4.6.1. ResultsImporter overview ResultsImporter summary

The ResultsImporter class is convenient for setting up the Job Collection, Data Set, and Engine Collection from finished reference calculations. A results importer typically affects all three of those classes with a single method (see Import training data (Python))

Most ResultsImporters work on finished reference jobs, coming from one of these computational chemistry programs:

Program Required results files
AMS (ADF, BAND, DFTB, ReaxFF, …) ams.rkf (and sometimes engine.rkf)
VASP OUTCAR (and optionally INCAR)
Quantum ESPRESSO Standard output file (often ending in .out).

The ResultsImporter

  • reads the input and output from the reference job,
  • creates a reference engine in the Engine Collection if it does not already exist,
  • adds one or more jobs to the Job Collection using one or more systems from the reference job, if they do not already exist
  • adds one or more entries to the Data Set

The Import training data (Python) gives an example on how to use ResultsImporters.

All ResultsImporters are summarized in the below table, where SP stands for SinglePoint, GO for GeometryOptimization, MD for MolecularDynamics, and QE for Quantum ESPRESSO.

ResultsImporter name add_singlejob add_trajectory_singlepoints add_reaction_energy add_pesscan_singlepoints add_neb_singlepoints add_pesexploration_singlepoints
Reference job type any GO or MD SP, GO, or None [1] PESScan NEB PESExploration
# jobs added 1 any 1 per species any any any
Default task SP SP SP SP SP SP
Allowed tasks any SP SP or GO SP SP SP
Systems final frame [2] any final frames converged points converged points minima and transition states
# data_set entries any any 1 any any  
Properties all extractors traj. prop. [3] None energy/relative_energies/stresstensor* energy/relative_energies energy/relative_energies
API docs add_singlejob() add_trajectory_singlepoints() add_reaction_energy() add_pesscan_singlepoints() add_neb_singlepoints() add_pesexploration_singlepoints()
[1]add_reaction_energy can also be used without reference jobs, only the atomic coordinates are needed.
[2]add_singlejob takes the “main molecule”, unless the reference job is a PESScan (then the input molecule is used).
[3]Trajectory properties: energy, relative_energies, forces, stresstensor ResultsImporter settings

When initializing a ResultsImporter, you can pass a settings argument, that is either a string pointing to a results_importer_settings.yaml file, or which is a PLAMS Settings instance.


results_importer_settings = Settings()
results_importer_settings.trim_settings = True
results_importer_settings.default_go_settings.MaxIterations = 30
results_importer_settings.units.energy = 'kcal/mol'

ri = ResultsImporter(settings=results_importer_settings)

For a detailed description of the available settings, see __init__(). Training set, validation set, etc.

See the tutorial: Training set, validation set, and other data sets. Save and load from disk

The job collection, engine collection, data_set(s), and shortcut settings can be stored for later retrieval with the store() method.

To load them from files, pass the paths to the files as arguments to __init__().

For an example, see the tutorial: Save to disk. add_singlejob

add_singlejob() adds 1 job to the job collection, together with an arbitrary number of entries in the data_set.

For how to use it, see the Import training data (Python), in particular

See also the API docs: add_singlejob()

Each entry in the data_set must be an extractor acting on the job.

Adding for example 'distance(0,1)' to the properties argument will add a data_set entry with the expression distance('jobname',0,1).


ri = ResultsImporter()
                 properties=['energy', 'distance(0,1)'],
                 task='GeometryOptimization') add_trajectory_singlepoints

add_trajectory_singlepoints() extracts given number of frames from a trajectory file. The properties must be one or more of the following: energy, relative_energies, forces, or stresstensor.

For how to use it, see Import training data (Python), in particular

See also the API docs: add_trajectory_singlepoints()


ri = ResultsImporter()

# extract every 10 frames
                  properties=['forces', 'relative_energies'],

# extract 20 frames
                  properties=['forces', 'relative_energies'],
                  N=20) add_reaction_energy

add_reaction_energy() calculates and adds a reaction energy to the data_set. The reaction is automatically balanced: only the reactants and products need to specified, not the stoichiometric coefficients. The coefficients are normalized according to the normalization and normalization_value arguments.

Setting normalization='r0' will set the coefficient for the first reactant to normalization_value. normalization='r1' would correspond to the second reactant, etc. normalization='p0' would correspond to the first product, etc.

add_reaction_energy can also be used with PLAMS molecules instead of reference jobs. In that case one should specify the reference value with the reference keyword.

For how to use it, see Import training data (Python), in particular

See also the API docs: add_reaction_energy()

Simple example:

ri = ResultsImporter()

# from reference jobs
ri.add_reaction_energy(reactants=['/reactant1/ams.rkf', '/reactant2/ams.rkf'],
                       products=['/product1/ams.rkf', '/product2/ams.rkf'],

# from Molecule instances. mol_1 etc. need to be PLAMS Molecules
ri.add_reaction_energy(reactants=[mol_1, mol_2],
                       products=[mol_3, mol_4],
                       unit='kcal/mol') add_pesscan_singlepoints

add_pesscan_singlepoints() extracts a given number of (converged) frames from an AMS PESScan reference job, and adds them as single point calculations to the job collection.


If you want to add a job with Task PESScan to the job collection, do not use this shortcut but instead add_singlejob.


Adding singlepoint calculations from a PESScan with add_pesscan_singlepoints(job, properties='relative_energies') will give a much faster parametrization than using add_singlejob(job, properties='pes', task='PESScan'). However, we in general recommend to use add_singlejob instead, since it will give a more accurate parametrization of the potential energy surface.

The properties must be one or more of the following: energy, relative_energies, stresstensor* (stresstensor, stresstensor_2d, etc., see Available Extractors).


Extracting the stress tensor from an energy-volume scan will only work if CalcPropertiesAtPESPoints was set when running the job, i.e. if the files PESPoint(1).rkf etc. exist in the same directory as ams.rkf.

See the API docs for details: add_pesscan_singlepoints()


ri = ResultsImporter()

ri.add_pesscan_singlepoints('/path/to/ams.rkf',  # ams.rkf from a PESScan job
               properties=['relative_energies']) add_neb_singlepoints

add_neb_singlepoints() extracts the converged frames from an AMS NEB reference job, and adds them as single point calculations to the job collection.


If you want to add a job with Task NEB to the job collection, do not use this shortcut but instead add_singlejob.

The properties must be one or more of the following: energy, relative_energies.

See the API docs for details: add_neb_singlepoints()


ri = ResultsImporter()

ri.add_neb_singlepoints('/path/to/ams.rkf',  # ams.rkf from a NEB job
           properties=['relative_energies']) add_pesexploration_singlepoints

add_pesexploration_singlepoints() extracts a given list of states an AMS PESExploration reference job, and adds them as single point calculations to the job collection.


If you want to add a job with Task PESExploration to the job collection (although you probably do not because of how computationally demanding such jobs are), do not use this shortcut but instead add_singlejob.

The properties must be one or more of the following: energy, relative_energies.

See the API docs for details: add_pesexploration_singlepoints()


ri = ResultsImporter()

ri.add_pesexploration_singlepoints('/path/to/ams.rkf',  # ams.rkf from a PESExploration job
                      indices=[1,2,5,6]) # state numbers (start with 1)