(contributed by Patrick Melix)

The runscript written by PLAMS expects the environment variable $RASPA_DIR to be set. It should point to the location RASPA is installed in ($RASPA_DIR/bin/simulate being the compiled executable).


The RASPA input is not easily wrapped into a Settings class because it does not know section endings and sections don’t have a common open/close statement. Like the other interfaces, the RASPA input file is generated using the input branch of the job settings. An example is given here:

settings = Settings()
settings.input.simulationtype = 'MonteCarlo'
settings.input.numberofcycles = 100
settings.input.printevery = 10
settings.input.forcefield = 'GenericMOFs'
settings.input.usechargesfromciffile = True
settings.input.framework._h = 0
settings.input.framework.frameworkname = 'someMOF'
settings.input.framework.unitcells = '4 4 4'
settings.input.externaltemperature = 298.0
settings.input.component['0'] = Settings()
settings.input.component['0'].moleculename = 'helium'
settings.input.component['0'].moleculedefinition = 'TraPPE'
settings.input.component['0'].widomprobability = 1.0
settings.input.component['0'].createnumberofmolecules = 0
settings.input.component._1 = Settings()
settings.input.component._1.moleculename = 'methane'
settings.input.component._1.moleculedefinition = 'TraPPE'
settings.input.component._1.widomprobability = 1.0
settings.input.component._1.createnumberofmolecules = 0

The input generated during the execution of the RASPA job is similar to:

numberofcycles 100
printevery 10
simulationtype MonteCarlo
usechargesfromciffile yes

componentexternaltemperature 298.0
forcefield GenericMOFs
framework 0
  frameworkname someMOF
  unitcells 4 4 4

component 0 MoleculeName helium
  createnumberofmolecules 0
  moleculedefinition TraPPE
  widomprobability 1.0

component 1 MoleculeName methane
  createnumberofmolecules 0
  moleculedefinition TraPPE
  widomprobability 1.0

The Component sections differ from the standard behaviour and are printed by the input parser as shown in this example. They can be inserted using the dictionary-like or dot-like notation as shown above. The MoleculeName key is obligatory.

As in other interfaces, the _h key results in the value being printed along the section title. No other special sections are defined.

If you need some files to be copied to the actual execution directory, pass them to the constructor using the copy= option. Alternatively you can symlink them using the symlink= option. See the API below.

Molecule parsing

Molecule handling is not supported yet. Prepare the needed files and pass them to the constructor using the copy or symlink option.

For a more detailed description of the RASPA input see the documentation in the RASPA GitHub repository.

Loading jobs

Calculations done without PLAMS can be loaded using the load_external() functionality. The RaspaResults class does not support reading input files into Settings objects yet.

Just do RaspaJob.load_external(path) to get use the job inside PLAMS.


class RaspaJob(copy=None, symlink=None, **kwargs)[source]

A single job with RASPA2 class.

Requires the ASE Python package.

Files that should be copied to the job directory can be passed as a dictionary using the copy argument. The dict should have the following layout: dict[<filename in jobdir>] = <path to file>. If you prefer symlinks instead of copies use the symlink argument with the same layout. The path strings given to symlink are not altered. Remember that the job directory is not equal to the current work directory if using relative symlinks.

Molecule parsing is not yet supported!

The environment variable $RASPA_DIR needs to be set for the runscript to work.


alias of RaspaResults

__init__(copy=None, symlink=None, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Copy files to execution dir if self.copy_files is set.


Transform all contents of settings.input branch into string with blocks, keys and values.

RASPA2 does not interpret indentation but rather certain keys automatically start a subsection. Subsections are never closed but automatically ended if the next key-value pair does not fit into it. So here we only need to care about readability of the input file. The logic is automatically preserved by using the nested PLAMS settings logic.

Components should be built using either component['INT'] = Settings() or component._INT = Settings(). It needs to have a key moleculename (case insensitive).


$RASPA_DIR has to be set in the environment!


Look for the normal termination signal in output.

class RaspaResults(job)[source]

A Class for handling RASPA Results.

Note that the Output file is guessed in self.collect. Do not rely on it to point to the file you need and but check self._filenames['out']!


Try to Guess the Main Output File.

Set it to whatever comes first in the ‘Output/System_0’ folder.

get_block_value(search, file=None, get_std=False, get_unit=False)[source]

Return a Block Value from Output File.

Can be used to retrieve block values from the final section of the output files. Uses Results.grep_file to retrieve the values. Remember to escape special grep characters in the search string. Returns the average value over all blocks.

search: string String labeling the value you desire.

file: string Defaults to the automatically detected output file. See self.collect().

get_std: boolean Also return the standard deviation of the value

get_unit: boolean Also return the unit of the value

get_value(search, file=None, get_std=False, get_unit=False)[source]

Return a Single Value from Output File.

Can be used to retrieve single values from the final section of the output files. Uses Results.grep_file to retrieve the values. Remember to escape special grep characters in the search string.

search: string String labeling the value you desire.

file: string Defaults to the automatically detected output file. See self.collect().

get_std: boolean Also return the standard deviation of the value

get_unit: boolean Also return the unit of the value

get_from_all_files(*args, output_folder='Output/System_0/', method='get_value', **kwargs)[source]

Wrapper to Execute Methods on all Output files.

output_folder: string The subfolder containing the relevant output files. Default should be fine.

method: function The function to call, needs to be a function of the RaspaResults class that takes a file argument. All args and kwargs are passed on.

If the method returns tuples, the tuples are unpacked and added to lists.

get_isotherm(output_folder='Output/System_0/', search_x='Partial pressure:', search_y='Average loading excess \\[cm^3 (STP)/gr', get_std=False, get_unit=False)[source]

Try to automatically collect Isotherm Data.

output_folder: string The subfolder containing the relevant output files. Default should be fine.

search_x: string String labeling the desired x-Axis values in the output.

search_y: string String labeling the desired y-Axis values in the output.

get_std: boolean Return the standard deviation of the y values as a list.

get_unit: boolean Return the units of the values as strings x_unit, y_unit.

Returns two lists: x_values, y_values. Optionally after that x_std, x_unit, y_unit.