule is removed from the QM region
Here you are asked to enter the option numbers of the residues you want to put in the QM system.
Putting GLY 45 in QM region
Putting HIS 46 in QM region
In this case, Gly45 and His46 have been put in the QM system.
Make a choice for the QM/MM treatment of GLY 45
0: Put completely in QM region
1: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH in QM region, CO in MM region)
2: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH in MM region, CO in QM region)
3: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH and CO in MM region)
4: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH and CO in QM region, sidechain in MM region)
5: Put only part of sidechain in QM region
Suggestion: 2
Give choice:
A choice should be made for where to cut-off the QM system. Normally this is done at the C(alpha) position, and you should simply choose the Suggestion.
Solvent molecules (SOL/HOH) belonging to this chain:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66
Give the number of the molecule to be put in QM region (or 'c' to continue):
Also water molecules can be put in the QM system.
Box Shape options:
1 Spherical box
2 Cubic box
Make a choice:
Type of box to be used.
Maximum atomic distance (Angs) from center 25.62
Give boxsize (def.: 28.62 Angs)
Size of box to be used to put a layer of solvent molecules around the system. Max. dist. is the maximal distance of any protein atom from the center of mass of the protein. Usually you should choose a boxsize at least 6 Angstrom larger (so at least two solvent molecules are surrounding the system).
Using BOXSIZE value of 30.0000
Adding atoms for box 1 Added (Box): 0 (Total): 0 Excl. (1): 648 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 2 Added (Box): 9 (Total): 9 Excl. (1): 639 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 63 Added (Box): 3 (Total): 7635 Excl. (1): 645 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 64 Added (Box): 0 (Total): 7635 Excl. (1): 648 Excl. (2): 0
Writing inputfile for chain 1
A total amount of 7635 atoms (2545 water molecules) has been added.
Inputfile(s) written, everything processed, work has been done.
Thank you for using the PDB2ADF program.
Normal ending of PDB2ADF program
ADF inputfile(s) have been written, the PDB-file has been processes. Everything is done.
An example on protein structure¶
The idea of this example is to make an adf-input file using a PDB of an azurin (1DYZ.pdb.txt
). The result of this example should be that in the adf-input file the active site of azurin (Figure 1) is in the QM part, and the rest of the protein is in the MM part, and that the solvent water is added (in a box), which is also in the MM part.
Figure 1: the active site of azurin
Usage of pdb2adf¶
The program works interactively. Given below in bold are the parts that the user has to type. In cases where the user agrees with the suggestion given by the program, the user can press the Enter key indicated with Enter.
P D B 2 A D F - program
version 2008.01
Written by: Marcel Swart, 2008
This program uses AMBER parameter files
Please give name of PDB-file
Do you want a logfile to be written (Y/n) ?
read fragments
Data Processed:
Nat: 2519
Nmol: 196
NChains: 1
Please wait, making connection tables
Now finding nearby atoms
Assigning chain ID to all residues
Completing residues for which only option is available
Found the following terminal amino acid residues : (C-term) 129 (N-term) 1
Do you want to use these as terminal residues (Y/n) ?
Refinding nearby atoms (including atoms added in residue completion)
Multiple AMBER options for HIS :
0 Decide every time differently
1 HID Histidine Delta Hydrogen
2 HIE Histidine Epsilon Hydrogen
3 HIP Histidine E & D Hydrogens
Suggested option: 0
Using 0: Decide every time differently
Multiple AMBER options for GLU :
0 Decide every time differently
1 GLU Glutamic acid (COO-)
2 GLH Neutral Glutamic acid (COOH)
Suggested option: 1
Using 17 GLU Glutamic acid (COO-)
Multiple AMBER options for ASP :
0 Decide every time differently
1 ASP Aspartic acid (COO-)
2 ASH Neutral Aspartatic acid (COOH)
Suggested option: 1
Using 18 ASP Aspartic acid (COO-)
Multiple AMBER options for LYS :
0 Decide every time differently
1 LYS Charged Lysine (NH3+)
2 LYN Neutral Lysine (NH2)
Suggested option: 1
Using 19 LYS Charged Lysine (NH3+)
Multiple AMBER options for CYS :
0 Decide every time differently
1 CYS Cysteine (SH)
2 CYM Deprotonated Cysteine (S-)
3 CYX Cystine (S-S bridge)
Suggested option: 0
Using 0: Decide every time differently
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Making Choices for Chain 0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Multiple AMBER options for CYS 3 ( 3) :
1 CYS Cysteine (SH)
2 CYM Deprotonated Cysteine (S-)
3 CYX Cystine (S-S bridge)
Connections and Nearest Atoms for SG CYS 3 SG ( P2A # 41 PDB# 20 )
Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label Near Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label
1 1.82 38 19 CB CYS 3 CB 1 3.79 2382 980 O HOH 151 O
2 2.02 461 193 SG CYS 26 SG 2 3.80 22 0 HC GLN 2
3 4.04 2391 983 O HOH 154 O
4 4.15 509 206 O GLN 28 O
5 4.18 522 0 HA PHE 29
Suggestion: 3
Multiple AMBER options for CYS 26 ( 26) :
1 CYS Cysteine (SH)
2 CYM Deprotonated Cysteine (S-)
3 CYX Cystine (S-S bridge)
Connections and Nearest Atoms for SG CYS 26 SG ( P2A # 461 PDB# 193 )
Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label Near Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label
1 1.82 458 192 CB CYS 26 CB 1 3.41 522 0 HA PHE 29
2 2.02 41 20 SG CYS 3 SG 2 3.43 411 168 O ASP 23 O
3 3.60 2322 960 O HOH 131 O
4 3.91 403 169 CB ASP 23 CB
5 4.15 387 0 HC VAL 22
Suggestion: 3
Multiple AMBER options for HIS 32 ( 32) :
1 HID Histidine Delta Hydrogen
2 HIE Histidine Epsilon Hydrogen
3 HIP Histidine E & D Hydrogens
Connections and Nearest Atoms for ND HIS 32 ND1 ( P2A # 581 PDB# 244 )
Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label Near Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label
1 1.39 580 243 CG HIS 32 CG 1 3.41 545 0 HC THR 30
2 1.33 583 246 CE HIS 32 CE1 2 3.43 76 33 O ALA 5 O
3 3.58 90 40 OH THR 6 OG1
4 3.99 91 0 HO THR 6
5 4.17 68 0 H ALA 5
Connections and Nearest Atoms for NE HIS 32 NE2 ( P2A # 585 PDB# 247 )
Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label Near Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label
1 1.31 583 246 CE HIS 32 CE1 1 2.86 544 0 HC THR 30
2 1.37 587 245 CD HIS 32 CD2 2 3.00 545 0 HC THR 30
3 3.14 1677 0 HO SER 94
4 3.42 542 229 CT THR 30 CG2
5 3.65 1676 688 OH SER 94 OG
Suggestion: 1
Multiple AMBER options for HIS 35 ( 35) :
1 HID Histidine Delta Hydrogen
2 HIE Histidine Epsilon Hydrogen
3 HIP Histidine E & D Hydrogens
Connections and Nearest Atoms for ND HIS 35 ND1 ( P2A # 649 PDB# 271 )
Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label Near Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label
1 1.38 648 270 CG HIS 35 CG 1 2.46 682 0 H GLY 37
2 1.32 651 273 CE HIS 35 CE1 2 2.69 1604 0 H1 GLY 89
3 3.31 681 282 N GLY 37 N
4 3.56 1602 653 CT GLY 89 CA
5 3.67 152 0 H1 ASN 10
Connections and Nearest Atoms for NE HIS 35 NE2 ( P2A # 653 PDB# 274 )
Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label Near Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label
1 1.33 651 273 CE HIS 35 CE1 1 HB 2.91 822 332 O MET 44 O
2 1.37 655 272 CD HIS 35 CD2 2 3.24 814 0 H1 MET 44
3 3.24 850 348 CD HIS 46 CD2
4 3.34 1593 0 H1 GLY 88
5 3.75 848 350 NE HIS 46 NE2
Suggestion: 2
Multiple AMBER options for HIS 46 ( 46) :
1 HID Histidine Delta Hydrogen
2 HIE Histidine Epsilon Hydrogen
3 HIP Histidine E & D Hydrogens
Connections and Nearest Atoms for ND HIS 46 ND1 ( P2A # 844 PDB# 347 )
Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label Near Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label
1 1.37 843 346 CG HIS 46 CG 1 2.62 2166 0 H1 MET 121
2 1.33 846 349 CE HIS 46 CE1 2 3.23 2080 863 ND HIS 117 ND1
3 2.04 2318 959 CU CU 130 CU 3 HB 3.33 2163 900 S MET 121 SD
4 3.40 2164 901 CT MET 121 CE
5 3.57 2082 865 CE HIS 117 CE1
Connections and Nearest Atoms for NE HIS 46 NE2 ( P2A # 848 PDB# 350 )
Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label Near Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label
1 1.32 846 349 CE HIS 46 CE1 1 HB 2.70 162 67 O ASN 10 O
2 1.37 850 348 CD HIS 46 CD2 2 2.83 814 0 H1 MET 44
3 3.23 2166 0 H1 MET 121
4 3.52 822 332 O MET 44 O
5 3.74 813 334 CT MET 44 CG
Suggestion: 2
Multiple AMBER options for HIS 83 ( 83) :
1 HID Histidine Delta Hydrogen
2 HIE Histidine Epsilon Hydrogen
3 HIP Histidine E & D Hydrogens
Connections and Nearest Atoms for ND HIS 83 ND1 ( P2A # 1494 PDB# 613 )
Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label Near Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label
1 1.39 1493 612 CG HIS 83 CG 1 2.67 1317 0 HC VAL 73
2 1.33 1496 615 CE HIS 83 CE1 2 3.63 1315 542 CT VAL 73 CG2
3 3.74 1310 0 HC VAL 73
4 3.82 1316 0 HC VAL 73
5 3.86 1313 0 HC VAL 73
Connections and Nearest Atoms for NE HIS 83 NE2 ( P2A # 1498 PDB# 616 )
Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label Near Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label
1 1.32 1496 615 CE HIS 83 CE1 1 3.09 1313 0 HC VAL 73
2 1.38 1500 614 CD HIS 83 CD2 2 3.44 1317 0 HC VAL 73
3 3.88 2385 981 O HOH 152 O
4 3.93 1311 541 CT VAL 73 CG1
5 4.03 1309 540 CT VAL 73 CB
Suggestion: 2
Multiple AMBER options for CYS 112 ( 112) :
1 CYS Cysteine (SH)
2 CYM Deprotonated Cysteine (S-)
3 CYX Cystine (S-S bridge)
Connections and Nearest Atoms for SG CYS 112 SG ( P2A # 2001 PDB# 828 )
Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label Near Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label
1 1.82 1998 827 CB CYS 112 CB 1 2.53 858 0 H ASN 47
2 2.14 2318 959 CU CU 130 CU 2 2.65 2023 0 H PHE 114
3 3.00 2028 0 HC PHE 114
4 3.29 868 0 H ASN 47
5 3.39 2027 0 HC PHE 114
Suggestion: 2
Multiple AMBER options for HIS 117 ( 117) :
1 HID Histidine Delta Hydrogen
2 HIE Histidine Epsilon Hydrogen
3 HIP Histidine E & D Hydrogens
Connections and Nearest Atoms for ND HIS 117 ND1 ( P2A # 2080 PDB# 863 )
Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label Near Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label
1 1.37 2079 862 CG HIS 117 CG 1 2.82 2028 0 HC PHE 114
2 1.34 2082 865 CE HIS 117 CE1 2 3.23 844 347 ND HIS 46 ND1
3 1.99 2318 959 CU CU 130 CU 3 3.26 2031 0 HA PHE 114
4 3.27 832 340 O GLY 45 O
5 3.43 846 349 CE HIS 46 CE1
Connections and Nearest Atoms for NE HIS 117 NE2 ( P2A # 2084 PDB# 866 )
Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label Near Dist P2A Nr PDB Nr Label
1 1.31 2082 865 CE HIS 117 CE1 1 2.57 209 0 H1 MET 13
2 1.37 2086 864 CD HIS 117 CD2 2 2.65 2031 0 HA PHE 114
3 HB 2.74 2406 988 O HOH 159 O
4 3.34 2030 841 CA PHE 114 CD1
5 3.41 204 0 H1 MET 13
Suggestion: 2
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Making Choices for Chain 1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Completing residues with multiple options available, and solvent molecules
Checking positions of newly added atoms
Making choice for which molecules should be QM, which MM
Residues belonging to chain 0
Option Molecule Option Molecule Option Molecule Option Molecule Option Molecule
1: ALA 1 28: GLN 28 55: ASP 55 82: ALA 82 109: ALA 109
2: GLN 2 29: PHE 29 56: LYS 56 83: HIS 83 110: TYR 110
3: CYS 3 30: THR 30 57: GLN 57 84: THR 84 111: PHE 111
4: GLU 4 31: MET 31 58: ALA 58 85: LYS 85 112: CYS 112
5: ALA 5 32: HIS 32 59: VAL 59 86: VAL 86 113: SER 113
6: THR 6 33: LEU 33 60: ALA 60 87: ILE 87 114: PHE 114
7: VAL 7 34: LYS 34 61: THR 61 88: GLY 88 115: PRO 115
8: GLU 8 35: HIS 35 62: ASP 62 89: GLY 89 116: GLY 116
9: SER 9 36: VAL 36 63: GLY 63 90: GLY 90 117: HIS 117
10: ASN 10 37: GLY 37 64: MET 64 91: GLU 91 118: TRP 118
11: ASP 11 38: LYS 38 65: GLY 65 92: SER 92 119: ALA 119
12: ALA 12 39: MET 39 66: ALA 66 93: ASP 93 120: MET 120
13: MET 13 40: ALA 40 67: GLY 67 94: SER 94 121: MET 121
14: GLN 14 41: LYS 41 68: LEU 68 95: VAL 95 122: LYS 122
15: TYR 15 42: VAL 42 69: ALA 69 96: THR 96 123: GLY 123
16: ASN 16 43: ALA 43 70: GLN 70 97: PHE 97 124: THR 124
17: VAL 17 44: MET 44 71: ASP 71 98: ASP 98 125: LEU 125
18: LYS 18 45: GLY 45 72: TYR 72 99: VAL 99 126: LYS 126
19: GLU 19 46: HIS 46 73: VAL 73 100: SER 100 127: LEU 127
20: ILE 20 47: ASN 47 74: LYS 74 101: LYS 101 128: GLY 128
21: VAL 21 48: LEU 48 75: ALA 75 102: ILE 102 129: SER 129
22: VAL 22 49: VAL 49 76: GLY 76 103: ALA 103 130: CU 130
23: ASP 23 50: LEU 50 77: ASP 77 104: ALA 104
24: LYS 24 51: THR 51 78: THR 78 105: GLY 105
25: SER 25 52: LYS 52 79: ARG 79 106: GLU 106
26: CYS 26 53: ASP 53 80: VAL 80 107: ASN 107
27: LYS 27 54: ALA 54 81: ILE 81 108: TYR 108
Give option number of molecules to be put in QM region (or 'c' to continue):
Note: by specifying a negative number a molecule is removed from the QM region
45 46 112 117 121 130
Putting GLY 45 in QM region
Putting HIS 46 in QM region
Putting CYS 112 in QM region
Putting HIS 117 in QM region
Putting MET 121 in QM region
Putting CU 130 in QM region
Give option number of molecules to be put in QM region (or 'c' to continue):
Note: by specifying a negative number a molecule is removed from the QM region
Make a choice for the QM/MM treatment of GLY 45
0: Put completely in QM region
1: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH in QM region, CO in MM region)
2: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH in MM region, CO in QM region)
3: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH and CO in MM region)
4: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH and CO in QM region, sidechain in MM region)
5: Put only part of sidechain in QM region
Suggestion: 2
Give choice:
Make a choice for the QM/MM treatment of HIS 46
0: Put completely in QM region
1: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH in QM region, CO in MM region)
2: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH in MM region, CO in QM region)
3: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH and CO in MM region)
4: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH and CO in QM region, sidechain in MM region)
5: Put only part of sidechain in QM region
Suggestion: 1
Give choice:
Make a choice for the QM/MM treatment of CYS 112
0: Put completely in QM region
1: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH in QM region, CO in MM region)
2: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH in MM region, CO in QM region)
3: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH and CO in MM region)
4: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH and CO in QM region, sidechain in MM region)
5: Put only part of sidechain in QM region
Suggestion: 3
Give choice:
Make a choice for the QM/MM treatment of HIS 117
0: Put completely in QM region
1: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH in QM region, CO in MM region)
2: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH in MM region, CO in QM region)
3: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH and CO in MM region)
4: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH and CO in QM region, sidechain in MM region)
5: Put only part of sidechain in QM region
Suggestion: 3
Give choice:
Make a choice for the QM/MM treatment of MET 121
0: Put completely in QM region
1: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH in QM region, CO in MM region)
2: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH in MM region, CO in QM region)
3: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH and CO in MM region)
4: Cut off at C-alpha (put NH and CO in QM region, sidechain in MM region)
5: Put only part of sidechain in QM region
Suggestion: 3
Give choice:
Make a choice for the QM/MM treatment of CU 130
0: Put completely in QM region
1: Put only part of molecule in QM region
Suggestion: 0
Give choice:
Total formal charge on molecule CU 130 2.0000
Solvent molecules (SOL/HOH) belonging to this chain:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
61 62 63 64 65 66
Give the number of the molecule to be put in QM region (or 'c' to continue):
Residues belonging to chain 1
Do you want to add solvent to your system (Y/n) ?
Solvent (box) available:
1: HOH HOH Water molecule
2: MOH MOH Methanol molecule
3: CHL CHL Chloroform molecule
Reading contents of solvent box p2abox.HOH
Box Shape options:
1 Spherical box
2 Cubic box
Make a choice:
Writing inputfile for chain 0
Using total charge 1.0 and total spin 1.0
Maximum atomic distance (Angs) from center 25.62
Give boxsize (def.: 28.62 Angs)
Using BOXSIZE value of 30.0000
Adding atoms for box 1 Added (Box): 0 (Total): 0 Excl. (1): 648 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 2 Added (Box): 9 (Total): 9 Excl. (1): 639 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 3 Added (Box): 3 (Total): 12 Excl. (1): 645 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 4 Added (Box): 0 (Total): 12 Excl. (1): 648 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 5 Added (Box): 6 (Total): 18 Excl. (1): 642 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 6 Added (Box): 228 (Total): 246 Excl. (1): 420 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 7 Added (Box): 219 (Total): 465 Excl. (1): 429 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 8 Added (Box): 9 (Total): 474 Excl. (1): 639 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 9 Added (Box): 0 (Total): 474 Excl. (1): 648 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 10 Added (Box): 225 (Total): 699 Excl. (1): 423 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 11 Added (Box): 216 (Total): 915 Excl. (1): 432 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 12 Added (Box): 6 (Total): 921 Excl. (1): 642 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 13 Added (Box): 0 (Total): 921 Excl. (1): 648 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 14 Added (Box): 6 (Total): 927 Excl. (1): 642 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 15 Added (Box): 12 (Total): 939 Excl. (1): 636 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 16 Added (Box): 0 (Total): 939 Excl. (1): 648 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 17 Added (Box): 12 (Total): 951 Excl. (1): 636 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 18 Added (Box): 210 (Total): 1161 Excl. (1): 438 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 19 Added (Box): 219 (Total): 1380 Excl. (1): 429 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 20 Added (Box): 3 (Total): 1383 Excl. (1): 645 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 21 Added (Box): 216 (Total): 1599 Excl. (1): 417 Excl. (2): 15
Adding atoms for box 22 Added (Box): 381 (Total): 1980 Excl. (1): 3 Excl. (2): 264
Adding atoms for box 23 Added (Box): 261 (Total): 2241 Excl. (1): 3 Excl. (2): 384
Adding atoms for box 24 Added (Box): 183 (Total): 2424 Excl. (1): 423 Excl. (2): 42
Adding atoms for box 25 Added (Box): 189 (Total): 2613 Excl. (1): 426 Excl. (2): 33
Adding atoms for box 26 Added (Box): 186 (Total): 2799 Excl. (1): 3 Excl. (2): 459
Adding atoms for box 27 Added (Box): 351 (Total): 3150 Excl. (1): 3 Excl. (2): 294
Adding atoms for box 28 Added (Box): 222 (Total): 3372 Excl. (1): 420 Excl. (2): 6
Adding atoms for box 29 Added (Box): 9 (Total): 3381 Excl. (1): 639 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 30 Added (Box): 162 (Total): 3543 Excl. (1): 429 Excl. (2): 57
Adding atoms for box 31 Added (Box): 219 (Total): 3762 Excl. (1): 426 Excl. (2): 3
Adding atoms for box 32 Added (Box): 6 (Total): 3768 Excl. (1): 642 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 33 Added (Box): 6 (Total): 3774 Excl. (1): 642 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 34 Added (Box): 219 (Total): 3993 Excl. (1): 426 Excl. (2): 3
Adding atoms for box 35 Added (Box): 216 (Total): 4209 Excl. (1): 432 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 36 Added (Box): 6 (Total): 4215 Excl. (1): 642 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 37 Added (Box): 219 (Total): 4434 Excl. (1): 426 Excl. (2): 3
Adding atoms for box 38 Added (Box): 279 (Total): 4713 Excl. (1): 6 Excl. (2): 363
Adding atoms for box 39 Added (Box): 231 (Total): 4944 Excl. (1): 0 Excl. (2): 417
Adding atoms for box 40 Added (Box): 195 (Total): 5139 Excl. (1): 432 Excl. (2): 21
Adding atoms for box 41 Added (Box): 231 (Total): 5370 Excl. (1): 414 Excl. (2): 3
Adding atoms for box 42 Added (Box): 324 (Total): 5694 Excl. (1): 0 Excl. (2): 324
Adding atoms for box 43 Added (Box): 408 (Total): 6102 Excl. (1): 6 Excl. (2): 234
Adding atoms for box 44 Added (Box): 204 (Total): 6306 Excl. (1): 435 Excl. (2): 9
Adding atoms for box 45 Added (Box): 6 (Total): 6312 Excl. (1): 642 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 46 Added (Box): 177 (Total): 6489 Excl. (1): 435 Excl. (2): 36
Adding atoms for box 47 Added (Box): 219 (Total): 6708 Excl. (1): 429 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 48 Added (Box): 6 (Total): 6714 Excl. (1): 642 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 49 Added (Box): 0 (Total): 6714 Excl. (1): 648 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 50 Added (Box): 3 (Total): 6717 Excl. (1): 645 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 51 Added (Box): 6 (Total): 6723 Excl. (1): 642 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 52 Added (Box): 0 (Total): 6723 Excl. (1): 648 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 53 Added (Box): 9 (Total): 6732 Excl. (1): 639 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 54 Added (Box): 222 (Total): 6954 Excl. (1): 426 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 55 Added (Box): 213 (Total): 7167 Excl. (1): 426 Excl. (2): 9
Adding atoms for box 56 Added (Box): 6 (Total): 7173 Excl. (1): 642 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 57 Added (Box): 3 (Total): 7176 Excl. (1): 645 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 58 Added (Box): 219 (Total): 7395 Excl. (1): 423 Excl. (2): 6
Adding atoms for box 59 Added (Box): 219 (Total): 7614 Excl. (1): 429 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 60 Added (Box): 6 (Total): 7620 Excl. (1): 642 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 61 Added (Box): 0 (Total): 7620 Excl. (1): 648 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 62 Added (Box): 12 (Total): 7632 Excl. (1): 636 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 63 Added (Box): 3 (Total): 7635 Excl. (1): 645 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 64 Added (Box): 0 (Total): 7635 Excl. (1): 648 Excl. (2): 0
Writing inputfile for chain 1
There are no atoms in this chain, ignoring it
Inputfile(s) written, everything processed, work has been done.
Thank you for using the PDB2ADF program.
Normal ending of PDB2ADF program
Contents of the 1DYZ.pdb2adf file generated by pdb2adf¶
The file is not given completely, since it contains more than 9000 atoms. Note that the old style QM/MM input format is used if the environment variable SCM_PDB2ADF is set to OLD. This example uses the default NEWQMMM format.
#! /bin/sh
$ADFBIN/adf << eor
TITLE QM/MM calculation setup by pdb2adf: M.Swart, 2008
Symmetry NOSYM
GGA Becke-Perdew
iterations 100
CONVERGE grad=1.0e-3 rad=0.1
type TZP
core small
diis ok=0.01
Converge 1.0e-5 1.0e-5
Iterations 99
CHARGE 1.0 1.0
1 N -1.1930 25.6890 17.1840
2 H -0.3133 25.1929 17.1970
3 H -1.3738 25.1438 18.0148
4 H -1.5170 24.8559 16.7138
5 C -1.4820 27.1340 16.8960
6 H -2.1350 27.2082 16.0264
7 C -2.1950 27.7860 18.0880
8 H -1.5602 27.7210 18.9717
9 H -2.3971 28.8331 17.8627
10 H -3.1350 27.2677 18.2776
11 C -0.1820 27.8790 16.5880
12 O 0.8890 27.4920 17.0690
13 N -0.2890 28.9420 15.7940
14 H -1.1936 29.2105 15.4339
15 C 0.8750 29.7430 15.4220
16 H 0.5616 30.5606 14.7728
17 C 1.5270 30.3290 16.6860
18 H 0.7563 30.7529 17.3298
19 H 2.0544 29.5402 17.2224
20 C 2.5320 31.4280 16.4240
21 H 2.9095 31.3405 15.4052
22 H 2.0516 32.3982 16.5508
23 C 3.7140 31.3600 17.3720
24 O 4.5190 30.4170 17.3220
25 N 3.8270 32.3530 18.2440
26 H 4.5950 32.3600 18.9000
27 H 3.1446 33.0976 18.2480
28 C 1.8460 28.8170 14.6770
29 O 1.4330 28.0490 13.7940
30 N 3.1200 28.8760 15.0450
31 H 3.4036 29.5187 15.7707
32 C 4.1380 28.0400 14.4360
33 H 3.6966 27.4628 13.6235
34 C 5.2490 28.9240 13.8830
35 H 5.5773 29.6209 14.6541
36 H 6.0893 28.3021 13.5744
37 S 4.6970 29.8870 12.4450
38 C 4.6800 27.1010 15.5090
39 O 5.8890 27.0060 15.7280
40 N 3.7690 26.4380 16.2040
41 H 2.7886 26.5676 15.9987
42 C 4.1640 25.5320 17.2520
43 H 5.0753 25.0110 16.9583
44 C 4.4480 26.3010 18.5380
45 H 4.7889 25.6090 19.3080
46 H 5.2208 27.0470 18.3527
47 C 3.2450 27.0350 19.0990
48 H 2.6884 27.4975 18.2839
49 H 2.6007 26.3297 19.6240
50 C 3.6030 28.1430 20.0880
51 O 4.7940 28.3110 20.4290
52 O 2.6740 28.8670 20.5030
53 C 3.0820 24.5140 17.4740
54 O 1.9190 24.7350 17.1470
55 N 3.4810 23.3770 18.0170
56 H 4.4563 23.2437 18.2430
57 C 2.5550 22.3010 18.3030
58 H 1.5462 22.7037 18.3941
59 C 2.5590 21.2690 17.1740
60 H 3.5602 20.8520 17.0658
61 H 1.8565 20.4695 17.4093
62 H 2.2632 21.7490 16.2412
63 C 2.9700 21.6650 19.6140
64 O 4.1160 21.8010 20.0550
65 N 2.0180 21.0240 20.2660
66 H 1.0839 20.9887 19.8835
67 C 2.2640 20.3560 21.5330
68 H 3.3189 20.4450 21.7924
69 C 1.4300 21.0100 22.6680
70 H 0.3783 21.0286 22.3823
71 C 1.5670 20.2160 23.9790
72 H 2.6136 20.1931 24.2828
73 H 0.9735 20.6946 24.7580
74 H 1.2111 19.1971 23.8262
75 O 1.8900 22.3550 22.8810
76 H 1.3759 22.7617 23.5824
77 C 1.9150 18.8760 21.4070
78 O 0.8730 18.5150 20.8640
9746 O 31.1328 34.4612 22.6903
9747 H 31.8908 34.5740 22.1167
9748 H 30.6706 35.2981 22.6446
691 - 689 1.3320 H H1
698 - 711 1.3861 H H1
1648 - 1646 1.3362 H H1
1648 - 1654 1.3927 H H1
1710 - 1708 1.3471 H H1
1710 - 1723 1.3951 H H1
1778 - 1776 1.3310 H H1
1778 - 1791 1.3799 H H1
! ---------------------------------------------------
! use NEWQMMM developer implementation
! the rest of QMMM block is only for use with NEWQMMM
! ---------------------------------------------------
689 H1 LI -0.055275 GLY 45 N 691 687 690
691 CT QM -0.025200 GLY 45 CA 689 694 692 693
692 H1 QM 0.069800 GLY 45 HA2 691
693 H1 QM 0.069800 GLY 45 HA3 691
694 C QM 0.597300 GLY 45 C 691 695 696
695 O QM -0.567900 GLY 45 O 694
696 N QM -0.415700 HIS 46 N 698 694 697
697 H QM 0.271900 HIS 46 H 696
698 CT QM -0.058100 HIS 46 CA 696 700 711 699
699 H1 QM 0.136000 HIS 46 HA 698
700 CT QM -0.007400 HIS 46 CB 698 703 701 702
701 HC QM 0.036700 HIS 46 HB2 700
702 HC QM 0.036700 HIS 46 HB3 700
703 CC QM 0.186800 HIS 46 CG 700 704 709
704 NB QM -0.543200 HIS 46 ND1 703 705 1915
705 CR QM 0.163500 HIS 46 CE1 704 707 706
706 H5 QM 0.143500 HIS 46 HE1 705
707 NA QM -0.279500 HIS 46 NE2 705 709 708
708 H QM 0.333900 HIS 46 HE2 707
709 CW QM -0.220700 HIS 46 CD2 703 707 710
710 H4 QM 0.186200 HIS 46 HD2 709
711 H1 LI -0.055275 HIS 46 C 698 712 713
1646 H1 LI -0.055275 CYS 112 N 1648 1644 1647
1648 CT QM 0.035000 CYS 112 CA 1646 1650 1654 1649
1649 H1 QM 0.048000 CYS 112 HA 1648
1650 CT QM -0.736000 CYS 112 CB 1648 1653 1651 1652
1651 H1 QM 0.244000 CYS 112 HB3 1650
1652 H1 QM 0.244000 CYS 112 HB2 1650
1653 SH QM -0.736000 CYS 112 SG 1650 1915
1654 H1 LI -0.055275 CYS 112 C 1648 1655 1656
1708 H1 LI -0.055275 HIS 117 N 1710 1706 1709
1710 CT QM -0.058100 HIS 117 CA 1708 1712 1723 1711
1711 H1 QM 0.136000 HIS 117 HA 1710
1712 CT QM -0.007400 HIS 117 CB 1710 1715 1713 1714
1713 HC QM 0.036700 HIS 117 HB2 1712
1714 HC QM 0.036700 HIS 117 HB3 1712
1715 CC QM 0.186800 HIS 117 CG 1712 1716 1721
1716 NB QM -0.543200 HIS 117 ND1 1715 1717 1915
1717 CR QM 0.163500 HIS 117 CE1 1716 1719 1718
1718 H5 QM 0.143500 HIS 117 HE1 1717
1719 NA QM -0.279500 HIS 117 NE2 1717 1721 1720
1720 H QM 0.333900 HIS 117 HE2 1719
1721 CW QM -0.220700 HIS 117 CD2 1715 1719 1722
1722 H4 QM 0.186200 HIS 117 HD2 1721
1723 H1 LI -0.055275 HIS 117 C 1710 1724 1725
1776 H1 LI -0.055275 MET 121 N 1778 1774 1777
1778 CT QM -0.023700 MET 121 CA 1776 1780 1791 1779
1779 H1 QM 0.088000 MET 121 HA 1778
1780 CT QM 0.034200 MET 121 CB 1778 1783 1781 1782
1781 HC QM 0.024100 MET 121 HB2 1780
1782 HC QM 0.024100 MET 121 HB3 1780
1783 CT QM 0.001800 MET 121 CG 1780 1786 1784 1785
1784 H1 QM 0.044000 MET 121 HG2 1783
1785 H1 QM 0.044000 MET 121 HG3 1783
1786 S QM -0.273700 MET 121 SD 1783 1787
1787 CT QM -0.053600 MET 121 CE 1786 1788 1789 1790
1788 H1 QM 0.068400 MET 121 HE1 1787
1789 H1 QM 0.068400 MET 121 HE2 1787
1790 H1 QM 0.068400 MET 121 HE3 1787
1791 H1 LI -0.055275 MET 121 C 1778 1792 1793
1915 CU QM 2.000000 CU 130 CU 704 1653 1716
1 N3 MM 0.141400 ALA 1 N 5 2 3 4
2 H MM 0.199700 ALA 1 H1 1
3 H MM 0.199700 ALA 1 H2 1
4 H MM 0.199700 ALA 1 H3 1
5 CT MM 0.096200 ALA 1 CA 1 7 11 6
6 HP MM 0.088900 ALA 1 HA 5
7 CT MM -0.059700 ALA 1 CB 5 8 9 10
8 HC MM 0.030000 ALA 1 HB1 7
9 HC MM 0.030000 ALA 1 HB2 7
10 HC MM 0.030000 ALA 1 HB3 7
11 C MM 0.616300 ALA 1 C 5 12 13
12 O MM -0.572200 ALA 1 O 11
13 N MM -0.415700 GLN 2 N 15 11 14
14 H MM 0.271900 GLN 2 H 13
15 CT MM -0.003100 GLN 2 CA 13 17 28 16
16 H1 MM 0.085000 GLN 2 HA 15
17 CT MM -0.003600 GLN 2 CB 15 20 18 19
9746 OW MM -0.834000 HOH 2545 O 9747 9748
9747 HW MM 0.417000 HOH 2545 H1 9746
9748 HW MM 0.417000 HOH 2545 H2 9746
An example on solvent shell run¶
The idea of this example is to make an adf-input file using a PDB file of water (hoh.pdb.txt
), in the solvent methanol. The water molecule in the adf-input file should be in the QM part, and the solvent methanol (in a box) is in MM part.
Contents of the hoh.pdb file¶
REMARK Written by M. Swart, March 2005
HETATM 1 H1 HOH 1 1.716 26.282 11.239 1.00 0.00 1DYZ H
HETATM 2 O HOH 1 2.439 25.795 11.634 1.00 0.00 1DYZ O
HETATM 3 H2 HOH 1 3.140 26.440 11.729 1.00 0.00 1DYZ H
Usage of pdb2adf¶
The program works interactively. Given below in bold are the parts that the user has to type. In cases where the user agrees with the suggestion given by the program, the user can press the Enter key indicated with Enter.
P D B 2 A D F - program
version 2008.01
Written by: Marcel Swart, 2008
This program uses AMBER parameter files
Please give name of PDB-file
Do you want a logfile to be written (Y/n) ?
read fragments
Data Processed:
Nat: 3
Nmol: 1
NChains: 0
Please wait, making connection tables
Now finding nearby atoms
Assigning chain ID to all residues
Completing residues for which only option is available
Refinding nearby atoms (including atoms added in residue completion)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Making Choices for Chain 0
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Completing residues with multiple options available, and solvent molecules
Checking positions of newly added atoms
Making choice for which molecules should be QM, which MM
Residues belonging to chain 0
Solvent molecules (SOL/HOH) belonging to this chain:
Give the number of the molecule to be put in QM region (or 'c' to continue):
Putting HOH 1 in QM region
Give the number of the molecule to be put in QM region (or 'c' to continue):
Do you want to add solvent to your system (Y/n) ?
Solvent (box) available:
1: HOH HOH Water molecule
2: MOH MOH Methanol molecule
3: CHL CHL Chloroform molecule
Reading contents of solvent box p2abox.MOH
Box Shape options:
1 Spherical box
2 Cubic box
Make a choice:
Writing inputfile for chain 0
Using total charge 0.0 and total spin 0.0
Maximum atomic distance (Angs) from center 0.92
Give boxsize (def.: 15.00 Angs)
Using BOXSIZE value of 14.0000
Adding atoms for box 1 Added (Box): 84 (Total): 84 Excl. (1): 660 Excl. (2): 6
Adding atoms for box 2 Added (Box): 102 (Total): 186 Excl. (1): 642 Excl. (2): 6
Adding atoms for box 3 Added (Box): 102 (Total): 288 Excl. (1): 642 Excl. (2): 6
Adding atoms for box 4 Added (Box): 108 (Total): 396 Excl. (1): 642 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 5 Added (Box): 120 (Total): 516 Excl. (1): 630 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 6 Added (Box): 96 (Total): 612 Excl. (1): 654 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 7 Added (Box): 108 (Total): 720 Excl. (1): 642 Excl. (2): 0
Adding atoms for box 8 Added (Box): 102 (Total): 822 Excl. (1): 642 Excl. (2): 6
Inputfile(s) written, everything processed, work has been done.
Thank you for using the PDB2ADF program.
Normal ending of PDB2ADF program
Contents of the hoh.pdb2adf file generated by pdb2adf¶
The file is not given completely, since it contains more than 800 atoms. Note that the old style QM/MM input format is used if the environment variable SCM_PDB2ADF is set to OLD. This example uses the default NEWQMMM format.
#! /bin/sh
$ADFBIN/adf << eor
TITLE QM/MM calculation setup by pdb2adf: M.Swart, 2008
Symmetry NOSYM
GGA Becke-Perdew
iterations 100
CONVERGE grad=1.0e-3 rad=0.1
type TZP
core small
diis ok=0.01
Converge 1.0e-5 1.0e-5
Iterations 99
1 O 2.4390 25.7950 11.6340
2 H 1.7160 26.2820 11.2390
3 H 3.1400 26.4400 11.7290
4 C -10.0667 22.2493 11.7437
5 H -10.2077 21.5053 10.9597
6 H -10.5047 21.8683 12.6667
7 H -10.5167 23.2103 11.4977
8 O -8.7387 22.3983 12.0617
9 H -8.3007 22.6943 11.2607
10 C -0.2827 19.0253 2.2847
11 H -0.5357 18.2063 2.9567
12 H 0.7633 19.2913 2.4407
13 H -0.9267 19.8753 2.5107
14 O -0.4997 18.6373 0.9467
15 H 0.1123 17.9313 0.7287
823 H 5.4711 27.9401 19.5645
824 O 5.5611 28.7181 17.7095
825 H 5.2631 27.8621 17.3935
! ---------------------------------------------------
! use NEWQMMM developer implementation
! the rest of QMMM block is only for use with NEWQMMM
! ---------------------------------------------------
1 OW QM -0.834000 HOH 1 O 2 3
2 HW QM 0.417000 HOH 1 H1 1
3 HW QM 0.417000 HOH 1 H2 1
1 OW QM -0.834000 HOH 1 O 2 3
2 HW QM 0.417000 HOH 1 H1 1
3 HW QM 0.417000 HOH 1 H2 1
4 CT MM 0.116600 MOH 1 C1 5 6 7 8
5 H1 MM 0.037200 MOH 1 HC1 4
6 H1 MM 0.037200 MOH 1 HC2 4
7 H1 MM 0.037200 MOH 1 HC3 4
8 OH MM -0.649700 MOH 1 O1 4 9
9 HO MM 0.421500 MOH 1 HO1 8
10 CT MM 0.116600 MOH 2 C1 11 12 13 14
11 H1 MM 0.037200 MOH 2 HC1 10
12 H1 MM 0.037200 MOH 2 HC2 10
13 H1 MM 0.037200 MOH 2 HC3 10
14 OH MM -0.649700 MOH 2 O1 10 15
15 HO MM 0.421500 MOH 2 HO1 14
823 H1 MM 0.037200 MOH 137 HC3 820
824 OH MM -0.649700 MOH 137 O1 820 825
825 HO MM 0.421500 MOH 137 HO1 824