Sigma Moments

Sigma moments are useful chemical descriptors derived from the sigma profile. They are analogous to moments of a statistical distribution and can be thought of as a way to reduce the high-dimensional information present in a sigma profile to a smaller number of descriptors that characterize that sigma profile. Sigma moments are known to be valuable descriptors in QSPR and are thought to represent the solvent space well 1.

The following script will calculate the first several sigma moments as well as a H-bond acceptor and H-bond donor moment for a few common molecules.

Python code

import os
import numpy as np
from scm.plams import *
##################  Note: Be sure to add the path to your own AMSCRS directory here  ##################
database_path = os.getcwd()

if not os.path.exists(database_path):
    raise OSError(f'The provided path does not exist. Exiting.')


#suppress plams output
config.log.stdout = 0

class SigmaMoments:

    def __init__(self,filenames,hb_cutoff=0.00854):
        self.filenames = filenames
        self.hb_cutoff = hb_cutoff

    def calculate_moments(self) -> dict:
        self.moments = {}
        return self.moments

    def calc_profiles_and_chdens(self):

        # initialize settings object
        settings = Settings() = 'PURESIGMAPROFILE'
        # set the cutoff value for h-bonding
        settings.parameters.sigmahbond = self.hb_cutoff
        compounds = [Settings() for i in range(len(self.filenames))]
        for i,filename in enumerate(filenames):
            compounds[i]._h = os.path.join(database_path, filename)

        settings.input.compound = compounds
        # create a job that can be run by COSMO-RS
        my_job = CRSJob(settings=settings)
        # run the job
        out =
        # convert all the results into a python dict
        res = out.get_results()
        # retain profiles and charge density values
        self.tot_profiles = res["profil"]
        self.hb_profiles  = res["hbprofil"]
        self.chdens       = res["chdval"]

    def calc_standard_moments(self,max_power=3):
        for i in range(max_power+1):
            tmp_moms = []
            for prof in self.tot_profiles:
                tmp_moms.append( np.sum(prof*np.power(self.chdens,i)) )
            self.moments["MOM_"+str(i)] = tmp_moms

    def calc_hb_moments(self):
        self.moments["MOM_hb_acc"] = []
        self.moments["MOM_hb_don"] = []
        zeros = np.zeros(len(self.chdens))
        for prof in self.hb_profiles:
            self.moments["MOM_hb_acc"].append(np.sum( prof * np.maximum(zeros,self.chdens-self.hb_cutoff) ))
            self.moments["MOM_hb_don"].append(np.sum( prof * np.maximum(zeros,-self.chdens-self.hb_cutoff) ))

# the files we want to use to calculate sigma moments
filenames = ["Water.coskf", "Hexane.coskf","Ethanol.coskf","Acetone.coskf"]

sm = SigmaMoments(filenames)
moms = sm.calculate_moments()
max_mom_len = max([len(m) for m in moms])

print( (" "*5).join(["Moment".ljust(max_mom_len)]+filenames))
lens = [len(fn) for fn in filenames]
for mom_name in moms:
    print( (" "*5).join([mom_name.ljust(max_mom_len)]+[('{0:.5g}'.format(m)).rjust(l) for m,l in zip(moms[mom_name],lens)]))




A. Klamt, COSMO-RS From Quantum Chemistry to Fluid Phase Thermodynamics and Drug Design, Elsevier. Amsterdam (2005), ISBN 0-444-51994-7.